by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Last night I watched the new documentary that was released by Netflix last month (June, 2023), “Take Care of Maya.”

This is, by far, the best documentary I have ever watched that exposes the criminal enterprise allowed to operate in this country, and which I have been covering as a journalist for about a decade now, medical kidnapping.

Here is the Netflix trailer:

The documentary shows the true story of the Kowalski family of Florida, a medical kidnapping horror story that we have covered in previous articles. See:

Florida Group Homes in Foster Care are Pimping and Sexually Trafficking Children

Has Florida Become the Top State in the U.S. for Medical Kidnapping and Child Trafficking?

The documentary was produced by Caitlin Keating, who also writes for People Magazine.

Here is an excerpt from People that was published just before the film was released on Netflix.

An Allegation of Munchausen by Proxy, a Mom’s Suicide, a Daughter’s Pain: ‘Take Care of Maya’ Exclusive Clip

Maya Kowalski tells PEOPLE how a hospitalization for her painful and rare neurological condition led to her mother’s suicide, ahead of the premiere of the new Netflix documentary

By Abby Roedel

Maya Kowalski was rushed to the ER at Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg, Fla., in the early morning of October 7, 2016. She had crippling stomach pain (“so severe, her knees were going up to her chest, and she was screaming,” says her father, Jack,) related to the rare neurological condition complex regional pain syndrome or CRPS.

The 17-year-old’s first memory was with her mom days later at the ICU. She kissed Maya on the forehead, told her she loved her, and they’d see each other the next day. “I never saw her again,” Maya says.

Maya’s mom, Beata, 43, had been accused of child abuse due to Munchausen syndrome by proxy, a mental disorder in which a caregiver fakes or causes symptoms to make a child look sick. She was immediately separated from her daughter.

In this exclusive clip for People from the new Netflix documentary Take Care of Maya (premiering this weekend at the Tribeca Film Festival and available to stream beginning June 19), Beata speaks with a parent advocate counseling her about how to get Maya back. The advocate says: “Beata, this is the thing you need to understand about these cases. They’re not fair. They don’t care about the evidence.”

In the ICU, Beata, trained as a registered nurse, told the doctors to administer a high dose of ketamine, the one treatment the Kowalskis and Maya’s doctor believed to be effective for her pain. The request raised concerns among the staff, and child protective services was called, which sent Dr. Sally Smith.

A court-ordered psychological evaluation eventually determined Beata did not have the illness. Still, Dr. Smith, a child abuse pediatrician who handled investigations for Pinellas County, a county with the highest rate in Florida of removing children from families under investigation, and the investigating team continued to push the case.

Less than a week after Maya checked into Johns Hopkins, she was placed in state custody and remained in the hospital away from her parents and her younger brother Kyle, now 16, for over three months. (Full article.)

Producer Caitlin Keating and director Henry Roosevelt were interviewed by The Wrap a few days ago, where they stated that they hear from other families with similar medical kidnapping stories as the Kowalskis, every single day.

‘Take Care of Maya’ Filmmakers Say They Hear From Families Every Day Who See Themselves in Kowalskis’ Medical Nightmare

When journalist Daphne Chen first wrote about the case, she heard from dozens of families in the same situation. Have you gotten a similar response to the documentary?

CK: There’s rarely an hour that goes by that we’re not getting a tweet, direct message, email, phone call or letter. It really shows you how widespread this problem is and how many people are experiencing something similar. People are saying that they saw themselves in this film in some way and the response has been overwhelming.

HR: We know that RNs and CPS workers are talking about it in classes and break rooms. So for us, it’s a positive thing, but it’s just the beginning of the conversation.

Would you do a follow-up documentary if the trial happens? And how much of your life is still about this case even if you’re not going to make another film about it?

CK: It took up a lot of our life for good reason for a long time. And if we’re not filming the trial, we will definitely be tuning in.

HR: Truthfully after we finished it, I don’t think it belongs to us anymore. I don’t even think it necessarily belongs to Netflix. When the audience gets a hold of it, they’re going to experience it through their own lens. It’s almost taken on a life of its own. (Full article.)

The filmmakers received so many stories from other families, even before the filming was completed, that they added a short clip at the end with testimonies from other parents who suffered the same kind of medical kidnapping of their children as the Kowalskis.

Stew Peters recently interviewed one of these other parents that you can watch here.

The Corrupt, Criminal Enterprise known as “Child Abuse Pediatric Doctors”

Pediatric Child Abuse specialist Dr. Sally Smith. Image source.

