How to Protect Yourself and Your Children from Medical Kidnapping

It is common for people to spend more time deliberating over what type of cable TV package they will purchase than over who will provide their family with primary health care services. Making the right choice of health care provider may be one of the most important decisions that you make for your family. It may determine whether your family stays together or is broken up and destroyed by Child Protective Services. Are you a parent who believes that you have the right to make decisions for your children regarding the medical care they receive? Are you a parent who believes that you have a responsibility to control what your children eat? Are you a parent who believes that you should be able to determine how your children should be educated and what they are taught? If you are such a parent, then beware, your freedom to raise your children and make decisions for them may be threatened by Child Protective Services in the state where you live. The security of your home and family could be destroyed by those who do not support your rights as a parent to raise your children according to the values that you cherish. This article will help you protect your family from unwanted intrusion by those who think they know more about parenting your children than you do. To protect your family, it is necessary that you make wise decisions about the healthcare providers that you choose. The wrong choice of a physician can lead to dreadful consequences for every member of your family, because there is a legal connection between your physician and Child Protective Services.

Dr. Lee Hieb M.D. – Vaccine Hysteria Could Spark Totalitarian Nightmare

Dr. Lee Hieb joins the growing ranks of doctors speaking out against forced vaccinations and the current hysteria in the mainstream media. Dr. Lee Hieb is an orthopaedic surgeon specializing in spinal surgery. She is past president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. Dr. Hieb's voice is a voice of reason and common sense on the current vaccine debate. Contrast this with most of the mainstream media today, heavily funded by the pharmaceutical industry, which are parading doctors into their shows calling for mandatory vaccines by force, and the removal of all licenses to practice for doctors who disagree with them. Dr. Hieb correctly points out the logical conclusions to allowing government make medical decisions "for the good of society" which include injecting chemicals into our body. Dr. Hieb does not stop with her discussion of the medical ethics and political implications of government forced vaccinations, she goes on to address two crucial issues that you are unlikely to hear in the mainstream media: Are vaccines safe, and are they effective?

Michigan Health Authorities Take Away Vaccine Exemptions – Ohio Fights to Save Theirs

Just before Christmas, the powerful Pharma-Public Health-Medical Trade lobby launched an orchestrated attack in Ohio and Michigan to restrict the legal rights of parents to make voluntary choices about vaccination for their children. NVIC was able to warn parents in Ohio in time for them to take action and protect vaccine exemptions, but forced vaccination proponents in Michigan pulled a fast one and succeeded in gutting vaccine informed consent rights in that state.

Why Some Michigan Parents Choose not to Vaccinate Their Children

So who are these parents who want to refuse vaccines for their children? The mainstream media generally portrays these parents as "anti-science, ignorant, foolish, etc." It was refreshing, therefore, to read an honest journalistic piece on this topic on the "Michigan Live" website which actually interviewed some parents who exercise their lawful rights to refuse some vaccines. In contrast to the predominantly one-sided media reports labeling all parents who refuse vaccines as "uneducated," here is a description of the parents refusing vaccines based on demographic data in Michigan: Statewide, about 6 percent of Michigan schoolchildren have vaccination waivers, which equates to about 150,000 children who are unvaccinated or undervaccinated. Many are clustered in affluent communities such as Rochester, and have well-educated, health-conscious parents who buy organic food and eschew antibiotics in favor of a homeopathic approach to illnesses. They fear injecting so many viruses into their children could do more harm than good, and see widespread immunizations as being driven by "Big Pharma," which they see as more concerned about profits than public health.

Are Government Health Authorities Taking Away Your Choice to Refuse Vaccines?

Are Americans' freedom to choose what is injected into their body at risk in the United States today? Is it possible that the day is not far off when if you refuse a mandated vaccine at your place of employment, or refuse a mandated vaccine for your child, that you could come home one day to find your residence quarantined, restricting you from leaving your home or having visitors simply for exercising your right to refuse a medical treatment? There is compelling evidence that this is not some conspiracy prediction of a future Orwellian society, but something that is already in process in the United States of America. Many fear that a person's choice of accepting or refusing mandatory vaccines could restrict one's ability to travel in or out of the United States, one's ability to send their children to school, one's ability to continue working at their place of employment, or even one's ability to leave one's own privately owned home.

