HPV Vaccines Can Kill And They Do!

On every packet of cigarettes sold, there is a warning, Smoking Kills, to deter people from damaging their health by smoking. Governments around the world decided to put this warning on every packet of cigarettes due to the high death rate caused by the toxic effects of nicotine and other additives. It is a great pity that these governments do not apply the same forward-thinking standards to HPV vaccines and the information sheets offered to parents. Based on the evidence, these vaccines should also carry a government-issued heath warning, stating HPV Vaccines Can Kill. The latest statistics published on the United States VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) in June 2013 show a staggering 140 lives have been lost due to the HPV Vaccine.

Scientists Explain Why HPV Vaccines Are Unsafe

There is no evidence that Gardasil or Cervarix can prevent cancer better than a decent screening program. There is strong evidence that they can produce severe and life-threatening harm. This report by 4 scientists documents how science has been corrupted & misused to promote these life-devastating vaccines. There is no legitimate reason for pushing these vaccines in the face of strong evidence indicating severe debility and even death induced by HPV vaccines, combined with a lack of evidence of efficacy.

The Coming Push to Give HPV Vaccines to Infants

The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database shows clearly that the vaccines with the most reported adverse effects are Gardasil and Cervarix, the two herpes papilloma virus (HPV) vaccines. It would obviously be madness to lower the age at which they’ve given—but that appears to be exactly what’s being planned. If you can push the most dangerous vaccines in use today on teen and pre-teen girls, and later on boys of the same age, without any proof that they work, then why not give them to newborn infants—plus another ‘booster’ later on? That appears to be planned for Gardasil and Cervarix, along with a slick new marketing program, thanks to the vaccine-industrial complex.

HPV Vaccines: Resounding success or future failure?

Are HPV vaccines a viable option in your personal war against cancer? It is very difficult to make an informed choice about Gardasil or Cervarix when you receive only part of the available information. The time has come to take a critical look at the facts behind recent HPV vaccine news reports. The theory behind these two vaccines is: by reducing infections with the two high-risk types of HPV associated with an estimated 70% of cervical cancer cases globally, there may be a reduction in the number of cervical cancer victims. However, until such time as a verifiable reduction in the number of cervical cancer diagnoses is reported, this theory remains unproven.

Vaccines Can Cause Infertility

I have been investigating whether there is a proven link between vaccines and infertility. What I have uncovered will shock many readers because I have discovered that innocent women and girls in developing countries have been deliberately experimented on, with the use of infertility vaccines, for many years. They are not the only victims. Recently several vaccines used worldwide have also been found to cause infertility, including the HPV vaccines and many of the swine flu vaccines. I believe it is high time that we took back the control of our own lives and researched all vaccinations thoroughly before we agree to be vaccinated. Ultimately, it is each person’s decision whether or not they should be vaccinated, and the only way that we can make an informed choice about vaccinations is to be fully informed of the facts before agreeing to be vaccinated. I have proven, by referencing documents, articles and scientific papers, that a series of vaccines are being developed that are known to cause infertility. These vaccines have been and still are being administered to innocent people without their knowledge or consent. Surely, this practice is not only unethical, it is criminal.

Fraud Exposed in CDC’s HPV Vaccine Effectiveness Study

An oncology dietitian has pointed out significant discrepancies in a new HPV vaccine effectiveness study that claims the vaccine’s effectiveness is “high”. Recent reductions in HPV infection prevalence among young women in the US cannot be said to be due to introduction of Gardasil vaccine in 2006 and use of HPV vaccines by pre-teen and teenage girls since then; the data clearly shows that unvaccinated girls had the best outcome.

My Daughter and Cervarix: Suffering I Cannot Take Away

At one point or another, every parent in the world makes a decision they regret. Who could have predicted that an attempt to protect my daughter from cervical cancer via HPV vaccination would turn our lives into a constant battle to regain her health and maintain her right to an education?

NY Assembly Voting to Give Vaccines to Minors Without Parent’s Permission

A new bill before the New York State Assembly floor will allow licensed physicians to administer preventative medical care for sexually transmitted diseases, including vaccines to minors without their parent’s permission. This will include the vaccinations for hepatitis B and HPV.

HPV Vaccine Linked to Rare Disease with No Known Cure

Kirstie was only 12 years old when she was diagnosed with a rare disorder for which there is no known cure, Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP). This happened just a little over a month after her second injection of Gardasil. She will live with this disorder for the rest of her life. Unfortunately, she is not alone. Since Gardasil was approved for use in the United States, there have been 682 reports of ITP after vaccine administration. 126 of these reports occurred after HPV vaccines. If all vaccines carried equal risk, there should only be 18 reports of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura after HPV vaccine use.

HPV Vaccines: Betrayal of the Public Trust?

Merck Now Bribing College Girls to Complete Gardasil Vaccine – story here.
By Norma Erickson, President
SaneVax, Inc.

Last week, multiple news articles reported 44% of American parents refusing Gardasil or […]