Japan Halts HPV Vaccine and Begins Full-Scale Probe over Safety Issues

Japanese health officials have recorded nearly 2,000 adverse reactions—hundreds of them serious—in girls who got a dangerous U.S. government-backed cervical cancer vaccine that’s also been linked to thousands of debilitating side effects in this country. The alarming reports have led Japan’s government to take action, suspending recommendation for the controversial vaccine which is billed as a miracle shot that can prevent certain strains of cervical cancer caused by Human Papillomavirus (HPV). The U.S. government has taken the opposite approach amid equally alarming cases of serious side effects. Not only does the Obama administration continue recommending the vaccine (Gardasil), it spends large sums of taxpayer dollars promoting it and works hard to keep details involving its dangers secret.

Are Exotic New Flu Vaccines for 2013 Safe?

The US Institute of Medicine disregards the thousands of adverse event reports for flu shots. Big Pharma has some exotic new flu products for fall 2013, including quadrivalent (four-in-one) vaccines produced using dog kidney cells (Flucelvax) and army worm cells (Flublok). Researchers are also closer to developing what they believe will be a “universal” flu shot that will protect against every new strain of the disease, though its implementation will be at least five years off. We need to tell the Institute of Medicine to consider the thousands of adverse event reports that doctors have filed about flu vaccines. How can we make flu shots safer if we ignore the problems they’ve already caused?

High Court Orders Two Sisters Must Receive MMR Vaccine Even Though They and Their Mother Do not Want It

A judge in the U.K. has ruled that two children, ages 15 and 11, must be forced to receive the MMR vaccine even though they and their mother do not want it. The judge stated: "I am aware that this is against the girls' wishes but that that it is not the only factor," she wrote. "The court also has to consider their level of understanding of the issues involved and what factors have influenced their views. I do not consider there is a balanced level of understanding by them of the issues involved."

Rabies Vaccine Dropped from the Sky

There are only 2-4 human rabies cases in the US each year, but annual prevention costs are more than $300 million. The Texas Department of Health is using helicopters to spread 100,000 rabies vaccines for skunks in the wilderness; other states have also conducted similar vaccination efforts. No one knows if such programs are effective or if the indiscriminate spreading of a pharmaceutical product into the environment is going to have any unforeseen consequences to wildlife or the surrounding ecosystem.

Study: Key Markers Identified in Children that Make them Susceptible to Autism when Mercury is Present in Vaccines

One of the real tragedies in vaccine damaged children is that because the U.S. Government denies any link in vaccines causing autism, no research is ever conducted to find out why certain children suffer from autism after being vaccinated, even when the Vaccine Court rules in their favor. So as a result, the vaccines causing the problem continue to be marketed to all children, and the rate of autism continues to climb. The government and medical system wants you to believe that vaccines are safe for everyone, and they refuse to examine or research why some children react differently to vaccines. So research like this one published recently in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health must be done with private funds and no help from the government. This study has identified key markers that make certain children more susceptible to the toxic effects of mercury in vaccines, which could help doctors determine who should be receiving certain vaccines, and who should not due to increased risk. Sadly, you are not likely to read this in the mainstream media, nor learn of it from your doctor.

CDC Vaccine Link to Autism Scandal: The Wrong Man was Condemned

If there is one issue regarding vaccines that the mainstream media joins together with one common voice, it is the claim that autism is linked to vaccines, particularly mercury contained in vaccines. The mainstream media accepts as fact, without even bothering to investigate, that this claim has been proven false, and that the man who supposedly invented this claim has now been condemned. That man who is now the scapegoat of the mainstream media around the world when the topic of autism and vaccines is discussed, is Dr. Andrew Wakefield. What the media never reports, however, is that Dr. Andrew Wakefield's study linking the MMR vaccine to autism was one of many studies showing the same link. The mainstream media also ignores the large amount of awards for damages being made to vaccine damaged children with autism in the U.S. Vaccine Court, or that other courts of law in other countries are ruling that vaccines cause autism and awarding damages to children with autism. There is one man that practically gets a free pass from exposure in mainstream media, however. This man is currently a fugitive and is somehow escaping capture better than the world's worst terrorists. That man is Dr. Poul Thorsen. Thorsen has been accused of stealing millions of dollars of CDC research money and fabricating studies that supposedly showed there was no link between mercury in vaccines and autism. And yet, the CDC still relies on this man's research to make the claim that there is no link between vaccines and autism. Now, perhaps unwittingly, the CDC has published new research that looks at the same data as the original Thorsen study claiming no link between mercury in vaccines and autism, and the results are contradictory. But don't expect to read any of this in the mainstream media. They have been wrongly condemning the wrong man for years now, and they are not in the habit of admitting their mistakes.

