Fighting Forced Vaccination in America in 2014: 58 Bills in 24 States Threatening Right to Refuse Vaccines

Big Pharma's vaccine products are a huge failure. But since the Pharmaceutical industry is one of the largest sponsors of the dying mainstream media, and since they also have more lobbyists than any other industry influencing U.S. government policy, they continue to grow their market. Consider the vaccine market today in America: 1. U.S. law protects vaccine manufacturers from any liability due to faulty vaccines, or damages and deaths caused by them. So many people were suffering or even dying from vaccine injuries in the 1980s, that Big Pharma basically blackmailed Congress by threatening to stop manufacturing vaccines if legislation was not passed to protect them from lawsuits. So now vaccine pushers have a blank check to put as many vaccines into the market, regardless of the consequences. 2. Research to develop new vaccines is largely funded by tax-payer dollars. The NIH and probably other government agencies hold patents and earn royalties on vaccines. 3. The largest purchaser of vaccines is the government, both the U.S. government and the United Nations through UNICEF which distributes vaccines free of charge around the world. What a great business to be in! You don't need consumers to be on board and be willing to purchase the products - the government hands you a turn-key multi-billion dollar market. It also doesn't matter if the vaccines don't work, such as the failed pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine. No problem. Keep selling them until they can develop a new one to replace it. It's a risk-free lucrative market! But they're not satisfied. If you read the market reports for the pharmaceutical industry, they are not happy about blockbuster drugs having their patents run out and allowing cheap generics to enter to the market, like what happened with the popular drug Lipitor. So vaccines are seen as the key market area for growth, as we recently reported regarding new cancer vaccines that are in the pipeline. There is one massive problem standing in their way, however, threatening their march forward and potential complete market dominance: parental choice and anti-vaccine parents (a growing segment of the population). But they have a strategy for that too: pass legislation at the state level to remove parental choice. The only way they can really increase their market among children is through forced vaccination, against the will of parents. So here is the National Vaccine Information Center to update us all on 58 bills in 24 states. If you don't act, you may soon lose your ability to choose to refuse vaccines.

5 Families Sue Big Pharma in France for Vaccine Damages to Children

Here is a story that originates from the French media about 5 families with vaccine-damaged children suing the drug manufacturers for vaccine damages. The parents of the five families who contend that vaccines caused their children’s disabilities have joined forces to take GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer and Sanofi to court in hopes that the courts will acknowledge the side effects of vaccines and award compensation to their disabled children. You will not, of course, ever read a story like this in the U.S. mainstream press for the simple reason that families cannot sue drug manufacturers for damages due to vaccines - it is against the law. There were so many lawsuits due to vaccine damages and deaths in the 1980s, that Big Pharma blackmailed Congress by threatening to get out of the vaccine business (which is exactly what should have happened if there were truly a free market in the U.S. where failed products and companies were allowed to fail) unless they were given legal protection from ALL lawsuits. So Congress gave Big Pharma total legal immunity to any harm due to vaccines back in 1986, and the U.S. Supreme Court upheld that law in 2011. Instead, the U.S. law has set up a special "vaccine court" funded by taxes consumers pay on the vaccines. The U.S. Government has attorneys that fight on behalf of the government not to pay damages for vaccine injuries and death. But they have paid out millions of dollars in damages nevertheless, even though the mainstream media seldom reports this.

Study: Hepatitis B Vaccine Damages The Liver

Startling new research published in the journal Apoptosis indicates that hepatitis B vaccine, which is designed to prevent Hepatitis B virus-induced damage to the liver, actually causes liver cell destruction. In the study, researchers found the hepatitis B vaccine induced a "loss of mitochondrial integrity, apoptosis induction, and cell death" in liver cells exposed to a low dose of adjuvanted hepatitis B vaccine. The adjuvant used was aluminum hydroxide, which is increasingly being identified as a contributing cause of autoimmune disease in immunized populations.

