Confirmed: India’s Polio Eradication Campaign in 2011 Caused 47,500 Cases of Vaccine-Induced Polio Paralysis

By Dr. Mercola

If you listen to mainstream media news, you’ll be told that polio has now been eradicated in India – an accomplishment the […]

Poor African Countries Get Vaccines but No Food or Clean Water


By Dr. Mercola

As one of the world’s most well-known and respected voices, Microsoft founder Bill Gates has a unique opportunity to call attention to […]

No Shots No School? Not True.

By Marcella Piper-Terry
Age of Autism

It’s that time of year again. Parents throughout the U.S. are scrambling to get their children ready to head back […]

HPV vaccination found to increase HPV high-risk infections

End HPV vaccine approval
By KPStollerMD (Contact)
To be delivered to: Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services

According to a recently published, industry-sponsored study conducted […]

Doctor Tries to Force 14 Vaccines on Child Against Parent's Will

The doctor tried to take her son from her arms, told her to be compliant, and said, ‘Your son will be receiving 14 vaccinations […]

Whooping Cough Spreads Among Pertussis Vaccinated


By Dr. Mercola

In the middle of July, NBC News reported that:

“The U.S. is on course for a record year for whooping cough, health officials […]

Australia becomes first country to offer taxpayer sponsored HPV vaccines to young men based on questionable science

New Study: HPV Vaccine and Evidence of Herd Immunity or Type Replacement?
By Norma Erickson, President
S.A.N.E. VAX, Inc.

Medical professionals rely on studies published in medical […]

Two Lawsuits Accuse Merck of Lying about Vaccine Effectiveness

By Dr. Mercola

Things aren’t going so well lately in the litigation department for Merck, which stands accused of lying according to not just one, […]

Federal Judge Orders CDC to Produce Secret Documents in Vaccine Autism Case

by Tim Bolen

This article is the sixth in a series about THE MOST IMPORTANT COURT CASE ABOUT AUTISM currently being litigated – the Hooker […]

Italian Court Rules MMR Vaccine Caused Autism: Why is this story blacked out of the US Media?

UPDATE: Dr. Andrew Wakefield challenges U.K. medical officials to open debate on T.V. over MMR vaccine, and reveals the truth of the measles outbreak in the U.K. in this video