Are Mandatory Flu Vaccines for Healthcare Workers part of Obamacare and Linked to Financial Reimbursement to Healthcare Facilities?

Health Impact News
In the closing months of 2012, and here at the beginning of 2013, we are seeing many reports of healthcare workers losing […]

Another Healthcare Worker Tells Her Story of Losing Her Job of 17 Years for Refusing Flu Vaccination

Health Impact News Editor Comments: After reading about the nurses who lost their jobs in Indiana, Sarah Peterson came forward and told us her […]

Brave Nurses Lose Jobs to Stand on Principle and Refuse Forced Vaccinations

Health Impact News

Earlier this week we reported the story of the eight hospital workers in Goshen Indiana who lost their jobs because they refused […]

More Nurses Refuse Flu Vaccine and Lose Their Jobs – Will only pro-vaccine people soon work at hospitals?

Health Impact News Editor Comments: I applaud these nurses who stood up for their beliefs, and in some cases their faith in God and […]