Forbes: How Flu Shots Became Big Sales Booster For Walgreens, CVS

Last year we reported how routine flu shots were given out in the big chain drug stores like Walgreens and CVS, even though the flu shots have package inserts which lists severe side effects, and encourages people to discuss certain health conditions with a physician prior to receiving a flu vaccine. The package insert for this year's High-Dose vaccine for seniors, for example, reveals that 23 seniors died during the drug trials. We also previously reported that the flu vaccine is the most dangerous vaccine in the United States, based on actual payments made by the government to vaccine injuries and deaths. Flu vaccine damages that are awarded to the victims total more than all other vaccines combined. Nevertheless, since 2009 pharmacists, not physicians or nurses, can now administer to the flu vaccine to anyone walking into a national pharmacy chain store like Walgreens or CVS. This has resulted in a cash boom for these large corporations.

Why is the CDC and FDA Still Recommending the Failed Whooping Cough Vaccine?

2013 was the year the CDC and FDA finally admitted there were problems with the pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine. When cases of whooping cough spiked in 2012, the media and medical community was quick to rush in and blame unvaccinated children. The data, however, could not support that claim. In 2013, there were two major research papers published documenting the failure of the pertussis vaccine. I don't believe the first one, published in early 2013, received any mainstream media exposure at all, while the second one, later in the year, was back-page news. However, both of these studies should have been headline stories. The first one showed how pertussis was becoming vaccine-resistant, while the second, published by the FDA, showed that those vaccinated for whooping cough still carried around the virus and spread it to others. So both the CDC and the FDA were aware in 2013 that the whooping cough vaccine was not effective, and yet it is still part of the vaccine schedule. Why?

With so Many Vaccine Injuries, Why does the Government Claim that Vaccines are “Safe and Effective”?

The fact that vaccines are dangerous is something that should never be disputed, as the data is overwhelming and the U.S. government concedes cases of vaccine injuries and deaths every year in vaccine court. We have published these statistics at Health Impact News. Since drug manufacturers have complete legal immunity in the U.S. from any damages or deaths due to vaccines, the true cases of vaccine damages almost never make it into the mainstream media. When someone dares to publish a true story of vaccine damage, as Katie Couric did last December when she interviewed families who were injured or suffered death due to the Gardasil vaccine, they are immediately vilified for daring to oppose the general consensus of the medical community. In the case of Couric, she came out and apologized and had to bring on the government Assistant Surgeon General to give the standard view that vaccines are safe. In this excellent article by Markus Heinze, he explains how the pharmaceutical companies are able to continue getting approval to put more dangerous vaccines in the market by showing their own studies that supposedly are proving they are "safe and effective" are not even tested against true placebos. This is basic scientific information that the mainstream media has no interest in covering, so read it here and learn.

Mississippi Parents say it’s time for the state to allow parents to have the legal right to select, delay or opt out of vaccines

Mississippi Parents for Vaccine Rights says it’s time for the state to allow parents to have the legal right to select, delay or opt out of vaccines. About 30 members of the group rallied [January 22nd] at the state Capitol in an effort to push for a bill this year to allow exceptions to the state’s immunization law. Mississippi doesn’t allow philosophical or religious exemptions from immunizations. “There are 48 states that allow that right,” said Mary Jo Perry of Pelahatchie, co-director of Parents for Vaccine Rights. Currently, the only way parents have of getting around the vaccines required to enter school is to homeschool their children. Perry and others in the group said they aren’t anti-vaccine; instead, they are concerned about the rapid, piggy-back schedule of the vaccines. “Some parents would like to slow it down,” Perry said of the vaccination schedule. “We want to have that option.” Perry said her son suffered a grand mal seizure, which she said she believes it was due to a vaccination since it occurred within hours of her son getting the shot. She said it is difficult to get a waiver for health reasons from the vaccinations. Lindey Magee, co-director of Mississippi Parents for Vaccine Rights, said the group has heard from some parents who won’t move to the state because of the lack of a vaccine exception in law.

