A Pox on the CDC’s Vaccination Agenda: The Rise of Herpes Zoster (Shingles)

Despite the largely politically- and economically-motivated immunization agenda of the CDC, there is a growing body of clinical research establishing that vaccination does not effectively 'improve upon' or 'replace' natural immunity in the way that the masses have been made to assume; to the contrary, there are now hundreds of diseases that have been linked to commonly administered childhood and adult vaccines; and when we say "linked" we don't mean anecdotally, but in the biomedical literature itself. It is therefore no surprise nor secret that the chickenpox vaccine has failed to live up to its promises. Even the CDC's Manual for the Surveillance of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases admits that "As vaccination rates have increased, the majority of varicella cases now occur among vaccinated persons." Wouldn't an effective chickenpox vaccine result in the majority of varicella cases occurring in non-vaccinated persons?

A Doctor’s Awakening on Flu Vaccines in Pregnancy

The flu vaccine is now being pushed on pregnant women, supposedly to protect their babies. As this doctor explains, nothing could be further from the truth. Skip the vaccine. Protect yourself and your baby with good health and a healthy immune system. You can’t fake it with a vaccine.

Dangerous Vaccines Found to Cause Symptoms of Shaken Baby Syndrome

Could vaccinations cause the “triad” of injuries associated with SBS? Parents have been blamed of child abuse if their child is diagnosed with the “triad” of injuries associated with Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) after receiving a vaccine. The “triad” includes bleeding inside the brain, bleeding behind the eyes and swelling or inflammation of the brain, but are these brain injuries really due to the vaccination and not to abuse?

Crack Down on Those Who Don’t Vaccinate? A Legal Response

Despite the fact that vaccines are neither completely safe nor completely effective, there are those who argue that people who contract infectious disease should be able to recover damages from unvaccinated people who spread it. This desire to hold liable families who are lawfully exercising religious freedom, while letting industry have almost complete liability protection seems peculiarly asymmetrical and unjust.

American Medical Association Opens The Flood Gates For New Vaccines and Drugs By Officially Declaring Obesity A Disease

The move by the American Medical Association board means that one-third of the U.S. adult population can now officially be diagnosed and treated with a flood of new drugs and vaccines which have been years in the making.

Japan Health Ministry no Longer Recommending HPV Vaccines due to Dangerous Side Effects

Earlier this year it was reported that Merck was bribing college girls to complete all three doses of the Gardasil vaccine (story here).

Cervix vaccine issues […]

Polio Vaccine Fails in India due to Polluted Drinking Water

A Bloomberg article reveals that the polio vaccine is a failure in India. The vaccine is ‘failing to work’ in kids getting as many as 15 doses of Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV) in one of the most expensive public health campaign flops in history ($9 billion).

Attorney Refutes Dr. Offit’s Vaccine Exemption Criticism

Pediatrician and pro-vaccine advocate Dr. Paul Offit, who once said a child can safely receive 10,000 vaccines at once, has spoken out repeatedly against vaccine religious exemptions, implying that his opinion is more important than the fundamental moral tenets of a variety of world religions.

Vaccine Legislative Update: The Police State is Knocking

The National Vaccine Information Center’s Advocacy Portal lists current vaccine bills throughout the U.S. Right now, it lists about 100 vaccine bills in 30+ states. Most of these bills, if passed into law, will further expand an already out-of-control pharmaceutical vaccine agenda that seeks to require more vaccines for more people while further restricting our right to refuse them.

150 Doctors and Scientists with Concerns About Vaccines Mainstream Media Never Interviews

While the media attacks Dr. Andrew Wakefield claiming he is the only doctor with concerns about vaccines and that he alone has caused millions of parents to lose faith in vaccinations, this assertion is demonstrably untrue. Rather, hundreds of scientists and doctors have voiced concerns and have published research investigating adverse reactions to vaccines and their components. Placing the blame for parental concerns on Dr. Andrew Wakefield is disingenuous at best and blatantly dishonest at worst. Parents have read the research themselves and this is why they are concerned. It is time for the media to do their job, read the research and talk with the hundreds of doctors and scientists who have expressed concerns. Not all the doctors or scientists listed here would want their names listed. They may not want to cast doubt on vaccines or they may fear for their jobs. But they have all either published research demonstrating a possible safety issue relating to vaccines or they have acknowledged publicly that vaccines do cause harm in some children.