Mainstream Media Attacks Katie Couric for Publishing Truth on Gardasil Vaccine

Popular news broadcaster Katie Couric interviewed the mother of a young lady who died after receiving the Gardasil vaccine, as well as one of the lead doctors who conducted clinical trials for Merck on her day-time talk show Wednesday December 4th. She also interviewed another mother and daughter who have been affected by the vaccine. That a major network allowed something negative about vaccines to be aired is quite rare. If you visit the Katie Couric website to read about the show, however, you will find nothing in print that is negative regarding the Gardasil vaccine, but instead you will find an article by a physician recommending the vaccine, as well as links to the CDC which of course is pro-vaccine. The issues communicated in the show regarding the Gardasil vaccine, which are readily available online, are probably less significant than how the mainstream media responded to the show. Attacks on Katie Couric for talking to a parent of a child who died from vaccine injuries, and a physician who was involved in bringing the vaccine to market, clearly shows the mainstream media bias and censorship that still exists regarding vaccines. If you read the hit pieces being written against Katie Couric today, you would have to assume that she was standing up for mass murders. Yet, all Couric did was to ask a simple question: Is the HPV vaccine safe? According to Michael Hiltzik of the LA Times, "Merely to ask the questions is to validate them." The topic of vaccines are exempt from regular investigative journalism, and if you ask the wrong questions, expect to be attacked just for asking the question. The public does not deserve such information – journalists know better.

If HPV vaccines were consumer goods would they still be on the market?

by Stephen Tunley
SaneVax, Inc.

The latest statistics from the USA’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) statistics concerning the serious side effects and deaths associated […]

Gardasil Vaccine Caused ITP Bleeding Disorder and Changed Young Woman’s Life Forever

In this video report that was broadcast on a local NBC channel is another example of where the mainstream media, at least in local markets, are beginning to publish the other side of the vaccine story. Here is a tragic story of one family's daughter who received the Gardasil HPV vaccine with terrible consequences. She developed Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP), an auto immune bleeding disorder in which the immune system destroys platelets which are necessary for normal blood clotting. While doctors do not want to blame the vaccine, her father is a biology teacher and has no doubts that the vaccine is what has changed the life of their daughter forever.

My Personal Battle After the Gardasil Vaccine

My name is Jennifer Guldin and I am 27 years old. Gardasil has impacted the lives of everyone I care about. I am unique from a lot of the girls that have been injured by Gardasil, because I did not receive the vaccine until I was 25 years old. I was already happily married and had a beautiful 3-year old daughter, prior to receiving the Gardasil vaccination. Gardasil has not only affected me, but it has also affected my loved ones who have had to witness me suffer on a daily basis for the last two years. I truly believe it has been equally difficult for them, just in a different way. In high school I was very active. After graduating high school, I went on to college where I met the love of my life, Dustin. We were married in July of 2007 and God then blessed us with a beautiful and amazing little girl in August of 2008. Life was near perfect in my eyes! Other than two knee surgeries, from previous cheerleading injuries, and being fatigued as a new mother, I was in very good health. This all changed in September of 2011, when I visited my OB/GYN for my annual pap smear and was approached about the Gardasil vaccination. The nurse explained to me that Gardasil was to prevent against a sexually transmitted disease, HPV, and that there were absolutely no side effects. I told her that I was happily married and was not concerned about sexually transmitted diseases. She threw the words “cancer prevention” out there! After taking into consideration that my mom had breast cancer not too long ago and that it would probably be silly for me to pass up something that could protect me from going through what she did, I reluctantly agreed to get the Gardasil vaccine. That single moment has negatively impacted the past two years of my life and quite possibly may affect the rest of my life.

Sanofi Sued in France over Gardasil Vaccine – Could this be the Beginning of the End for Gardasil?

Mainstream news media widely reported last month that a French teenager had filed a lawsuit against French pharmaceutical company, Sanofi Pasteur, and France's health regulators, over side-effects that were caused by the Gardasil HPV vaccine. Jean-Christophe Coubris Bordeaux is suffering from multiple sclerosis as a result of the Gardasil HPV vaccine. This story is quite significant for two major reasons. First, you will never read a story like this happening in the United States, because you cannot sue a pharmaceutical company for damages as a result of vaccines in the United States. U.S. law, upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2011, gives total immunity to pharmaceutical companies in the U.S. for any damages related to vaccine products. Secondly, negative news regarding lawsuits or government action against vaccines in countries outside the U.S. are almost never reported in the U.S. media. How this one slipped through the cracks is not clear to me at this point. It could be that they believe they have an air-tight defense in this lawsuit, and that the overall media exposure for them will be positive on this. Or, it could be that Sanofi, a French company, does not have the same media lobbyists and influence that American and UK drug firms seem to have. The news regarding Gardasil outside the U.S. is very negative, while the U.S. media has continued to propagate the notion that Gardasil is one of the safest vaccines on the market. Japan recently announced it had stopped recommending Gardasil vaccines and has begun a full investigation into the safety of the vaccine, amid numerous reports of severe injuries from side effects. In addition to all the bad publicity Gardasil is receiving over severe side effects, including death, a study that was completely ignored by the U.S. media earlier this year, linked the HPV vaccine to premature menopause in teenage girls. In another recent report that was completely ignored by the mainstream U.S. media, it was found that the Bill Gates funded group, PATH, which participated in HPV vaccine drug trials in India, violated the law resulting in fatalities of young girls during the drug trials. An investigation is ongoing in India. Could we be looking at another Merck disaster similar to Vioxx, which reportedly killed more than 60,000 people before it was removed from the market?