This film clearly exposes how a medical doctor who in reality is not even practicing medicine, but is acting as a forensic criminal investigator with ZERO training in law enforcement or forensic evidence, the corrupt pediatric specialty of “Child Abuse Specialist” which is a recent specialty started around 2010, has the enormous power to destroy families, as judges are all too quick to accept their “advice”.

The doctor in this case, Sally Smith, is one we are all too familiar with here at Health Impact News, as we have seen her repeatedly commit these crimes against other families in Florida.

See this 2019 story which was published in USA Today:

USA Today Exposes Florida Doctor Medically Kidnapping Children and Destroying Lives

The USA Today Network reportedly investigated hundreds of Dr. Smith’s cases, and:

…found more than a dozen instances where charges were dropped, parents were acquitted or caregivers had credible claims of innocence yet suffered irredeemable damage to their lives and reputations.

Beata Kowalski, a 43-year-old mother of two, died by suicide in 2017 after Smith accused her of Munchausen syndrome by proxy — a rare disorder in which a parent fakes a child’s illness for sympathy or gain. Her family members are now suing Smith and All Children’s Hospital for what they said were trumped-up claims.

John Stewart, a Marine Corps veteran, spent 300 days in jail on Smith’s allegation that he killed his girlfriend’s son by throwing him repeatedly against a soft surface. Prosecutors dropped the charges after a neuropathologist contradicted Smith’s findings, according to internal memos.

Tara Brown, 39, underwent three grueling rounds of in vitro fertilization to conceive twins with her physician husband. She was accused of inflicting countless fractures on her 6-week-old infants, but the charges were expunged after another doctor diagnosed them with a rare bone disorder.

“Sally Smith told me that if I didn’t tell them what was wrong, then my children would be put in foster care,” Brown said. “She looked us straight in the eye and said, ‘One of you is lying, one of you abused your children.’” (Full article.)

This medical sub-specialty of “pediatrics” is thoroughly corrupt, and responsible for incarcerating literally tens of thousands of innocent parents over false allegations of abuse.

We have written many articles exposing this corrupt profession in the medical system, and have written an entire book on the subject, which normally sells for $10.00 but is now available for free in the Healthy Traditions store here.

This is the book to give to attorneys and judges so they can be educated about these unlicensed law enforcement thugs who pose as “doctors”, as we clearly trace their history and medical abuses by destroying families.

If you don’t want to get the free ebook, here are some of the individual articles that are contained in the book:

Are New Pediatric “Child Abuse Specialists” Causing an Increase in Medical Kidnappings?

Child Abuse Pediatricians: An “Ethically Bankrupt” Profession that Destroys Families

Issues Not Covered in the Documentary – Was Maya Vaccinated?

While Maya’s medical condition is identified in the documentary as Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), there is no discussion about how Maya suddenly developed this condition at the age of 9.

CRPS is a known side effect of vaccines, and prior to the emergency use authorization of the COVID shots, the vaccine that produced the most recorded side effects for CRPS in the U.S. Government’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), was the HPV vaccine, primarily Merck’s Gardasil.

We have documented hundreds of cases of HPV vaccine injuries that have destroyed people’s lives, primarily young, child-bearing girls.

Learn More About the Deadly HPV Vaccine

The CDC authorizes the HPV vaccine for girls starting at age 9, the same age that Maya’s symptoms began, although I do not know if she received the HPV vaccine or not. (Source.)

Japan and other countries stopped recommending the HPV vaccine for young girls in 2015, due to incidences of POTS and CRPS following the HPV vaccine.

The pharma-funded medical journals tried to discredit these side effects, but here is a good study published by Dr. Peter C Gøtzsche, of the Institute for Scientific Freedom in the BMJ showing their conflict of interests and hiding data in their attempts to explain away these HPV vaccine side effects.

EMA’s mishandling of an investigation into suspected serious neurological harms of HPV vaccines

All the Kangaroo Family Courts are Constitutionally Illegal

Florida Judge Lee Haworth. Image source.

The other issue not addressed in this documentary, is the fact that the way parents are treated in child custody cases in these family courts, which in some states can also go by different names such as probate court, juvenile court, etc., is totally unconstitutional.

As soon as there is a claim of “child abuse,” the alleged victim, the child, is incarcerated, while the alleged abusers, usually the parents, are treated like criminals, but without the constitutional protection afforded to suspected criminals, such as being arrested and having their Miranda rights read, appearing before a judge at an arraignment to determine if there is sufficient evidence to be incarcerated before trial, the right to an attorney, the right to remain silent, etc.

No, parents are not afforded these constitutional rights, that are afforded to terrorists, rapists, murderers, etc. in the criminal justice system, when they are accused of “child abuse” which is often defined as “medical neglect” for failing to follow doctors’ orders.

