Dr. Brownstein: What to Avoid and What to Take for Coronavirus
Our misery continues! Today, I went to buy my mother toilet paper at 6am and the local grocery store shelves were emptied. Do not fear, as I found it later at a different store. Later today, mom tasked me with finding eggs. That took two different stores as well before I found them! But, this is a time not to panic. It is a time to pull together and support each other. Many are recovering uneventfully–we just don’t hear about it. I have seen numerous patients over the past month that may have had it. I couldn’t test them because of a lack of kits, but they all recovered. Of course some are very sick and dying. Overall, I believe we will come through this with a death rate similar or slightly higher than the rate for the common flu. But, we will never know the true numbers because of a lack of test kits. I do not think this crises will persist into the summer months. As we begin to test more patients, we will see the mortality rate decline. Of course, those are only my predictions we know that viruses can mutate. This virus is very contagious but it is a flu-like illness for most who get it. That must be kept in mind. And, eating a healthy diet and maintaining optimal hydration can help dramatically. More about that later. We are in this mess due to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). If the CDC had done their job, COVID-19 would be contained and manageable. But, all is not lost. As I have detailed in other posts, there are many things you can do to improve your immune system and help you avoid COVID-19 problems.