New Meningitis Vaccine Paralyzes 40 Children in Africa

by Christina England

The details of a vaccine campaign disaster that occurred last month in a north African country continue to unfold, while headlines of this […]

MMR Vaccine Caused Autism in Two Children According to Federal Vaccine Court

The federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, better known as "vaccine court," has just awarded millions of dollars to two children with autism for "pain and suffering" and lifelong care of their injuries, which together could cost tens of millions of dollars.

Mortality Rate 50% Higher with More Vaccine Doses

The deaths of children from multiple vaccine doses can only be called carnage. This study demonstrates that giving 5-8 doses instead of 1-4 doses […]

Mississippi Parents Fight for Right to Not Vaccinate That Exists in 48 Other States

Mississippi Parents for Vaccine Rights


MPVR bill to amend Mississippi’s 41 year old rigid vaccine law […]

Obama Administration Seeks Approval to Test Anthrax Vaccine on Children

by Vera Sharav
Alliance for Human Research Protection

FYI / Action

A public meeting of the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues has been scheduled […]

Judge: Case of Seized Newborn From Mother Who Questioned Vaccine May Now Proceed

Health Impact News Editor Comments: Last year we covered this story as reported by Michael Farris, chairman of the Homeschool Legal Defense Fund (HSLDA). […]

Are Mandatory Flu Vaccines for Healthcare Workers part of Obamacare and Linked to Financial Reimbursement to Healthcare Facilities?

Health Impact News
In the closing months of 2012, and here at the beginning of 2013, we are seeing many reports of healthcare workers losing […]

Another Healthcare Worker Tells Her Story of Losing Her Job of 17 Years for Refusing Flu Vaccination

Health Impact News Editor Comments: After reading about the nurses who lost their jobs in Indiana, Sarah Peterson came forward and told us her […]

Brave Nurses Lose Jobs to Stand on Principle and Refuse Forced Vaccinations

Health Impact News

Earlier this week we reported the story of the eight hospital workers in Goshen Indiana who lost their jobs because they refused […]

More Nurses Refuse Flu Vaccine and Lose Their Jobs – Will only pro-vaccine people soon work at hospitals?

Health Impact News Editor Comments: I applaud these nurses who stood up for their beliefs, and in some cases their faith in God and […]