Flu Vaccines Sold by Marketing Fear, Not Because They Work: BMJ Report

The British Medical Journal (BMJ), one of the world’s most highly revered scientific medical publications, has published an article that condemns influenza vaccines and their marketing. Dr. Peter Doshi is a post-doctoral fellow at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, which is generally considered to be one of the world’s finest. His career is ahead of him, but this paper may have derailed it. We’ve seen what’s been done to the career of Dr. Andrew Wakefield, who was already a world-renowned researcher with impeccable credentials. Dr. Doshi cannot be unaware of that, so the only conclusion to be drawn is that he feels conscience-bound to tell the truth and to inform people of the fact that influenza vaccines are both dangerous and, if not entirely ineffective, certainly they provide only minuscule benefit.

India Questions Efficacy and Safety of HPV Vaccine Amid Allegations of Ethical Violations

Earlier this month we published a report from Christina England on a 43 page document produced by the Indian Parliament accuses the U.S. group PATH, funded in part by Bill Gates’ foundation, of committing illegal and improper activities in support of commercial interests in the development of the HPV vaccine in India, which reportedly led to the deaths of several young Indian girls. The U.S. mainstream media completely ignored this story. A couple weeks later, Anita Jain, the India Editor of the British Medical Journal, published her own comments on the ethical violations conducted in India in the development of Gardasil, and questioned the wisdom of rolling out the Gardasil vaccine to the entire country, citing safety and efficacy concerns. India has more deaths related to cervical cancer than any other country in the world, so if a vaccine could truly help, they would be eager to implement it. But they are not convinced, based on the science, that the vaccine is safe or that it works. Again, this information is not readily available in the U.S. mainstream media, which only presents the HPV vaccine in a positive light.

HPV Vaccines: My Journey Through Gardasil Injuries

I thought an ounce of prevention was worth a pound of cure. Little did I realize how my simple decision to add Gardasil to my cancer prevention strategy would result in so many new health conditions. Sometimes, I wish it were possible to get unvaccinated. Prior to Gardasil, I was an extremely healthy and active 26 year old woman and I had my whole life to look forward to. I received the first Gardasil shot in May 2008. Several days after that first injection, I returned to my doctor complaining of hand and joint pain, headaches and nausea. My doctor did not mention it could be the vaccine causing the pain and sent me to a specialist. The specialist could find nothing wrong with me. Months went on and I kept feeling intensely worn down, fatigued, had horrible headaches and just didn’t feel like myself. I received the second shot and again, I felt very flu-like. The pain radiating throughout my body felt like burning knives stabbing me in every muscle. The pain was like nothing I had ever felt in my life. Beyond just the pain, I started to develop a “foggy” feeling in my head. Everything seemed confusing. I had a hard time, putting words together and getting my thoughts out. Things kept getting worse. How did I go from a vibrant young woman full of life to a woman who felt trapped in a body that was quickly deteriorating? I never imagined that in one moment, in one injection, in one foolish decision, my life would change forever.

Flu Shot Causes Polio-like Guillain-Barré Syndrome: Are Rates Higher Than the Government Admits?

The seasonal flu vaccine causes Guillain-Barré Syndrome. The manufacturers of the vaccines and government health officials concede this fact. The only thing that is disputed is: how many people does it affect? There is credible evidence to suggest it is a lot more than what they are claiming.