Rotavirus Vaccine Deceit: Textbook Example of What’s Wrong with the Vaccine Industry

The rotavirus vaccine is a textbook example of what’s wrong with the vaccine industry. It works for only a limited number of rotavirus types, causes severe adverse effects including death, was approved via corrupt agencies & officials with financial ties to the manufacturer—and it results in far more cases of a far more deadly disease.

A Doctor’s Awakening on Flu Vaccines in Pregnancy

The flu vaccine is now being pushed on pregnant women, supposedly to protect their babies. As this doctor explains, nothing could be further from the truth. Skip the vaccine. Protect yourself and your baby with good health and a healthy immune system. You can’t fake it with a vaccine.

Dangerous Vaccines Found to Cause Symptoms of Shaken Baby Syndrome

Could vaccinations cause the “triad” of injuries associated with SBS? Parents have been blamed of child abuse if their child is diagnosed with the “triad” of injuries associated with Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) after receiving a vaccine. The “triad” includes bleeding inside the brain, bleeding behind the eyes and swelling or inflammation of the brain, but are these brain injuries really due to the vaccination and not to abuse?

Vaccine Legislative Update: The Police State is Knocking

The National Vaccine Information Center’s Advocacy Portal lists current vaccine bills throughout the U.S. Right now, it lists about 100 vaccine bills in 30+ states. Most of these bills, if passed into law, will further expand an already out-of-control pharmaceutical vaccine agenda that seeks to require more vaccines for more people while further restricting our right to refuse them.

150 Doctors and Scientists with Concerns About Vaccines Mainstream Media Never Interviews

While the media attacks Dr. Andrew Wakefield claiming he is the only doctor with concerns about vaccines and that he alone has caused millions of parents to lose faith in vaccinations, this assertion is demonstrably untrue. Rather, hundreds of scientists and doctors have voiced concerns and have published research investigating adverse reactions to vaccines and their components. Placing the blame for parental concerns on Dr. Andrew Wakefield is disingenuous at best and blatantly dishonest at worst. Parents have read the research themselves and this is why they are concerned. It is time for the media to do their job, read the research and talk with the hundreds of doctors and scientists who have expressed concerns. Not all the doctors or scientists listed here would want their names listed. They may not want to cast doubt on vaccines or they may fear for their jobs. But they have all either published research demonstrating a possible safety issue relating to vaccines or they have acknowledged publicly that vaccines do cause harm in some children.

Dr. Kurt: Why I Will Never Choose to Vaccinate my Own Son and Any Future Kids my Wife and I Have

This will be lengthy, I don’t want to leave ANYTHING out, but these are the points as to why I will never choose to vaccinate my own son and any future kids my wife and I have. Just to be clear, I’ll go to jail before allowing someone to force a vaccine into my child’s arm. A vaccine violates all laws of natural immune defenses by taking a potential pathogen along with all the TOXIC ingredients (aluminum, formaldehyde, adjuvants, etc) directly into your blood system. This process would never occur in building natural immunity. Immunity is a natural thing. Vaccines are an artificial thing, with the risks far outweighing the benefits. Obviously there are 2 sides to the story and I present the one less known, hardly ever heard, and greatly ignored. You can take it and choose to not vaccinate, get extra vaccines or pick and choose certain ones, it doesn't affect me one bit. Just make sure you look at both sides to make an informed decision.

Inventor of Rotavirus Vaccine Wants To End Parental Exemptions For School Vaccinations

Public health officials are routinely failing to inform the public of their right to refuse vaccines in both school and work settings. Greater powers are at work to make mandatory vaccination policies which will allow officials to conduct childhood vaccinations without any parental consent at all. The inventor of the rotavirus vaccine wants all exemptions based on religious or philosophical grounds to end along with informed consent and the freedom to choose.

Revealed Government Documents Show Vaccine Injured Children in Small African Village Used Like Lab Rats

New documents shed light on the government cover-up of the vaccine disaster in Gouro, Chad, Africa in December, where 500 children were threatened that if they did not agree to being force-vaccinated with a meningitis A vaccine, they would receive no further education. These children were then vaccinated without their parents’ knowledge, with a vaccine that was an unlicensed product still going through the third and fourth phases of testing. It seems that these children, who are now sick and vulnerable, were used as lab rats and have since been left to die by some of the biggest organizations known to mankind.

No Historical Benefit in Vaccines: Polish Study

The evidence continues to mount. The fact that vaccines are doing a great deal of harm is well beyond denying. Worse, though, the evidence that vaccines have had little or no effect on infectious diseases is clear, as documented in new graphs.

Study: Vaccines Do Irreparable Harm

The authors of this powerful new review wrote: “It is not reasonable to assume that manipulation of the immune system through an increasing number of vaccinations during critical periods of brain development will not result in adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes.” Here’s what they found.

Announcing New Transparency Bill to Disclose Vaccine Ingredients to Parents

Top Secret Ingredients: The majority of food has the ingredients listed to enable parents to know what they are feeding their children, as do most drugs. So, why are the ingredients of vaccinations not routinely disclosed?

The Herd Immunity Myth – Treating Our Children Like Cattle

So in actual fact, the vaccinated are the ones who carry the disease and risk infecting the unvaccinated, rather than the other way around.

Government Funded Phone App Tracks “Vaccine Refusers”

A new phone application called Vaccine Refused developed by the University of Iowa tracks – just as the name implies – vaccine refusals. The application is intended to be used by health professionals to report the location of the refusal, the vaccine refused, and patient demographics. The project’s main University of Iowa page clearly states the research is funded by the National Institutes of Health and by a contract from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Will these technologies be used to track you down and forcibly vaccinate you and your children?

Autism’s False Scientists

The science behind claims that autism has no association with vaccines is false. While this pseudo science is promoted, the autism rate keeps growing. The vaccine manufacturers are shielded from risk while lives are devastated … and the fake science goes on to support this regime.

Herd Immunity: Three Reasons Why I Don’t Vaccinate My Children – And Why Vaccine Supporters Shouldn’t Care

My background as a medicinal chemist taught me to rely on proven research. In my own research, I have uncovered facts that every parent should be aware of.

Will Flu Vaccines Be Required For All U.S. Health Employees by 2020?

Health Impact News Editor Comments: We have reported many stories this past flu season of healthcare workers losing their jobs for refusing the flu […]

Why Do All Vaccine Advocates Refuse To Answer or Justify This Question?

by Dave Mihalovic

Regardless of their reputation, credentials, experience or background, proponents of vaccines can never answer or justify one simple question: Why are the […]

Unvaccinated Children Suffer Fewer Infectious Diseases: Study

Health Impact News Editor Comments: Thanks to Heidi Stevenson of we have some truly investigative journalism into a study that was published regarding vaccines, […]

Strong Flu Season Boosts Vaccine Profits Despite Vaccine Being Ineffective

By Dr. Mercola

Vaccine policymakers routinely ignore the safest and most effective strategies that can naturally strengthen your immunity to help you stay well or […]

Vaccine News: AAP Opposes Ban on Thimerosal, While Study Finds More Vaccines Equate to Increased Hospitalization and Death

By Dr. Mercola

According to public health doctors and a medical trade association representing U.S. pediatricians, poor children in developing countries should continue to get […]