by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Israel is continuing its campaign of terrorism not only against the Palestinian people, but by also bombing and murdering Western aid workers trying to provide humanitarian relief to the refugees.

The entire world is watching with horror as Israel continues their genocide against the Palestinian people, and also bombing Iran and Syria.

The United States appears to be the only nation still supporting Israel by supplying them military aid and weapons, even as U.S. President Joe Biden gives lip service to allegedly opposing the actions of Israel’s Right Wing Zionist madman, Benjamin Netanyahu.

It can easily be stated today that Netanyahu has more support in the U.S. than he even does in his own country of Israel, where the majority of Israelis are NOT Zionists, and where tens of thousands of Jews have taken to the streets in the past few days to protest against the mass-murderer Benjamin Netanyahu.

The groups in the U.S. that primarily support all of Netanyahu’s actions and reign of terrorism, are the Evangelical Zionist Christians, where many American pastors have been calling on the U.S. to “wipe out” all of the Palestinians in Gaza, which of course includes many Christian Palestinians as well.

The latest Evangelical Pastor to call for the genocide of the Palestinians, is Pastor Timothy Walberg, who is also a Republican Congressman from Michigan.

Walberg last week stated in a Town Hall meeting in Michigan that the U.S. should drop nuclear bombs on Gaza, just like we did on Japan during WW II. He also included Iran and Russia, as well as North Korea and China, in his calls for nuclear annihilation.

“We shouldn’t be spending a dime on humanitarian aid. It should be like Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Get it over quick. The same should be in Ukraine. Defeat Putin quick.”

The Town Hall meeting was allegedly an invitation-only meeting, but one of Walberg’s Democratic opponents was allegedly there and recorded his words on his cell phone.

After the video went viral on social media, Walberg issued a statement claiming that his comments were “taken out of context” as he tried to do damage control, but in the end he stood by his belief that Israel should eliminate the Palestinians.

Rep. Tim Walberg ‘stands’ by his belief Israel should nuke Gaza

Rep. Tim Walberg of Michigan has released a statement standing by his belief that Israel should drop a nuclear bomb on Gaza, even as Israel faces charges of genocide.

Walberg was asked during a town hall meeting with constituents about the administration of President Joe Biden currently building a port off the coast of Gaza to deliver more humanitarian aid, according to a video shared online on Friday.

“We shouldn’t be spending a dime on humanitarian aid. It should be like Nagasaki and Hiroshima, get it over quick,” Walberg had told his constituents.

The lawmaker said building the port is “Joe Biden’s reason” to get humanitarian aid into Gaza. But he said he doesn’t believe aid should be provided to suffering Palestinians.

“I don’t think any of our aid that goes to support Israel to support Israel — to support our greatest ally, arguably maybe in the world, to defeat Hamas and Iran and Russia and probably North Korea’s in there, and China to, with them in helping Hamas,” Walberg said, seeming to fumble over his words.

Walberg, a pastor, was blasted for his rhetoric seemingly advocating the use of nuclear weapons leading him to release the statement standing by his previous comments.

“As a child who grew up in the Cold War Era, the last thing I’d advocate for would be the use of nuclear weapons. In a shortened clip, I used a metaphor to convey the need for both Israel and Ukraine to win their wars as swiftly as possible, without putting American troops in harm’s way,” Walberg said.

He said his advocating for the use of nuclear weapons is so that “fewer innocent lives will be caught in the crossfire,” suggesting that he believes more Gaza lives would be lost in a continuing grand war than by dropping a nuclear bomb.

“The sooner Hamas and Russia surrender, the easier it will be move to forward,” Walberg said. “The use of this metaphor, along with the removal of the context, distorted my message, but I fully stand by these beliefs and stand by our allies.”

Full article.

As could be expected, reactions from leaders around the world were appalled that an America politician who is also a Christian Pastor would support such barbaric actions.

Here is a report that produced, which included comments from not only Arabs, but also a Japanese member of Parliament who was outraged.

Timothy Walberg’s Rise in Power through Zionism

Timothy Walberg’s education in Zionism began at the same place where my education began, at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago.

Walberg was at Moody a decade before I was, but obviously his path to his career took a far different path than mine did.

When I found out that Walberg was a fellow alumnus from the same school I earned my Bachelor of Arts degree in Bible and Greek from, I decided to look him up, and I found some articles about him from the Moody Bible Institute Alumnus magazine, which is used to solicit funds from Moody Alumni by showing how great the education is at Moody in training future Christian leaders.

