Are Mandatory Flu Vaccines for Healthcare Workers part of Obamacare and Linked to Financial Reimbursement to Healthcare Facilities?

Health Impact News
In the closing months of 2012, and here at the beginning of 2013, we are seeing many reports of healthcare workers losing […]

Another Healthcare Worker Tells Her Story of Losing Her Job of 17 Years for Refusing Flu Vaccination

Health Impact News Editor Comments: After reading about the nurses who lost their jobs in Indiana, Sarah Peterson came forward and told us her […]

Brave Nurses Lose Jobs to Stand on Principle and Refuse Forced Vaccinations

Health Impact News

Earlier this week we reported the story of the eight hospital workers in Goshen Indiana who lost their jobs because they refused […]

More Nurses Refuse Flu Vaccine and Lose Their Jobs – Will only pro-vaccine people soon work at hospitals?

Health Impact News Editor Comments: I applaud these nurses who stood up for their beliefs, and in some cases their faith in God and […]

Is Haiti Being Used for Cholera Vaccine Profiteering?

The cholera vaccination is so ineffective that even the FDA has never approved it. Yet, Haitians are getting cholera vaccinations. Why? Who benefits? Is […]

Study Shows Soap May Be More Effective Than Vaccines

by Jeffry John Aufderheide

It’s not black magic or some out-of-date belief—just good old-fashioned common sense.

Better hygiene, sanitation, and organic food are the foundations for good […]

FDA Approves Neurotoxic Flu Drug For Infants Less Than One

by Sayer Ji

Whereas the flu is self-limiting, the FDA’s capacity for bad decisions is not…

The recent decision by the FDA to approve the use of the […]

New Study Proposes Self-administered Flu Vaccine Without Doctor Supervision

by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
Facebook Page

Great! Hand out a vial so everyone can squirt live viruses up your nose, including all the 0.2mg of MSG, […]

Study: Positive Correlation Between Number of Vaccine Doses Administered and Percentage of Hospitalizations and Deaths

Relative trends in hospitalizations and mortality among infants by the number of vaccine doses and age, based on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System […]

Official Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated Study Finally Being Done

By: Suzanne Humphries, MD

Parents say vaccines cause autism and autoimmune diseases and many other acute or chronic disease. The question is: is there any […]