Two Lawsuits Accuse Merck of Lying about Vaccine Effectiveness
By Dr. Mercola
Things aren’t going so well lately in the litigation department for Merck, which stands accused of lying according to not just one, […]
By Dr. Mercola
Things aren’t going so well lately in the litigation department for Merck, which stands accused of lying according to not just one, […]
by Barbara Loe Fisher
“I never thought this would turn into the mess it turned into.” – State Senator Kevin Mullin (R-Rutland), co-sponsor of a […]
by The Chalkboard Campaign
There has never been a single study of the current vaccine schedule
Think combined doses of vaccines have been tested? They haven’t. […]
Health Impact News Editor Comments: Becky Estepp, the parent of a child with autism and the communications director for Elizabeth Birt Center for Autism Law & […]
By Dr. Mercola
Emerging markets — primarily in developing countries in Southeast and Central Asia, and Africa — have been on vaccine makers’ radar for […]
by Dr. Mercola
All across the United States, people are fighting for their right not to be injected with vaccines against their will.
Currently, the Colorado […]
by Dr. Mercola
Naomi Snell, a 28-year-old woman in Melbourne, Australia, is leading a class-action civil lawsuit against drug maker Merck after suffering […]
by Barbara Loe Fisher
National Vaccine Information Center
During this season of remembrance and thanksgiving, I am grateful for the blessings that I have had […]
There is plenty of confusion on the topic of vaccination, especially amongst brainwashed doctors who trusted their medical schools. Then the unsuspecting, trusting public trusts them…because the medical establishment must know best, right? And doctors are nice people, trying to do a good thing. True. I was once one of those brainwashed doctors who believed in the benevolence of the medical system and believed that all I learned was the best that modern times had to offer. It is blazingly clear to me now though, that much of what is taught in medical school is enormously limited. I now see that most doctors are little more than blind slave-technicians who follow the dogma they were taught and were rewarded for repeating, even as the truth unfolds in front of them dictating otherwise.
Dr. Suzanne Humphries, a practicing nephrologist (kidney physician) says the vaccine industry isn’t giving people both sides of the story, and parents need to […]
After months of tests in the hospital (he stayed there) we were summoned in to an office to be told that they didn't know why my baby was deteriorating, but they estimate he will pass away within a couple of months. Soon after I took my baby home to die.
by Dr. Mercola
Recently the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, held an invitation-only call.
The call was co-sponsored by the U.S. Health and […]
by Dr. Mercola
During a Republican debate in Tampa, Florida, presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota) alleged that campaign contributions from drug company Merck—the […]
by Dr. Mercola
In 1988, the first conjugate vaccine was approved for use in the U.S.
It was intended to protect infants and young children against […]
by National Vaccine Information Center
Today, NVIC sent out a press release citing the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) for engaging in intimidation in […]
By Paul Sims
Mail Online
They were told the vaccine had few side-effects and would protect their daughter from cervical cancer.
But Steve and Pauline Hinks are […]
Dr. Sherri J Tenpenny discusses the research and science behind vaccine safety.
Saying NO To Vaccines
By Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
You have legal options!
More Info
By Dr. Mercola
Common sense would suggest that, if we are giving our children more than five dozen vaccinations from day of birth to […]
By Dr. Mercola
Pertussis vaccine in the combination DPT shot for diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis that is supposed to prevent whooping cough has been associated with […]
By Dr. Mercola
Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS) is not contagious.
It is an autoimmune disorder that develops when a person’s own immune system attacks and […]