“I never planned to be in politics, other than as a good citizen,” says Tim Walberg ’73, who served as a pastor for 10 years after  graduating from Moody.

But one Sunday, after challenging his congregation to apply their faith within their spheres of influence,  he and his wife, Sue (Polensky) ’74, took the challenge, getting involved in pro-life work.

As a result of this involvement, Walberg was asked to run for state representative in Michigan, so he ran on the issue of ending  public funding of abortion.

He won the election in 1983 and spent the next 16 years in office. “Michigan is the number one state in  the union for laws protecting both the baby and the mother,” he says.

“It was one of the things I look back and say, ‘Thank God for the opportunity to be involved in that.’”

When his term ended in 1999, Walberg accepted a position at Moody as a division manager in Stewardship. “Being part of the  ministry of Moody on campus was exciting for us. We enjoyed it very much and felt very fulfilled and fruitful there during that time,” he recalls.

When a seat opened in his congressional district, Walberg was recruited by a number of individuals and organizations. After  praying with his wife, he decided to step back into public service through the political arena.

He was elected to Congress in 2007,  was defeated for a term in 2009, then has been elected three times since 2011.

Whether he’s voting on traditional marriage, school choice, or cyber security, Walberg says the training he received has been “very useful in politics—in presenting the truth, in communicating clearly, and certainly having an intense belief that the only way we  can see real change in our world is through Jesus Christ.”

The world of politics keeps him on his knees. Walberg attends and occasionally preaches at the Jefferson Gathering, a weekly  Capitol worship service. He also attends and periodically leads a weekly Bible study with other representatives.

“It’s been exciting as a Christian to see this as a real mission field and place of ministry and have that opportunity, along with other Christian  colleagues in Congress, to use our faith and influence on colleagues and constituents,” he says.


Isn’t that wonderful how we have so many good Christian men trained in Zionist Evangelical Christianity participating in politics?

Moody Bible Institute thinks so, as the higher up you reach in areas like politics, mega churches, and Christian ministry, the better chance you have to be featured as one of their Alumni.

I wonder why they have never come to me to publish a profile on my career??

I started a business selling coconut oil and by teaching Americans how Government agencies such as the FDA, USDA, and others have been lying to the American people about what foods are healthy for them, serving corporate interests over public health.

That business has reached millions of people for over 20 years.

And being the editor of Health Impact News since 2011, my writings have reached many millions of more people around the globe, by exposing the corruption in Government and Big Business, by exposing the dangers of vaccines, by exposing the Great Covid Scam, by exposing how the U.S. Government and Corporate America is run by pedophiles (including pedo “Pastors”) and by showing how the entire medical system is Satanic.

One of my homemade videos in 2021 showing how many people were dying from the COVID “vaccines” has been viewed over 12 million times. (View here.)

I have also had many of my readers email me over the years and tell me how blessed they were by my writings, and how they have now come into a personal relationship with the Jesus of the Bible (as opposed to the Jesus portrayed in Religions), dramatically changing their lives, including a man living in a Muslim country, and a man who used to be a drug addict living on the streets.

I wonder why Moody Bible Institute has never contacted me to do an article about how I utilized my education at their institution to enhance my Bible study skills to guide me through my career, given the fact that my career has touched the lives of so many millions of people living around the world??

No, for believers like me who took our education to become productive members of the culture and providing products and services that actually serve the people, rather than being supported by Corporate Christianity non-profit corporations, or taxpayer funded positions in the Government, and are therefore free to expose the corruption in the Satanic world system (Freemasonry) and fighting against it, rather than serving it and working for Satan, we work for a reward and recognition that will only come in the future, in the Kingdom of God.

In the meantime, we suffer, joyfully.

Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.

Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. (Matthew 5:10-12)

Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.

For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.

What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?

For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father’s glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what he has done.” (Matthew 16:24-27)

What then is my reward? Just this: that in preaching the gospel I may offer it free of charge, and so not make use of my rights in preaching it. Though I am free and belong to no man, I make myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible. (1 Corinthians 9:18-19)

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward.

It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Anyone who does wrong will be repaid for his wrong, and there is no favoritism. (Colossians 3:23-25)


Exposing the Christian Zionism Cult


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This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)

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