Dr. Lee Hieb Facebook Page
Health Impact News Editor Comments
Dr. Lee Hieb, writing for WND.com, joins the growing ranks of doctors speaking out against forced vaccinations and the current hysteria in the mainstream media. Dr. Lee Hieb is an orthopaedic surgeon specializing in spinal surgery. She is past president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.
Dr. Hieb’s voice is a voice of reason and common sense on the current vaccine debate. Contrast this with most of the mainstream media today, heavily funded by the pharmaceutical industry, which are parading doctors into their shows calling for mandatory vaccines by force, and the removal of all licenses to practice for doctors who disagree with them.
Dr. Hieb correctly points out the logical conclusions to allowing government make medical decisions “for the good of society” by letting them inject chemicals into our body:
Medical ethics are clear: No one should be forced to undergo a medical treatment without informed consent and without their agreement to the treatment. We condemn the forced sterilization of the ’20s and ’30s, the Tuskegee medical experiments infecting black inmates and the Nazi medicine that included involuntary “Euthanasia,” experimentation and sterilization. How can we force vaccination without consent? Vaccination is a medical treatment with risks including death. It is totally antithetical to all ethics in medicine to mandate that risk to others.
If you think the government has the right to forcibly vaccinate people – for the good of society – what is to prevent them from forcibly sterilizing people, or forcibly euthanizing people, or forcibly implanting a tracking device – for the good of society? You may think those examples are extreme (although two-thirds have happened), but the principle is the same. You are allowing government to have ultimate authority over your body. (Source.)
Dr. Hieb does not stop with her discussion of the medical ethics and political implications of government forced vaccinations, she goes on to address two crucial issues that you are unlikely to hear in the mainstream media: Are vaccines safe, and are they effective?
Read the full article on WND.com.
Doctors Promoting Health Freedom and Choice Face Persecution and Censorship
By featuring Dr. Hieb on the Health Impact News network, and by having her commentary shared in many other alternative media sources that are not funded by Big Pharma, she will join the growing ranks of physicians who will be publicly attacked and ridiculed. Pro-vaccine doctors will most likely appear on TV and call for the removal of her license to practice in order to get mainstream media exposure.
Health Impact News issues an open invitation to any practicing physician or medical doctor who wants to join these brave physicians who have spoken out for truth and Health Freedom in the United States today. America needs to hear from you on the issue of Health Freedom, and we encourage you to stand with your colleagues who have risked their careers and possibly even their lives for speaking out on the issue of tyrannical government mandated vaccines, and vaccine safety and efficacy.
As Dr. Hieb states:
Science is never “concluded.”
Mr. Obama and other ideologues may think the truth is finalized (“The science is indisputable”), but the reality is our understanding of disease and treatment is constantly being updated. Just like Newton’s mechanical paradigm of the universe was supplanted by Einsteinian physics, and physicists today modify that view, medical “truth” is not the truth for long. In an attempt to quantify change in medicine, years ago a cardiology journal discussed “The Half-life of Truth.”
Cardiologists looked back in their journal at 20-year-old articles to see how much of what was believed then was still believed to be true. The answer? 50 percent. So in cardiology, at least – and in all of medicine to greater or lesser degree – only half of what we believe now will still be true in 20 or so years.
The last word on vaccination is not in. It hasn’t even begun to be written. (Source.)
Here at Health Impact News and Vaccine Impact, we will continue to write and publish it!
See Also:
Dr. Russell L. Blaylock, M.D. – The Danger of Excessive Vaccination During Brain Development: Link to Autism
Dr. Michael Elice M.D. – Media Promoting Medical Harm to Our Children
Doctors Against Vaccines: The Other Side of the Story is Not Being Told
Dr. Rowen: Measles Spread by those Vaccinated
Dr. Humphries: The Truth About Measles the Mainstream Media is Suppressing
Arizona Cardiologist Responds to Critics Regarding Measles and Vaccines
Former UCLA Medical Center Pediatrician: Let Parents Choose on Measles Vaccine
Dr. Brownstein Falsely Accused of Promoting the Flu Vaccine
Doctors Against Mandated Flu Vaccines

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Vaccine Epidemic
by Louise Kuo Habakus and Mary Holland J.D.
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