Failed Whooping Cough Vaccine Still being Used in the United States – Outbreaks Blamed on Unvaccinated

ABC News out of Australia is reporting that whooping cough cases among infants are increasing, and that the vaccine seems to be loosing its effectiveness. The National Centre for Immunisation and Research of Vaccine Preventable Diseases in Australia has found whooping cough cases are increasing in very young children. Senior research fellow Dr Helen Quinn says: "The a-cellular vaccine we use now wanes. The immunity you get from them wanes a lot quicker from what we expected...Now that we've got this vaccine that doesn't last quite as long, perhaps some of those increasing cases that we have seen, particularly among three-year-olds, is due to this waning of the vaccine." The pertussis vaccine for whooping cough is a failure. This fact is not even denied by mainstream medicine. Yet, the pro-pharma media continues to blame the tiny percentage of unvaccinated children as the cause of whooping cough outbreaks, when in fact the data clearly shows the outbreaks are occurring mainly among the vaccinated population.

The Whooping Cough Epidemic: A Failed Vaccine Causes a Public Health Crisis

The pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine is a failure, and has now become a public health crisis. Unfortunately, the pro-pharma mainstream media in the U.S. is not reporting this. Instead, they are blaming the unvaccinated population for the outbreaks that are clearly documented as occurring among the vaccinated public. A recent report on the failure of the pertussis vaccine appeared in the U.K. publication Medical News Today. Researchers at the University of Oxford recruited 279 children aged 5-15 who visited their doctor with a persistent cough lasting 2-8 weeks. In total, 20% of the children were confirmed as having whooping cough, including 18% of the children who had been fully vaccinated.

Failed Vaccines Become Public Health Crisis

Many diseases once thought to have been eliminated by modern medicine are now making a comeback due to the wide-scale failure of vaccines. Unfortunately, you will not read this news in the national mainstream media in the United States. Heavily funded by the pharmaceutical industry, they continue to promote the false belief that a lack of vaccination is causing new outbreaks of old diseases. The facts do not support this belief, so it is not news. It is called "propaganda". Vaccination rates are higher in the U.S. than any other country in the world. The clearest example of an old disease making a comeback due to vaccine failure is whooping cough. The pertussis vaccine is a failure. This fact cannot be disputed and pharmaceutical companies are scrambling to develop a new pertussis vaccine to replace the current one that no longer works. In the meantime, the FDA is not removing the failed vaccine from the vaccine schedule, and as a result those vaccinated for pertussis are coming down with whooping cough and spreading it to others. Yes, even though most mainstream media are reporting the exact opposite, that whooping cough outbreaks are caused by the unvaccinated population, the exact opposite is occurring, and local news media can no longer ignore these events. Some local mainstream media are now starting to report these outbreaks because they present a public health crisis. One of the most recent cases is being reported by ABC News10 in Sacramento California:

Whooping Cough Outbreaks Among Vaccinated Older Children Increasing

Health officials in California are becoming worried at the number of older kids who are coming down with whooping cough. Most of these are children who have received 5 vaccines for pertussis between the ages of 2 months and 7 years. The vaccine clearly doesn't work: "The effects of the vaccine does not seem to last as long as we had hoped," said Jonathan Fielding, director of the L.A. County public health department. "There is a lot of work going on to understand why it is waning." And for the first time, they are admitting the fault is the vaccine, and not the small percentage of unvaccinated children: "Of the pertussis cases in Los Angeles County, 8 percent were individuals who had never been vaccinated. Experts say the number is not a significant factor in the spread of pertussis." Yet, the media continues to blame unvaccinated children. Why is this failed vaccine still in the childhood vaccine schedule??

Why is the CDC and FDA Still Recommending the Failed Whooping Cough Vaccine?

2013 was the year the CDC and FDA finally admitted there were problems with the pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine. When cases of whooping cough spiked in 2012, the media and medical community was quick to rush in and blame unvaccinated children. The data, however, could not support that claim. In 2013, there were two major research papers published documenting the failure of the pertussis vaccine. I don't believe the first one, published in early 2013, received any mainstream media exposure at all, while the second one, later in the year, was back-page news. However, both of these studies should have been headline stories. The first one showed how pertussis was becoming vaccine-resistant, while the second, published by the FDA, showed that those vaccinated for whooping cough still carried around the virus and spread it to others. So both the CDC and the FDA were aware in 2013 that the whooping cough vaccine was not effective, and yet it is still part of the vaccine schedule. Why?

Are Unvaccinated People Being Wrongly Blamed for New Outbreaks that are due to Faulty Vaccines?

Almost every time an outbreak of a disease occurs in the U.S. for which a vaccine exists, people who refuse vaccines are automatically blamed for the outbreaks. Unfortunately, this blame is based on belief in doctrine more than on data and science. Most of the world's top vaccine manufacturers are based out of the U.S. and heavily invest in advertising in the mainstream media. Therefore, questioning the effectiveness of vaccines is seldom, if ever, covered in the U.S. media. So once again, we turn to media outside the U.S. to find news questioning the effectiveness of vaccines. I am not referring to the alternative media that takes an anti-vaccine stance (as we do), but pro-vaccine mainstream media that generally accepts the standard dogma regarding vaccines, but notices they don't always work as advertised, and actually report on it. Two studies were published this past week, one in Europe and one in Australia, reporting how whooping cough and measles outbreaks were occurring in populations of those already vaccinated.

FDA Pertussis Vaccine Study Shatters Illusion of Vaccine-Induced Immunity

Recent vaccine research again reveals the gulf between what you’re told about vaccines—how they work and how effective they are at preventing infectious disease—versus what is truly known about naturally acquired and vaccine acquired immunity. Nearly a century after the release of the whooping cough (B. pertussis) vaccine, mounting evidence suggests that widespread mandated use of the vaccine could potentially be doing more harm than good in the long term—in addition to having been found lacking in the effectiveness. New research suggests that while the vaccine may keep people from getting sick, it doesn’t prevent them from spreading whooping cough — also known as pertussis — to others. This may partly explain recent outbreaks of whooping cough among the highly vaccinated U.S. population, in which 95 percent of children have received at least five doses of pertussis vaccine between two months and six years old. The media and the pharmaceutical companies continue to blame whooping cough outbreaks on the small minority of the population that are not vaccinated, but the data does not support this.

Whooping Cough Vaccine Failure Exposed in Mainstream Media

Just this week, the New York Times published an article stating that the problem of surging whooping cough cases has more to do with flaws in the current vaccines than with parents' resistance. Could the truth about vaccines finally be going mainstream?

Whooping Cough Epidemic Caused by Virulent New Pertussis Strain—And It’s the Result of Vaccine

by Heidi Stevenson

The CDC and NIH keep pushing the pertussis vaccine, in spite of info that it’s causing the new whooping cough epidemic that […]

Pertussis Vaccine Failure is not Just Modern but Historical: Vaccine has Never Been Effective

Health Impact News Editor Comments:

One of the biggest news stories of 2012 and 2013 has been how outbreaks of whooping cough are primarily among vaccinated […]