Testimony For Vaccine Exemption in Schools To MA Legislators on H1055

Testimony presented to Massachusetts  in support of House Bill 1055 to allow children who choose not to be vaccinated to not be discriminated against […]

What You Should Know About Meningococcal Disease & The Vaccine

by Barbara Loe Fisher
National Vaccine Information Center

Today, pediatricians give American babies as many as 33 doses of 13 different vaccines by 12 months of […]

Michael Belkin’s Comments at the CDC Forum on the Proposed Meningitis Vaccine

Image from TheRefusers.com
Health Impact News Editor Comments: Earlier this week we published the story by Dr. Mercola and Barbara Loe Fisher of the National Vaccine Information […]

CIA Vaccinated Poor Children with Fake Vaccination Program in War Against bin Laden

Health Impact News Editor Comments: In a story published in the Guardian and also widely published in the U.S., it is reported that the […]

Proposed New Meningitis Vaccine Unsafe for Children

by Dr. Mercola

Barbara Loe Fisher is a pioneer in vaccine education and safety, and the co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center […]

131 African Children Vaccinated at Gunpoint – Do Bill Gates and Paul Offit Approve?

by Ginger Taylor
Adventures in Autism
The Malawi Voice is reporting that a group of families who took their children out of the […]

Human DNA from Aborted Embryonic Cells in Vaccines Linked to Autism

By Dr. Mercola

Former drug company scientist Helen Ratajczak recently created a firestorm of […]

Vaccines & Liberty: Let Freedom Ring

by Barbara Loe Fisher

My country, ’tis of thee,

Sweet land of liberty,

Of thee I sing:

Land where my fathers died,

Land of the […]

Studies show that the countries with the most vaccines have the worst infant death rate

UK Scraps Pneumonia Vaccines Because They ‘Don’t Work’
by Dr. Mercola

The United States requires infants to receive 26 vaccines (the most in the […]

New Study: A Positive Association found between Autism and Childhood Vaccination uptake across the U.S. Population

by Gayle DeLong

Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health
Volume 74, Issue 14, 2011, Pages 903 – 916

The reason for the rapid rise of autism in […]