Flu Shot for Pregnant Women? CDC Covers Up Influenza Vaccine-Related Fetal Deaths

CDC Misleads Nations Ob/Gyns -Covering-up The Most Massive Fetal Death Reports Associated With The Influenza Vaccine in the History of Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) Dr. Gary Goldman’s study on the 4,250% spike in fetal death reports during the 2009/10 H1N1 “pandemic” was originally rejected by the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology (AJOG), who is charged by the National Coalition of Organized Women (NCOW) as complicit in a massive cover-up and manipulation of data associated with the 2009/10 flu season fetal deaths. This report is now available free to the public. Subsequently published in the Human & Experimental Toxicology Journal (HET), as a Sage choice study, the Goldman study is now listed in Pub med as a free PMC article. Despite an apparent trail of documented collusion and misconduct amongst the CDC, AJOG (Elsevier) and 9 non-profits including the March of Dimes, this alarmingly poor outcome of the 2009/10 H1N1 vaccine experiment on the fetuses of pregnant women was successfully covered up by the CDC until Goldman exposed the statistics, documenting the harm in his recent publication. Dr. Marie McCormick, chairperson of the CDC’s H1N1 Vaccine Safety Risk and Assessment Working Group (VSRAWG) testified, and submitted deceptive reports to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), contending no unusual signals nor adverse outcomes in the pregnant population during the 2009/10 public experiments on pregnant women. However, pressed by the NCOW statistics extracted from the government’s own data, Dr. Shimabukuro of the Centers of Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) corroborated the NCOW data in a public presentation (slide 20) in Atlanta, Georgia, in October of 2010. This contradiction to Dr.McCormick’s testimony evidences that the CDC indeed knew of the increasing level in fetal-loss reports, in near real time. Yet the CDC failed to immediately notify the nation’s Ob/Gyns, who, uninformed, continued to double-dose their pregnant patients with the fetal-fatal flu shots that collectively delivered up to 50 micrograms of mercury. Due to the success of this well-orchestrated cover up and the complicity of the non-profits and AJOG, pregnant women are now pressured to get 4 vaccine doses, (Flu, TDaP) and thereafter are mandated to give up to 49 vaccine doses to their surviving children in order for them to attend school.

Nurse Fired for Refusing Flu Shot Sues Hospital, Federal and State Governments for $100,000,000

Nurses all across the United States are having their Constitutional rights trampled upon for refusing mandatory flu vaccinations. As we have previously reported, thousands of nurses across the United States are taking a stand against forced flu vaccinations, choosing to either lose their job as a result, or endure shame and ridicule for being forced to wear a mask while on duty during flu season. It was only a matter of time before some of these nurses began taking legal action to protect their rights. Some litigation began last year, but details are not available publicly. Dr. Karen Sullivan Sibert, herself a pro-vaccine doctor, wrote an opinion piece explaining how requiring nurses to wear masks for refusing the flu vaccination violates HIPAA law for patient privacy. In addition to the violation of personal rights, the CDC published a study in 2013 showing that vaccination of healthcare workers with the seasonal flu vaccine offered no significant measurable protection of patients from the flu. And as we have reported here at Health Impact News, the flu vaccine is not without risk. The governments own data on settled cases due to vaccine injuries show that the flu vaccine causes more serious injuries, including death, than all other vaccines combined. Now, the Law Offices of James Elsman has issued a press release stating that they have a client who is a nurse that has lost her job due to refusing the flu vaccination, and she has filed a class action suit for one hundred million dollars against the hospital that fired her, as well as the state and federal governments. It should be noted that the new Affordable Health Care Act (Obamacare) has mandated that healthcare facilities must have 90% of their employees vaccinated with the flu vaccine to receive full reimbursements of Medicare and Medicaid payments.

Are Unvaccinated People Being Wrongly Blamed for New Outbreaks that are due to Faulty Vaccines?

Almost every time an outbreak of a disease occurs in the U.S. for which a vaccine exists, people who refuse vaccines are automatically blamed for the outbreaks. Unfortunately, this blame is based on belief in doctrine more than on data and science. Most of the world's top vaccine manufacturers are based out of the U.S. and heavily invest in advertising in the mainstream media. Therefore, questioning the effectiveness of vaccines is seldom, if ever, covered in the U.S. media. So once again, we turn to media outside the U.S. to find news questioning the effectiveness of vaccines. I am not referring to the alternative media that takes an anti-vaccine stance (as we do), but pro-vaccine mainstream media that generally accepts the standard dogma regarding vaccines, but notices they don't always work as advertised, and actually report on it. Two studies were published this past week, one in Europe and one in Australia, reporting how whooping cough and measles outbreaks were occurring in populations of those already vaccinated.