Announcing New Transparency Bill to Disclose Vaccine Ingredients to Parents

Top Secret Ingredients: The majority of food has the ingredients listed to enable parents to know what they are feeding their children, as do most drugs. So, why are the ingredients of vaccinations not routinely disclosed?

The Herd Immunity Myth – Treating Our Children Like Cattle

So in actual fact, the vaccinated are the ones who carry the disease and risk infecting the unvaccinated, rather than the other way around.

Government Funded Phone App Tracks “Vaccine Refusers”

A new phone application called Vaccine Refused developed by the University of Iowa tracks – just as the name implies – vaccine refusals. The application is intended to be used by health professionals to report the location of the refusal, the vaccine refused, and patient demographics. The project’s main University of Iowa page clearly states the research is funded by the National Institutes of Health and by a contract from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Will these technologies be used to track you down and forcibly vaccinate you and your children?

Autism’s False Scientists

The science behind claims that autism has no association with vaccines is false. While this pseudo science is promoted, the autism rate keeps growing. The vaccine manufacturers are shielded from risk while lives are devastated … and the fake science goes on to support this regime.

Herd Immunity: Three Reasons Why I Don’t Vaccinate My Children – And Why Vaccine Supporters Shouldn’t Care

My background as a medicinal chemist taught me to rely on proven research. In my own research, I have uncovered facts that every parent should be aware of.

Will Flu Vaccines Be Required For All U.S. Health Employees by 2020?

Health Impact News Editor Comments: We have reported many stories this past flu season of healthcare workers losing their jobs for refusing the flu […]

Why Do All Vaccine Advocates Refuse To Answer or Justify This Question?

by Dave Mihalovic

Regardless of their reputation, credentials, experience or background, proponents of vaccines can never answer or justify one simple question: Why are the […]

Unvaccinated Children Suffer Fewer Infectious Diseases: Study

Health Impact News Editor Comments: Thanks to Heidi Stevenson of we have some truly investigative journalism into a study that was published regarding vaccines, […]

Strong Flu Season Boosts Vaccine Profits Despite Vaccine Being Ineffective

By Dr. Mercola

Vaccine policymakers routinely ignore the safest and most effective strategies that can naturally strengthen your immunity to help you stay well or […]

Vaccine News: AAP Opposes Ban on Thimerosal, While Study Finds More Vaccines Equate to Increased Hospitalization and Death

By Dr. Mercola

According to public health doctors and a medical trade association representing U.S. pediatricians, poor children in developing countries should continue to get […]