FAIL: Infant Hep B Vaccines Perform Shamefully; Time To End Them?

An eye-opening new study published in the Journal of Viral Hepatitis reveals that conventional hepatitis B vaccine, and hepatitis B immunoglobulin-based treatment for infants of mothers who tested positive for hepatitis B infection, is nothing near "95% effective in preventing infection and its chronic consequences" that the World Health Organization (WHO) and a myriad of health organizations around the world claim it to be. To the contrary, researchers were able to detect through highly sensitive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) DNA testing that 42% of the infants still had 'occult' hepatitis B infection, 24 months after initiating treatment at birth, despite the fact that the vaccine reduced the incidence of overt infection. In the researchers' own words: "The results of this large prospective longitudinal study show that 42% of babies born of HBsAg-positive mothers develop occult HBV infection, which is not prevented by administration of recombinant HBV vaccine to the newborn." This study not only clearly calls into question the standard of care for preventing hepatitis B infection in infants born to infected mothers, but it also challenges core tenets of vaccinology, including hepatitis B vaccine safety and effectiveness.

An Honest Look at the Historical Evidence that Vaccines Eliminated Diseases

Medical history books, almost uniformly extol the virtues of vaccination. Upon reading these books, one is left with the impression that during the 1800s and into the 1900s, there were rampant plagues that killed countless scores of people and that, because of vaccines, this is no longer the case. This is certainly what we believed growing up, and most people we talk to have a similar impression. It generally permeates society as an established fact. The problem with these statements is that they are not supported by the evidence.

Princeton University Seeks to Use Students in Unapproved Vaccine Trial

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny shares some facts regarding the meningitis "outbreak" at Princeton University, and the dangers associated with the unapproved vaccine that is being proposed to be tested on students. With only 7 cases of meningitis in 9 months at Princeton, is this simply a marketing ploy by vaccine manufacturer Novartis to get their vaccine into the billion dollar U.S. vaccine market, at the expense of using Princeton University students as unsuspecting drug trial participants?

Bill Gates Funded Company Can Now Track Your Vaccine Status via Fingerprint

Earlier this week VaxTrac, a non-profit organization supported by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, announced it's new "Lumidigm multispectral imaging fingerprint sensors" were being used to build a biometric vaccination registry. The device is currently being used to build vaccine registries in some of the world's poorest countries: Kenya, Uganda, Zambia and Benin. The new device is operated and managed in the field with low-cost mobile devices. Adult and child patients are identified in the registry with fingerprint sensors. By scanning finger prints, medical professionals can pull up their vaccination records with the touch of a finger. Will this technology be used in the U.S. to develop national vaccine registries as pharmaceutical companies look to expand their vaccine markets?

Vaccination During Pregnancy: Is It Safe?

In decades past, women were as a general rule told to avoid toxic exposures during pregnancy, such as cigarette smoke, alcohol, household cleaning products, radiation, medications and other toxic exposures. Today, pregnant women face a set of difficult questions and choices about keeping themselves and their babies healthy, as they’re increasingly being told to get a variety of vaccines during pregnancy. In 2006, the CDC strengthened recommendations that all pregnant women, healthy or not, should get a flu shot in any trimester. As of 2011, a pertussis-containing Tdap shot is also recommended for all pregnant women. The time-honored rule of avoiding any potential toxic exposure that might interfere with the normal development of the fetus has been suspended and replaced with an assumption that vaccination during pregnancy is safe. There’s absolutely NO sound science backing the assumption that vaccination during pregnancy is safe. On the contrary, there is a lack of available science and testing in this area.

Group in Japan Seeks Ban on HPV Vaccines

The Nationwide Liaison Association of Cervical Cancer Vaccine Victims and Parents in Japan, assisted by some of Japan’s best medical scientists, and a few politicians with strong morals are doing everything they can to get HPV vaccines banned from their country. These people see Gardasil and Cervarix as vaccines with an unacceptable safety profile and very little proven benefit. Japanese safety advocates have already succeeded in getting their government officials to order both manufacturers (Merck and GlaxoSmithKline) to change the HPV vaccine package inserts to include stronger safety warnings to medical consumers regarding the possibility of ADEM, Guillain-Barre and neurological problems. Unfortunately, that is not enough. The citizens of Japan are tired of watching their young girls suffer from convulsions, seizures, partial paralysis, severe pain and a host of new medical conditions after being subjected to HPV vaccinations and are now publicly petitioning the ban of HPV vaccinations in Japan.

Gardasil: The Worst Thing That Ever Happened to Me

My name is Julie and I am 26 years old. I have remained fairly quiet since being vaccinated by Gardasil because talking about the damage it has done is very difficult. The pain inside that it has caused is so extreme that it has been easier for me to try to forget Gardasil ever existed. For the past two years, I have tried to pretend that my life was not stolen from me and to forget that I was poisoned. Unfortunately, I can’t forget because every day I am reminded when I wake up that I am living a real-life nightmare. I have chosen to speak out because every day I learn of another girl suffering unexplainable health problems. Her diagnosis is to be told she is crazy or that there is no way to help her. What is the link between me and thousands of these girls? Gardasil.

Senior Nursing Student Dismissed After Objecting to Instructors Promoting Manipulation and Misleading Information to Coerce Parents that Deny Vaccines

As we reported here in the past, our nation is losing our top nurses due to the vaccine issue, specifically forced flu vaccinations. Intelligent nurses who are knowledgeable of the risks of the flu vaccine are choosing to lose their jobs as opposed to complying to mandatory flu vaccines, which have been shown to be ineffective in protecting patients to begin with. Now, some of our brightest young potential nurses are being culled out of nursing school simply for questioning the ethics involved in trying to coerce people into accepting vaccines against their will.

7 Most Disgusting Ingredients Used to Make Vaccines

Parents have the right to understand what is being put into their child’s body. The production of vaccines uses many disgusting ingredients. Additionally, the components used during the manufacturing process may violate your personal, religious, or ethical beliefs. As you read this list, understand cell lines and vaccines do become contaminated. This is often hidden under the term “adventitious agents." The list: #1: Cells From Aborted Fetus, #2: Serum From Aborted Calf Fetus Blood, #3: Cells From Armyworms, #4: Cells From Monkey Kidneys, #5: Cells From Dog Kidneys, #6: Mouse Brain, #7: Chicken Embryos

Vitamin D Proven More Effective Than Both Anti-Viral Drugs and Vaccines At Preventing The Flu

The risk of children suffering from flu can be reduced by 50% if they take vitamin D, doctors in Japan have found. The finding has implications for flu epidemics since vitamin D, which is naturally produced by the human body when exposed to direct sunlight, has no significant side effects, costs little and can be several times more effective than anti-viral drugs or vaccines according to research in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.