The Pertussis Vaccine and Children Brain Damage: America’s Dark Vaccine History

It is a primitive bacterial vaccine licensed in 1914. It has not been given to babies in America for 20 years. It is the vaccine that had brain damaged so many children and caused so many vaccine injury lawsuits that Big Pharma used it to blackmail Congress into giving vaccine manufacturers a partial product liability shield in 1986, which the U.S. Supreme Court made even bigger in 2011. I’m talking about whole cell pertussis vaccine in DPT, a crude brew of whole B. pertussis bacteria heated and washed with formaldehyde but still full of neurotoxic aluminum and mercury along with shock-inducing endotoxin, as well as brain damaging bioactive pertussis toxin, a toxin so lethal that researchers use it to deliberately induce acute experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in lab animals. Whole cell pertussis vaccine: the most reactive vaccine still given to infants and children in developing countries because it costs drug companies just pennies to make a dose of it.

After 20 Month Old Son Dies from Vaccines Professional Fighter with Nurse Wife Put Up Billboards as Warning

Nick Catone is a professional MMA martial arts fighter, and his wife, Marjorie Catone, is a registered nurse who works in an intensive care unit at a local hospital where they live. 17 days after their 20 month old healthy and active son, Nicholas, was vaccinated with the DTaP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis) vaccine, his parents found him dead in his bed one morning. In an interview with Del Bigtree, Marjorie comments about how her nursing education never trained her in the possible adverse reactions to vaccines, and she never bothered to check the ingredients of the vaccine, even though as a wife of a professional MMA fighter and mother she was meticulous to check ingredient lists of foods to make sure her family was eating healthy. The autopsy report of their son listed the cause of death as "sudden unexplained" (SIDS) and "natural," as medical authorities apparently refused to consider their son's vaccines as a contributing factor to his death, and they allegedly did not conduct a thorough exam during the autopsy. Nick and Marjorie now want to warn others about the dangers of vaccines, so that parents can be informed before making a decision to vaccinate their children, before it is too late and they find themselves in the same situation as they are, grieving over the death of their formerly healthy child. They are putting up billboards in several states in an effort to educate the public on the risks of vaccines.