Vaccine Injury Law: What to Do If You or Your Daughter Suspect Premature Ovarian Failure Due to the HPV Vaccine

Claims that the Gardasil HPV vaccine can cause premature ovarian failure have been a hot topic of late in the news. If you or your daughter has received the Gardasil HPV the first thing you should do is to see if there has been any damage. Premature ovarian failure occurs when the ovaries stop working. Generally, any woman who has ovarian failure before the age of 40 is considered “premature.” The younger you are the more rare the diagnosis. A woman with premature ovarian failure is very likely to have extremely irregular or no periods at all, infertility problems and menopause-like symptoms. If you or a loved one have received a vaccination of any kind and suffered an adverse reaction including the Gardasil HPV and premature ovarian failure or any other illness, you can take legal action.

FDA Pertussis Vaccine Study Shatters Illusion of Vaccine-Induced Immunity

Recent vaccine research again reveals the gulf between what you’re told about vaccines—how they work and how effective they are at preventing infectious disease—versus what is truly known about naturally acquired and vaccine acquired immunity. Nearly a century after the release of the whooping cough (B. pertussis) vaccine, mounting evidence suggests that widespread mandated use of the vaccine could potentially be doing more harm than good in the long term—in addition to having been found lacking in the effectiveness. New research suggests that while the vaccine may keep people from getting sick, it doesn’t prevent them from spreading whooping cough — also known as pertussis — to others. This may partly explain recent outbreaks of whooping cough among the highly vaccinated U.S. population, in which 95 percent of children have received at least five doses of pertussis vaccine between two months and six years old. The media and the pharmaceutical companies continue to blame whooping cough outbreaks on the small minority of the population that are not vaccinated, but the data does not support this.

6248 Permanent Injuries and 144 Deaths Following Gardasil HPV Vaccine: Coincidence or Scandal?

As of November 2013 there have been 31,741 adverse effects, including 6248 permanent injuries and 144 deaths recorded following Gardasil vaccines. Pharmaceutical companies which make the vaccine, as well as the Department of Health and Human Services which holds patents and earns profits from the vaccine, say that they are all a coincidence. The mainstream media is even worse: they are in denial that these events are even happening. Watch this short video and listen to the stories of girls who have become disabled and died, and ask yourself why their stories are not being told, and why the mainstream media is trying to censor them as much as possible.

CDC Finally Acknowledges Real Lyme Disease Rates to Create Market for New Vaccine

For the first time in 2013 the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reversed their position on Lyme disease and admitted that the number of Lyme disease sufferers could be over 300,000 people. This is 10 times more than are reported each year, and reverses what the CDC has claimed for many years now, that Lyme disease can last longer than the recommended 2 to 4 weeks of antibiotics. So why this sudden reversal in reporting about Lyme disease? Jessica Bernstein of wrote an excellent article on this story representing the Lyme disease community blowing the whistle on corruption in the CDC regarding Lyme disease. She points out that the announcement by the CDC that Lyme disease is much greater than previously reported coincides with the release of a new Baxter Lyme vaccine.

U.S. Military Starts Producing Vaccines: New Billion Dollar Experimental Vaccine Market?

The U.S. military is getting into the vaccine business. And why not? Pharmaceutical companies are desperate to develop new products to recover lost profits from expiring patents on block-buster drugs. Having the U.S. Military purchase vaccines that are not even FDA approved for "biodefense" purposes is a brilliant marketing scheme. Too bad it also subjects our fine men and women in uniform to be guinea pigs in a great billion dollar vaccine experiment! A recently released 122 page report, which was published in 2009 but never released to the media or shared with Congress, states that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is on track to spend billions of dollars "to create flu vaccines and specialized medicines to protect military personnel from germ warfare agents." Wow, what a great market for the pharmaceutical companies! They get to use your tax dollars funneled through HHS to develop new vaccines, and then your tax dollars are used again to purchase those vaccines and distribute to our military, who become basically test lab rats to help them find the next block buster vaccine or drug to unleash on the general population, of whom they have complete legal immunity if anything does go wrong and a bad product gets into the market. It's a win, win, win market for the pharmaceutical industry, and a lose, lose, lose way of life for the U.S. military and American public.

