Autism’s False Scientists

The science behind claims that autism has no association with vaccines is false. While this pseudo science is promoted, the autism rate keeps growing. The vaccine manufacturers are shielded from risk while lives are devastated … and the fake science goes on to support this regime.

“Police State” Registry System Being Set Up to Track Your Vaccination Status

The Centers for Disease Control has been quietly rolling out a nationwide program called the Immunization Information Systems (IIS), registering your vaccine information into a database. This effort has been run in parallel with state vaccine registry implementations. The CDC has openly stated that vaccine registries are a tool to identify areas of ‘undervaccination’ so that they can be ‘addressed’ and brought into ‘compliance.'

HPV Vaccine Linked to Rare Disease with No Known Cure

Kirstie was only 12 years old when she was diagnosed with a rare disorder for which there is no known cure, Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP). This happened just a little over a month after her second injection of Gardasil. She will live with this disorder for the rest of her life. Unfortunately, she is not alone. Since Gardasil was approved for use in the United States, there have been 682 reports of ITP after vaccine administration. 126 of these reports occurred after HPV vaccines. If all vaccines carried equal risk, there should only be 18 reports of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura after HPV vaccine use.

National Institute Halts HIV Vaccine Trial After Vaccine Found to Increase Rate of HIV

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases hated its HIV Vaccine Trials Network 505 "because it wasn't working." The trial demonstrated that the vaccine induced HIV infection rather than prevent it!

Researcher Honored for Work on Vaccine Autism Link

It is safe to say that in the last few years, researchers who dared question a vaccination policy or only mention vaccination and autism in the same sentence were certain to get a public and unrelenting flagellation. I was therefore overjoyed when the accomplishment of a distinguished researcher in that venue was recognized. It was certainly wonderful to hear that the Briloff Committee at Baruch College very recently awarded The Briloff Prize for 2012 to Dr. Gayle DeLong for her magnificent exposé titled "Conflicts of Interest in Vaccine Safety Research”.

Parent of Two Children in Dr. Andrew Wakefield Lancet Study Speaks Out

I, as a parent of two children in the Lancet study, have had to speak out about the vicious attacks on Dr. Andrew Wakefield by his own government, the US government and the media blaming him for the measles outbreak in Wales. It's time the spotlight was turned on Dr. Salisbury.

Should Pregnant Women Receive the Flu Vaccine?

How many studies do you need to ascertain whether it is safe to inject mercury into a pregnant woman?

New Study Links Aluminum Adjuvants in Vaccines with Neurological Disorders

Newly published research by Keele Conference scientists shows that aluminum adjuvant in vaccines transfers to the brain.

Governors from 27 States Team up with Hallmark Greeting Cards to Increase Vaccination Rates

One of the vaccination initiatives being used by twenty-seven states across the US is to send every new parent a “congratulations on the birth of your baby” card.

Vaccine Legislative Update: The Vaccine Police State is Knocking

There are six vaccine bills in each of 30+ states that now either require more vaccines for more people or further restrict our right to refuse them.