Be in Atlanta October 24, 2015 To Stand Up at the Truth, Transparency & Freedom Rally
UPDATE:Â Time Change for Atlanta Rally
by Barbara Loe Fisher
National Vaccine Information Center
In the spring of 1986, NVIC co-founder Kathi Williams and I gathered with a small group of parents in Atlanta, Georgia to hold the first public demonstration demanding that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) be truthful with the American public about vaccine injuries and deaths. We held up signs with photos of children who had died or been brain injured by toxic whole cell DPT vaccine to witness and honor them, the children who had no voice and had no choice.
Pharma-Led Forced Vaccination Lobby Attacks Human & Civil Rights
Almost 30 years later, on Saturday, October 24, 2015 at 1 p.m., Kathi and I will again gather with parents in Atlanta, this time for the Truth, Transparency & Freedom Rally in Grant Park. The rally is being organized and sponsored by the parent-led Vaccine Injury Awareness League (VIAL), a small California non-profit founded this year after the Pharma-led forced vaccination lobby descended upon that state’s legislature and attacked the human right to informed consent to medical risk taking so they could eliminate the personal belief vaccine exemption and the civil right to a school education.
The City of Atlanta has made a change to the rally permit and the new starting time for this important event is noon on Saturday, October 24th and ending at 4 PM.
The National Vaccine Information Center stands in solidarity with parents who are gathering in Atlanta and witnessing about what happened to their once healthy children, and are again calling on the CDC to tell the public the truth about vaccine injuries and deaths.
We stand with in solidarity with all who want to protect the right to know and the freedom to choose how to stay healthy in America…
NVIC Stands in Solidarity with Parents

Dave McCutcheon and parents marching in Atlanta 1986
The National Vaccine Information Center stands in solidarity with parents who are gathering in Atlanta and witnessing about what happened to their once healthy children, and are again calling on the CDC to tell the public the truth about vaccine injuries and deaths.
We stand with in solidarity with all who want to protect the right to know and the freedom to choose how to stay healthy in America.
We stand in solidarity with all who reject the politics of demonization, discrimination and segregation that pit parent against parent, citizen against citizen, and violate basic human and civil rights.
We will not allow another generation of children to lose their health because government continues to protect the liability free vaccine industry and covers up vaccine risks and failures, while our children are crippled in the chronic disease and disability epidemic sweeping through America’s schools.
YES to Democracy, NO to Corporatocracy
Many people coming to the rally in Atlanta are united in defending freedom of speech and conscience. They believe it is time to speak out about the business partnership between industry and government that is turning our democracy into a corporatocracy and threatening the health of our nation.
NVIC Questions FDA Fast Tracking of Squalene Adjuvanted Flu VaccineÂ
NVIC issued a national press release on Sept. 16, 2015, the day after the FDA Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) voted for fast track approval of the first squalene (oil in water) adjuvanted influenza vaccine for use in seniors over age 65. The Novartis MF59 adjuvanted Fluad vaccine was approved for accelerated licensure primarily using limited immunogenicity and safety evidence from a small clinical trial in which only about 1,000 healthy Americans over age 65 were given the adjuvanted vaccine.
Squalene vaccine adjuvants have been controversial every since Gulf War veterans returned from active duty in the 1990’s with serious autoimmune and brain disorders. Many were found to have high antibodies to squalene, which DOD denied using in experimental anthrax vaccines. Squalene adjuvants like AS03 have also been associated with narcolepsy and other neuroimmune dysfunction.
- Read NVIC’s referenced press release.
- Read NVIC’s public comment given at the Sept. 15, 2015 FDA meeting.
- Learn more about squalene vaccine adjuvants.
2015 Truth, Transparency and Freedom Rally eCard
Personalize your ecard by clicking below. Recipients will be sent a link to the card, and will be able to view relevant links to more information about the 2015 Truth, Transparency and Freedom Rally in Atlanta.
Report and Share Your Vaccine Experiences
On our website you can make a report to NVIC’s 33-year old Vaccine Reaction Registry and/or publicly post a vaccine reaction report with a photo on the Memorial for Vaccine Victims.
On the Vaccine Failure Wall, you can describe your experience if a vaccine failed to protect you or your child from disease.
If you were bullied, threatened or punished by a doctor, government official or employer for making an independent vaccine choice for yourself or your child, you can post a report on the Cry for Vaccine Freedom Wall.
Read the full article here.
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