Utah Health Official Bans Gardasil Vaccine

The Salt Lake Tribune is reporting today that the physician who directs Utah's Southwest Public Department of Health has decided to exclude the Gardasil HPV vaccine in public health clinics. Given the fact that national talk show host Katie Couric just aired a program this week calling Gradasil "controversial," for which she was widely criticized and attacked by mainstream media who were claiming there was "no controversy" regarding Gardasil, this story breaking in Utah today suggests that even in the U.S., physician support for Gardasil is not as unanimous as the mainstream media would like you to believe. And this is not even "new" news in Utah, as "The decision to exclude the vaccine from its public health clinics in Beaver, Iron, Garfield, Kane and Washington counties was made years ago...." Dr. David Blodgett, the director of the Department of Health gave the reasons why they are not stocking the controversial Gardasil vaccine in the Salt Lake Tribune: "The backlash and sentiment against it was strong enough that there’s no reason to go there. No one wants it and it’s too expensive when we’re not funded to provide it." Blodgett cites other problems with Gardasil, namely that it was fast-tracked through the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and a belief that its benefits were oversold by drug maker Merck. "The science wasn’t good... We had physicians in our community arguing that we not make it available," said Blodgett. So this is not a lone doctor crusader expressing doubts about Gardasil, but a reflection of many physicians in the community.

Mainstream Media Attacks Katie Couric for Publishing Truth on Gardasil Vaccine

Popular news broadcaster Katie Couric interviewed the mother of a young lady who died after receiving the Gardasil vaccine, as well as one of the lead doctors who conducted clinical trials for Merck on her day-time talk show Wednesday December 4th. She also interviewed another mother and daughter who have been affected by the vaccine. That a major network allowed something negative about vaccines to be aired is quite rare. If you visit the Katie Couric website to read about the show, however, you will find nothing in print that is negative regarding the Gardasil vaccine, but instead you will find an article by a physician recommending the vaccine, as well as links to the CDC which of course is pro-vaccine. The issues communicated in the show regarding the Gardasil vaccine, which are readily available online, are probably less significant than how the mainstream media responded to the show. Attacks on Katie Couric for talking to a parent of a child who died from vaccine injuries, and a physician who was involved in bringing the vaccine to market, clearly shows the mainstream media bias and censorship that still exists regarding vaccines. If you read the hit pieces being written against Katie Couric today, you would have to assume that she was standing up for mass murders. Yet, all Couric did was to ask a simple question: Is the HPV vaccine safe? According to Michael Hiltzik of the LA Times, "Merely to ask the questions is to validate them." The topic of vaccines are exempt from regular investigative journalism, and if you ask the wrong questions, expect to be attacked just for asking the question. The public does not deserve such information – journalists know better.

If HPV vaccines were consumer goods would they still be on the market?

by Stephen Tunley
SaneVax, Inc.

The latest statistics from the USA’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) statistics concerning the serious side effects and deaths associated […]

The Vaccine Bubble

Michael Belkin is an extremely gifted vaccine advocate, and one of the co-authors of the book we feature below: Vaccine Epidemic. Michael lost his first child when she died at 5 weeks old after receiving the Hepatitis B vaccine. He is a gifted musician and writes his own music warning people about the dangers of vaccines which can be heard at, where he also runs a very successful and popular blog. But Michael's "day job" is earning a living from financial counseling. His advice is highly sought after, and he has appeared and been interviewed on many of the financial networks. Therefore, if there is one person who can clearly articulate the business side of vaccine marketing, that person would be Michael Belkin. Michael coined the term "Vaccine Bubble," and in this article he clearly explains why the vaccine market parallels so many other false markets that were propped up by unsound economic principles, particularly government intervention that prevents a normal free market financial swings based on consumer demand. Could the vaccine bubble, and along with it the entire U.S. healthcare system, be the biggest financial bubble our country has ever seen? Is it doomed to fail?

Truth In Media: Vaccine Court and Autism Cover-up Exposed

Emmy Award winning journalist Ben Swann covers the vaccine-autism cover-up in the U.S. in the best 10 minute video I have ever seen on the subject. Are we beginning to see cracks in the national mainstream media's censorship on the vaccine issue? You will want to watch the entire 10 and a half minutes of this brilliantly produced piece of investigative journalism, as he clearly explains the facts of how the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (Vaccine Court) works, and how the government can get away with claiming that vaccines do not cause autism.