Parent of Two Children in Dr. Andrew Wakefield Lancet Study Speaks Out

I, as a parent of two children in the Lancet study, have had to speak out about the vicious attacks on Dr. Andrew Wakefield by his own government, the US government and the media blaming him for the measles outbreak in Wales. It's time the spotlight was turned on Dr. Salisbury.

Should Pregnant Women Receive the Flu Vaccine?

How many studies do you need to ascertain whether it is safe to inject mercury into a pregnant woman?

New Study Links Aluminum Adjuvants in Vaccines with Neurological Disorders

Newly published research by Keele Conference scientists shows that aluminum adjuvant in vaccines transfers to the brain.

Governors from 27 States Team up with Hallmark Greeting Cards to Increase Vaccination Rates

One of the vaccination initiatives being used by twenty-seven states across the US is to send every new parent a “congratulations on the birth of your baby” card.

Vaccine Legislative Update: The Vaccine Police State is Knocking

There are six vaccine bills in each of 30+ states that now either require more vaccines for more people or further restrict our right to refuse them.

Advocating Retaliation Against Speaking Out on Vaccines

Australia is becoming a world leader in advocating punishment of those who disagree with the medical authorities and in forcing their treatments on those who would refuse.

Dr. Andrew Wakefield Issues Challenge to Public Debate Over U.K. Measles Outbreak

I am offering to debate any serious challenger on MMR vaccine safety and the role of MMR in autism, live, in public and televised.

Kindergartner Banned from School and Marked Truant Because Doctor Advised Against Varicella Vaccine

Because of faith in the doctrines of vaccines, discrimination against people based on vaccination status is increasing at an alarming rate in the United States.

Vaccine Controversy: A PubMed Compilation of Studies Linking Vaccines to Autism

The more and more I read, the more and more the scientists were backing up what we had seen firsthand. The vaccines harmed our daughter.

The Media Uses These Powerful Tricks to Condition You to Accept Vaccines

Propaganda was used heavily to promote the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis and the March of Dimes solution to the polio epidemics: a vaccine.

Aluminum in Vaccines is a Neurotoxin

Aluminum is used as an adjuvant in many vaccines, but it’s a known neurotoxin.

Paralysis Haunts ‘Polio Free’ India

by Jagannath Chatterjee

India has a surge of children with paralysis. The causes are not hard to identify: the oral polio vaccine and redefinition of […]

More Educated Parents Less Likely To Vaccinate and Feed Children Sugar and GMO Foods

by Dr. Dave Mihalovic

The education level of parents has an influence on the frequency with which their children eat foods linked to obesity and if […]

HPV Vaccines: Betrayal of the Public Trust?

Merck Now Bribing College Girls to Complete Gardasil Vaccine – story here.
By Norma Erickson, President
SaneVax, Inc.

Last week, multiple news articles reported 44% of American parents refusing Gardasil or […]

Hepatitis B Vaccine Linked to SIDS and Other Serious Side Effects Found Ineffective in New Study

By Dr. Mercola

By the time your newborn is 12 hours old, federal health officials recommend administering the first dose of hepatitis B vaccine. TWELVE […]

CDC Now Admits 1 in 50 School Children with Autism – Time to Stop Ignoring the Vaccine Connection

The potential vaccine-autism link MUST become a national debate, if we expect to stem the tide of autism roaring into our next generation like a destructive giant tsunami.

60 Percent of Veterinarians Continue to Over-Vaccinate Their Adult Canine and Feline Patients

Veterinarians and Vaccines: A Slow Learning Curve
by Nancy Kay, DVM
Am I feeling frustrated and disappointed? You bet I am after reading an article titled, “Vets […]

30 Scientific Studies Showing the Link between Vaccines and Autism

It is an often repeated fallacy that there is no research that supports the supposition that vaccines can cause autism.

Herd Immunity: Three Reasons Why I Don’t Vaccinate My Children – And Why Vaccine Supporters Shouldn’t Care

My background as a medicinal chemist taught me to rely on proven research. In my own research, I have uncovered facts that every parent should be aware of.

Are Vaccines Safe? An Honest Review of the Vaccine Approval Process by the FDA

There are no requirements before FDA approval and licensing that a vaccine undergoes independent studies by researchers with no vested financial interests and industry ties in order to validate a vaccine maker’s claims.