Child Denied Education for Refusing Vaccines Despite Doctor’s Advice That Vaccines Could Kill Her

My doctor says vaccines could kill my daughter. NYS kicked her out of school because I won’t risk her life by vaccinating her. I have filed a lawsuit against a government that wants to put my six-year-old’s life at risk. Here is our story:

A Ruined Life from Gardasil

Alexis Wolf is now 20 years old. When she was 14 years old, she received her first injection of Gardasil. After the Gardasil vaccine, Alexis developed encephalopathy, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and a horrible seizure disorder that has yet to be controlled. Life literally changed overnight. Alexis’ inability to live independently will require lifelong care and assistance, something her family worries about all the time. Six years ago Alexis was a normal 14 year old. Starting to wear make-up and get interested in boys…working hard in school and enjoying honor roll. She had her whole life ahead of her and now she spends every day in a living hell filled with pain and misery, begging to be better, begging everyone to pray for her.

CDC Study: Mandatory Flu Vaccinations of Health Care Workers Offer NO Protection to Patients

Last year we saw an increase in healthcare facilities requiring nurses and other healthcare workers to receive mandatory flu vaccinations as a requirement for employment. We learned that new mandates for mandatory flu vaccinations of healthcare workers was tied into new requirements for Obamacare. Failure to meet certain percentages of a healthcare facility's employees as vaccinated for influenza jeopardized their federal reimbursement of Medicare and Medicaid funds. As a result, many of our nation's top nurses who are opposed to vaccinations lost their jobs, and many more face losing their jobs this year as well. We reported many of these brave nurses stories last year. Now, a recent meta-analysis study just published this month by the CDC reveals that flu vaccinations among healthcare workers offer no evidence of protection to the patients under their care! Predictably, the CDC still recommends flu shots for healthcare workers because "It's the best intervention we currently have, so we need to keep using it while working toward a better flu vaccine." So in other words, mandatory flu vaccinations of healthcare workers will continue, in spite of the lack of evidence that they work to protect patients. Read More.

Universal Flu Vaccine May Actually Make Flu Symptoms Worse

Studies show that the influenza vaccine is ineffective in the elderly and very young, and recent animal studies suggest that vaccinating against one strain of influenza may actually increase the risk of being infected with a related but different influenza strain. Recent research raises very important questions about the approach taken in the development of a universal flu vaccine, which targets the “stalk,” or non-mutating part of the virus. In 2009, researchers also noticed that people who had gotten a flu shot the previous year were MORE likely to succumb to the novel H1N1 strain, compared to those who had not received a flu shot the previous year. Infants born to mothers who received the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine lose their passively acquired immunity from their mothers two months sooner than those born to mothers who were naturally infected with measles. Instead of addressing the scientific evidence demonstrating vaccine risks and failures, UNICEF is focusing on public relations schemes to convince you not to pay attention to the available science.

CDC Study Shows Little or No Correlation Between Flu Vaccination Status and Confirmed Influenza Rates

A new study, funded by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and performed by researchers who receive research funding from the pharmaceutical corporation MedImmune, came up with results in an influenza vaccination study that can only be called confounding. Their results seem to demonstrate that there is little or no correlation between flu vaccination status and confirmed influenza rates. Nonetheless, they conclude that school children should be vaccinated for the flu.

The Dark Side of Gardasil – A Nightmare that Became Real

My name is Ashley Adair, and I have suffered for five years from the side effects of something I thought would help me. I received the Gardasil vaccine because the people and doctors all around me kept telling me “OH! This vaccine is the best thing to happen to the medical industry!” Of course my mom and I fell for it like many others. I want to let people know about the dark side of this vaccine. I am here to tell about what happened to me, so no girl or boy will have to go through the misery that I am going through.

Do Vaccines Cause Autism? The Corrupt Vaccine Injury Compensation Program

Why is there still a vaccine/autism controversy? Because families have been blocked from getting into a REAL court to prove that vaccines have caused their child's autism. The Canary Party presents a video on the corrupt Vaccine Injury Compensation Program to show how the federal government and pharmaceutical companies continue to get away with claiming that vaccines don't cause autism in the face of mounting evidence that they are doing just that in a growing number of children. This video shows how difficult it is to collect claims in the Vaccine Court, and that the U.S. government has a conflict of interest in allowing negative information about vaccines go public, since they hold many of the patents on vaccines and benefit financially.

New Minnesota Law Bans Cancer-Causing Formaldehyde in Children’s Toys, But Not in Childhood Vaccines

Lawmakers in the state of Minnesota have decided formaldehyde, a known cancer-causing agent, is too dangerous for children’s products. Products containing formaldehyde are banned from being sold starting August 1st, 2014, for manufacturers and August 1st, 2015, for retailers. But not for vaccines. So, how is formaldehyde banned in toys and clothes but permitted to still be in vaccines? The new Minnesota state law exempts vaccines.

HPV Vaccine: Israel Health Ministry Considers Canceling Vaccination Due to Side Effects

A new article published in the Israeli newspaper, Haaretz on September 3rd, 2013 said that the Israeli Health Ministry is re-evaluating the safety record of the HPV vaccine. The Center for the Biology of Chronic Disease (CBCD) urges American health officials to start their own re-evaluation.

CDC Deception: HPV First Vaccine Marketed to Prevent Cancer

With human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination rates far below targets, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is redoubling efforts to promote HPV vaccine as an ‘anti-cancer’ vaccine. Describing Gardasil or Cervarix, the two HPV vaccines, as ‘anti-cancer vaccines’ could be described as borderline fraudulent as they’ve never been proven to prevent cancer. The HPV vaccine only contains two strains of HPV associated with cancer, but there are about 15 of them known to potentially cause cancer; in most cases HPV infection does not become chronic or lead to cancer but rather naturally resolves on its own within two years. Deadly blood clots, acute respiratory failure, cardiac arrest and "sudden death due to unknown causes" have all occurred in girls after they've received the Gardasil vaccine. Routine pap smear testing is a far more rational and less dangerous strategy for cervical cancer prevention, as it can identify chronic HPV infection and may provide greater protection against development of cervical cancer than reliance on HPV vaccinations.