In one scene, the father is being grilled and accused of wrongdoing by a Sheriff, as a criminal, with no legal representation whatsoever.

This is one of the few aspects of the child welfare system that is seldom, if ever, talked about. See:

Does the State Ever Have a “Right” to Remove Children from a Home?

What is shown in this documentary, is how Judge Lee Haworth denied Maya’s mother even the opportunity to hug her daughter, before leaving court.

She committed suicide shortly after this.

Read this account published in The Cut where Maya was forced to undress and be humiliated before going to court, and how the Judge refused to even let her hug her mother.

A week later, in January 2017, just before Maya was to travel from the hospital to another hearing, Bedy and a nurse entered her room and told her to take her clothes off.

The hospital’s risk-management department wanted photos of her taken before the proceeding. Maya refused to cooperate, even when Bedy told her that if she didn’t, she wouldn’t be allowed to go to the courthouse and see her mother.

Bedy began to forcibly remove her pants and shirt; Maya wrote an account of it that was later included in a legal filing.

“I was crying and saying, ‘No, stop,’” Maya wrote. “But she wouldn’t stop. Bedy pinned me face down and either she or the nurse took photos of me in my training bra and shorts.”

(The Kowalskis later learned that Bedy had been fired from a previous position managing foster-care children for Suncoast when she was arrested and charged with child abuse. Four fellow Suncoast employees called the police after they watched Bedy pin a 10-year-old boy to the ground with her knees and cover his face with a blanket as he cried out that he couldn’t breathe. In a deposition, Bedy denied using her knees on the child. She declined to comment for this article.)

Afterward, Maya got dressed and met her uncle outside the hospital. With the exception of afternoon walks on hospital grounds escorted by Bedy, it was the first time in months that she had been outside a fluorescent-lit hospital room.

She had spent Halloween, Christmas, New Year’s, and her 11th birthday in the hospital. She wanted to go back to school; she wanted to play Mario Kart with her brother and watch figure skating with her mom.

At the courthouse, Maya waited in a holding room while the family attorney told the judge that Maya had two requests: to speak to him and to hug her mother.

“No, not today,” Haworth said.

“Is there any way that even just momentarily she can just see her mom, just to hug her mother and —”

“No,” Haworth said. “I’m afraid not. From what I’ve heard from the doctors, the status is uncertain at the moment, so we’ll have to do without that today.” (Source.)

In the Netflix film, the family attorney stated:

It never made any sense to me, why she was denied giving her child a hug. And I can tell you, as we left the courthouse that day, that Beata was devastated. Devastated.

And the one thing that I know to this day is, none of us can get that hug back now.

That hug is gone.

Interviewer: “Do you think if she had hugged her, things would have turned out differently?”

Yes, I do. I do.

In the Netflix film, Beata’s husband Jack stated that he also thought that the judge’s decision to refuse his wife the opportunity to even hug her daughter, was what drove her over the edge.

Netflix showed portions of the letter left behind by Beata before she committed suicide.

The Kowalski’s Civil Lawsuit – Maya’s Deposition

It appears to me that perhaps the motivation to produce this documentary might be the fact that the Kowalski family now has a civil lawsuit against Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital for all these crimes committed against their family, but keeps getting delayed in the corrupt legal system, although I do NOT know this for a fact.

Their next scheduled court date is on September 11, 2023. Unless the public becomes outraged and puts pressure on this corrupt court and judge, there is probably very little hope of seeing justice done against this mega children’s hospital.

Gregory Anderson is the attorney on this case, and appears in the film.

The film includes depositions taken from the father and Maya.

Having covered this issue for about a decade now, and having dealt with literally hundreds of people who have been victimized by medical kidnapping, I have chosen a different clip from this documentary that I think best communicates what these families go through, and what this film is all about.

It is from the deposition of Maya, where she is asked why she does not want to go to a doctor or hospital anymore.

If you have never dealt with people victimized by medical kidnapping, I want you to listen very carefully to what Maya says in this clip.

Because people who go through this, and to a lesser extent those of us who advocate and work with these victims to bring their story to the public, have a very different perspective on our culture and the medical system that very few people can understand.

We are prone to anger and outbursts, even at seemingly simple questions.

So for me personally, and I am sure for many others, this is probably the best clip from the film:

Please watch the entire documentary at Netflix.

You can pay for a 1-month subscription to Netflix and then immediately cancel after watching this film, which will be less than the cost of a ticket to a movie theater.

This film is far more significant in exposing child trafficking in this country than the fictional Sound of Freedom movie, in my opinion, and shows that the horror of child trafficking in this country is not just limited to sex trafficking, but includes medical kidnapping by the pharmaceutical cartels as well.

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This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)

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