Mississippi First in Infant Vaccination Rates – Highest Infant Mortalities

Lindey Magee of Mississippi Parents for Vaccine Rights recently commented on an article published in Mississippi's Clarion Ledger on their front page, boasting about the state's 99.7% vaccine rate for kindergartners. Mississippi has the highest rate of childhood vaccination because it is one of only two states in the U.S. that does not allow parents a choice regarding vaccines, as a requirement for attending school. Only a medical doctor can provide an exemption, as religious and philosophical exemptions are not allowed. The Clarion Ledger was obviously proud of their vaccination rates, and many around the country want to follow their model and remove vaccine choice from parents and families. Lindey Magee, however, does not think Mississippi should be so proud of their vaccination rates, given the fact that Mississippi ranks last in the U.S. in infant mortality rates and very low in other key health figures for children. More:

Vaccination: Defending Your Right to Know and Freedom to Choose

The most divisive and hotly debated of all health freedom issues is the question of whether individuals should be at liberty to dissent from established medical and government health policy and exercise freedom of thought, speech and conscience when it comes to vaccination. In the health freedom movement, there are some who will defend the legal right to purchase and use nutritional supplements, drink raw milk, eat GMO free food, remove fluoride from public water systems and mercury from dental amalgams or choose non-medical model options for healing and staying well, but are reluctant to publicly support the legal right to make vaccine choices.

Local Health Department Lies to Parents: Refuses to Provide Vaccine Exemptions Required by Law

The medical system's attempt to remove all vaccine exemptions in states around the U.S. is troublesome enough, but there is growing evidence that where laws currently exist for vaccine exemptions, that the public is being denied their legal rights to apply those exemptions. Megan of reports how a parent in Missouri contacted her this week stating that a local health department had informed them that “the state wouldn’t allow them to pass out exemption cards anymore.” Not only was this illegal, it was an outright lie as Megan explains after contacting the Health Department at the State Capital. Every vaccine currently approved by the FDA and recommended in the childhood vaccine schedule has side effects and warnings listed in the package insert, and the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has paid out billions of dollars in damages due to vaccine injuries since the program was started in the 1980s to grant pharmaceutical companies total legal immunity from damages due to vaccines. If doctors, health departments, and other medical officials were actually following the law, and following the advice printed on vaccine inserts in regards to monitoring those most at risk for vaccine injuries, the medical exemptions alone would be astronomical in this country. But that would be a huge financial drain to Big Pharma. So what is happening instead? The medical system is fighting for 100% vaccination rates for "the greater good," and sacrificing the lives of those who will have vaccine injuries or deaths due to adverse reactions by attempting to remove all vaccine exemptions, whether medical or religious. Every state currently offers vaccine exemptions. Know your rights, know the law, and don't be intimidated. May Megan's example below be a warning to everyone that you may need to take a stand and fight for your rights if you do not want to become another vaccine damaged statistic allowed for "the greater good."

The Vaccine Debate and Suppression of Free Speech in America

There is a raging vaccine debate in America today. Most of those on one side of the debate, however, would like you to simply believe there is no debate. They desperately want you to believe that the issue of vaccines is a settled issue and that there is only room for one side - their side. Sadly, many who believe this want to suppress freedom of speech and not allow the other side of the debate to be heard. This is called tyranny and it is something the founding fathers of the United States of America fought hard to prevent. The debate over vaccines is not new. The debate has existed for the entire history of vaccines, ever since the first vaccine was brought to market. That is because ever since vaccines were developed and marketed, there have always been vaccine-injured children and people, including deaths, and therefore people who have opposed vaccines. Those few who have dared to report on the other side of the vaccine debate in the mainstream media have put their careers on the line. Now, even simple stay-at-home mom bloggers are being targeted and threatened in an effort to suppress free speech regarding vaccines.

Pfizer Tracking Unvaccinated Children Through Health Insurance

If you are a parent who has made the decision not to vaccinate your child Big Pharma knows, according to a postcard sent in by a Next News viewer. In the notice mailed by Pfizer Inc. they indicate that they possess "records that your child may not have received a recommended vaccine." The postcard reminds the parents to contact their health provider to schedule an appointment. Pfizer also indicates that they've paid for the mailing on behalf of "your child's health plan, health clinic, or health department." We deduct that if your insurance company or health coverage provider doesn't receive a bill from your child's pediatrician for a vaccination your child's health profile is flagged and the post card is mailed from their database. With Obamacare slowly coming online and individual state departments of Child Services performing more lethal kidnappings nationwide it is not a stretch to believe that the same records could be used against parents for states to claim that a parents freedom of choice is child neglect.