Group in Japan Seeks Ban on HPV Vaccines

The Nationwide Liaison Association of Cervical Cancer Vaccine Victims and Parents in Japan, assisted by some of Japan’s best medical scientists, and a few politicians with strong morals are doing everything they can to get HPV vaccines banned from their country. These people see Gardasil and Cervarix as vaccines with an unacceptable safety profile and very little proven benefit. Japanese safety advocates have already succeeded in getting their government officials to order both manufacturers (Merck and GlaxoSmithKline) to change the HPV vaccine package inserts to include stronger safety warnings to medical consumers regarding the possibility of ADEM, Guillain-Barre and neurological problems. Unfortunately, that is not enough. The citizens of Japan are tired of watching their young girls suffer from convulsions, seizures, partial paralysis, severe pain and a host of new medical conditions after being subjected to HPV vaccinations and are now publicly petitioning the ban of HPV vaccinations in Japan.

Gardasil: The Worst Thing That Ever Happened to Me

My name is Julie and I am 26 years old. I have remained fairly quiet since being vaccinated by Gardasil because talking about the damage it has done is very difficult. The pain inside that it has caused is so extreme that it has been easier for me to try to forget Gardasil ever existed. For the past two years, I have tried to pretend that my life was not stolen from me and to forget that I was poisoned. Unfortunately, I can’t forget because every day I am reminded when I wake up that I am living a real-life nightmare. I have chosen to speak out because every day I learn of another girl suffering unexplainable health problems. Her diagnosis is to be told she is crazy or that there is no way to help her. What is the link between me and thousands of these girls? Gardasil.

Japan Halts HPV Vaccine and Begins Full-Scale Probe over Safety Issues

Japanese health officials have recorded nearly 2,000 adverse reactions—hundreds of them serious—in girls who got a dangerous U.S. government-backed cervical cancer vaccine that’s also been linked to thousands of debilitating side effects in this country. The alarming reports have led Japan’s government to take action, suspending recommendation for the controversial vaccine which is billed as a miracle shot that can prevent certain strains of cervical cancer caused by Human Papillomavirus (HPV). The U.S. government has taken the opposite approach amid equally alarming cases of serious side effects. Not only does the Obama administration continue recommending the vaccine (Gardasil), it spends large sums of taxpayer dollars promoting it and works hard to keep details involving its dangers secret.

India Questions Efficacy and Safety of HPV Vaccine Amid Allegations of Ethical Violations

Earlier this month we published a report from Christina England on a 43 page document produced by the Indian Parliament accuses the U.S. group PATH, funded in part by Bill Gates’ foundation, of committing illegal and improper activities in support of commercial interests in the development of the HPV vaccine in India, which reportedly led to the deaths of several young Indian girls. The U.S. mainstream media completely ignored this story. A couple weeks later, Anita Jain, the India Editor of the British Medical Journal, published her own comments on the ethical violations conducted in India in the development of Gardasil, and questioned the wisdom of rolling out the Gardasil vaccine to the entire country, citing safety and efficacy concerns. India has more deaths related to cervical cancer than any other country in the world, so if a vaccine could truly help, they would be eager to implement it. But they are not convinced, based on the science, that the vaccine is safe or that it works. Again, this information is not readily available in the U.S. mainstream media, which only presents the HPV vaccine in a positive light.

HPV Vaccines: My Journey Through Gardasil Injuries

I thought an ounce of prevention was worth a pound of cure. Little did I realize how my simple decision to add Gardasil to my cancer prevention strategy would result in so many new health conditions. Sometimes, I wish it were possible to get unvaccinated. Prior to Gardasil, I was an extremely healthy and active 26 year old woman and I had my whole life to look forward to. I received the first Gardasil shot in May 2008. Several days after that first injection, I returned to my doctor complaining of hand and joint pain, headaches and nausea. My doctor did not mention it could be the vaccine causing the pain and sent me to a specialist. The specialist could find nothing wrong with me. Months went on and I kept feeling intensely worn down, fatigued, had horrible headaches and just didn’t feel like myself. I received the second shot and again, I felt very flu-like. The pain radiating throughout my body felt like burning knives stabbing me in every muscle. The pain was like nothing I had ever felt in my life. Beyond just the pain, I started to develop a “foggy” feeling in my head. Everything seemed confusing. I had a hard time, putting words together and getting my thoughts out. Things kept getting worse. How did I go from a vibrant young woman full of life to a woman who felt trapped in a body that was quickly deteriorating? I never imagined that in one moment, in one injection, in one foolish decision, my life would change forever.

