by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Back in August of 2020, Russia shocked the world by announcing that they had developed the world’s first vaccine for the “new” coronavirus, seemingly taking delight in the fact that they beat the Americans to the market.

It was named “Sputnik V,” reminding the Americans that they were the first ones to launch a rocket into space during the Cold War era in the space program race with the U.S. back in the 1960s. It was also apparently a mock on Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” which was still months away from producing their first COVID-19 vaccine. See:

Russia Shocks the World by Approving First COVID Vaccine – Big Pharma Throws Temper Tantrum – Will They Apply the Same Criticisms to Their Own Vaccines?

Giving further signs now that the “monkeypox virus” is the new plandemic that is going to be rolled out to the world to instill fear and sell vaccines, Russia announced this month (May, 2022) that they have developed a new test to allegedly detect the monkeypox virus, and then shortly after that they announced a new gene-based smallpox vaccine that had allegedly been developed in less than 30 days which will also reportedly work against monkeypox.

In addition to this “new” smallpox vaccine, a drug company of an existing smallpox vaccine in Russia just announced that they can produce up to 10 million doses or more per year.

Edward Slavsquat, an American journalist living in Moscow, reports on this new development on his Substack site.

Russia creates genetic smallpox vaccine

Developed in less than 30 days. Safe and effective.

by Edward Slavsquat

Last week we reported that Russia’s State Scientific Center for Virology and Biotechnology (“Vector”) had created a test for monkeypox in an effort to “assist the World Health Organization in developing advanced methods for rapid diagnostics.”

However, an even more impressive triumph of public health somehow escaped our radar.

On May 18, Rossiyskaya Gazeta revealed Vector was registering a “fourth-generation” smallpox vaccine:

The OrthopoxVac vaccine is a preparation based on a weakened live vaccinia virus for the prevention of smallpox and diseases caused by related orthopoxviruses. Rospotrebnadzor [the federal agency that operates Vector] explained:

“The vaccine was obtained by successively ‘turning off’ six virulence genes in the original virus and is a genetic composition that forms stable immunity and at the same time has a high safety profile.”

Anna Popova, the head of Rospotrebnadzor and also Russia’s de facto COVID nanny, gave an interesting update on May 25.

According to Popova, there’s currently no need to carry out mass inoculation to protect against the monkeypox scourge. She further stated that anyone who has received a smallpox shot is shielded from this new potential health threat.

That sounds… reasonable?

But then she added this:

Three vaccines against smallpox are registered in Russia, all of which work well, but “each of them is very difficult to tolerate [a weird euphemism for ‘side effects’]” Popova said.

“Also, Vector has developed a new generation of reactogenic vaccine which does not cause strong reactions, and three weeks ago it was submitted for registration to the Ministry of HealthThe documents were submitted, the full dossier for registration,” she said and added that it is currently under search for a partner for production in Russia.

Yes. To sum up: It is not currently necessary to mass-vax Russians. But if for some reason it does become necessary, we created a safe and effective genetic shot in less than a month because the already registered drugs can cause unpleasant side effects.

But also, how did Popova make this miracle slurry so quickly? If she applied for registration three weeks ago (from May 25), that would mean it was ready to go in early May—when the first “case” of “monkeypox” was reported. How is that even possible?

Or it was just sitting on a shelf, waiting to be registered? Why do that? Why not register it immediately? HELP US UNDERSTAND.

It’s all very science-y. By the way: Anna is an unapologetic WHO-lover who cannot stop dreaming about nibbling on Dr. Tedros’ toes.

But watch out, Popova! You have competition:

Rostec to the rescue! (source)

State-owned defense conglomerate Rostec has teamed up with Microgen (part of Rostec’s Nacimbio pharmaceutical holding) to create its own high-tech smallpox vaccine.

In 2018, Nacimbio was designated the sole supplier of vaccines for Russia’s National Calendar of Preventative Immunization. (We couldn’t confirm if it still has this distinguished honor as of 2022.) In June 2020, the firm partnered with Russia’s sovereign wealth fund (RDIF) to develop coronavirus therapies.

For those who don’t know, RDIF is invested in a number of curious COVID “treatments.”

Read the full article on Substack.

Here in the U.S., there have been no reported injuries or deaths due to smallpox or monkeypox for the past 40 years, but there have been over 5,700 cases of injuries and deaths due to the FDA-approved smallpox vaccines. See:

ZERO Smallpox Deaths or Injuries in 40 Years but 5,755 Injuries and Deaths from Smallpox Vaccines

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This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)

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Leaving a lucrative career as a nephrologist (kidney doctor), Dr. Suzanne Humphries is now free to actually help cure people.

In this autobiography she explains why good doctors are constrained within the current corrupt medical system from practicing real, ethical medicine.

One of the sane voices when it comes to examining the science behind modern-day vaccines, no pro-vaccine extremist doctors have ever dared to debate her in public.


Book – The Vaccine Court, by Wayne Rohde – 240 pages

“The Dark Truth of America’s Vaccine Injury Compensation Program”

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