Concerned parents come together over vaccination bill in Vermont

by Joan Kahn

In response to S199, a bill intended to eliminate Vermont’s philosophical exemption to vaccines, concerned parents formed the Vermont Coalition for Vaccine Choice. […]

California Bill AB2109 Threatens Vaccine Freedom of Choice

by Dr. Bob Sears

The California legislature is currently considering a bill that would require parents to obtain their doctor’s signature on a government form prior […]

Why is the American Lung Association Promoting Vaccines?

by Alliance for Natural Health

And some states want to take away your right to decide about vaccinations for your kids. Urgent Action Alerts!
The American […]

Gardasil Vaccine Lobbyists Target States, Get 41 to Sign on to Legislation

by Tim McCoy

Since 2006, 41 states have introduced legislation to support the HPV vaccine industry, despite the danger of death and injury. Shockingly, Dr. Diane […]

British Court Throws Out Conviction of Autism/Vaccine MD: Andrew Wakefield's Co-Author Completely Exonerated

Autism Action Network
In a stunning reversal, world renowned pediatric gastroenterologist Prof. John Walker-Smith won his appeal against the United Kingdom’s General Medical Council […]

Why Do Doctors Push Vaccines?

by Janet Levatin, MD
Tenpenny Integrative Medical Center
I recently received an email asking, “Why do doctors (especially pediatricians) push scheduled vaccines so strongly? Why […]

More Evidence That Flu Vaccines Are Worthless

by Dr. Mercola

High-risk patients with chronic, underlying health conditions that increase the risk of severe illness and death after influenza infection are […]

Detroit School Vaccinates Girl Against Parent’s Consent


By: Tom Wait

DETROIT – Sighle Kinney is fuming after her 14-year-old daughter was given four shots by the school nurse at Marcus Garvey […]

The California Whooping Cough Cover Up

By Dr. Mercola

2011 was the first year in more than two decades during which […]

Autism Dad takes on the Call for Censoring Criticism of the Vaccine Industry

Health Impact News Editor Comments: We previously reported a story from India where government officials in one location are asking police forces to take action […]