A Ruined Life from Gardasil

Alexis Wolf is now 20 years old. When she was 14 years old, she received her first injection of Gardasil. After the Gardasil vaccine, Alexis developed encephalopathy, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and a horrible seizure disorder that has yet to be controlled. Life literally changed overnight. Alexis’ inability to live independently will require lifelong care and assistance, something her family worries about all the time. Six years ago Alexis was a normal 14 year old. Starting to wear make-up and get interested in boys…working hard in school and enjoying honor roll. She had her whole life ahead of her and now she spends every day in a living hell filled with pain and misery, begging to be better, begging everyone to pray for her.

The Dark Side of Gardasil – A Nightmare that Became Real

My name is Ashley Adair, and I have suffered for five years from the side effects of something I thought would help me. I received the Gardasil vaccine because the people and doctors all around me kept telling me “OH! This vaccine is the best thing to happen to the medical industry!” Of course my mom and I fell for it like many others. I want to let people know about the dark side of this vaccine. I am here to tell about what happened to me, so no girl or boy will have to go through the misery that I am going through.

Study: HPV Vaccine Linked to Premature Menopause in Young Girls

Dr. Deirdre Little, a pediatrician in Australia, was the first one to sound the alarm over the HPV vaccine causing premature menopause when she observed it in one of her 16 year old patients in 2012. Dr. Little published a paper in the British Medical Journal warning that the premature menopause of a healthy 16-year-old girl may be linked to the Gardasil vaccination. Now a new study has just been recently published in American Journal of Reproductive Immunology documenting three more cases of "Primary Ovarian Failure," where three young girls stopped having periods and showed signs of menopause. The study confirms Dr. Little's experience, and was conducted in Israel and Italy. Sadly, this study and others that are conducted outside the U.S. receive no mention in the U.S. mainstream media. While Japan's Health Ministry recently stopped recommending the HPV vaccine due to so many documented injuries, it is continued to be promoted as safe in the U.S., and the push is now on to start giving it to infants.

HPV Vaccines: Resounding success or future failure?

Are HPV vaccines a viable option in your personal war against cancer? It is very difficult to make an informed choice about Gardasil or Cervarix when you receive only part of the available information. The time has come to take a critical look at the facts behind recent HPV vaccine news reports. The theory behind these two vaccines is: by reducing infections with the two high-risk types of HPV associated with an estimated 70% of cervical cancer cases globally, there may be a reduction in the number of cervical cancer victims. However, until such time as a verifiable reduction in the number of cervical cancer diagnoses is reported, this theory remains unproven.

Japan Health Ministry no Longer Recommending HPV Vaccines due to Dangerous Side Effects

Earlier this year it was reported that Merck was bribing college girls to complete all three doses of the Gardasil vaccine (story here).

Cervix vaccine issues […]

With HPV Vaccine Decline in Sales in US Due to Side Effects, Drug Companies Look to Poor Countries for New Market

What to Do if Your Drug Has Too Many Dangerous Side Effects? Simple—you ship it to third world countries! The manufacturers of two human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines, Merck (Gardasil) and GlaxoSmithKline (Cervarix), have found a new market: they struck a deal to offer their HPV vaccines to developing countries at much reduced prices. They hope that by 2020, 30 to 40 million girls in developing countries will be getting vaccinated.

Truth and Gardasil: Doctor Discusses Premature Menopause in 16 Year Old After Gardasil Vaccine

In this interview, BMJ-published Australian GP Dr Deirdre Little tells the story of how a 16-year-old female patient who received the Gardasil vaccine suffered premature menopause.

NY Assembly Voting to Give Vaccines to Minors Without Parent’s Permission

A new bill before the New York State Assembly floor will allow licensed physicians to administer preventative medical care for sexually transmitted diseases, including vaccines to minors without their parent’s permission. This will include the vaccinations for hepatitis B and HPV.

HPV Vaccine Linked to Rare Disease with No Known Cure

Kirstie was only 12 years old when she was diagnosed with a rare disorder for which there is no known cure, Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP). This happened just a little over a month after her second injection of Gardasil. She will live with this disorder for the rest of her life. Unfortunately, she is not alone. Since Gardasil was approved for use in the United States, there have been 682 reports of ITP after vaccine administration. 126 of these reports occurred after HPV vaccines. If all vaccines carried equal risk, there should only be 18 reports of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura after HPV vaccine use.

Documents Obtained by Judicial Watch Reveal 200 Claims Filed for HPV Vaccine Injuries and Deaths

Merck admits that fainting is a side effect for their vaccine, and vaccination rates for the second and third doses are apparently so low […]