Mormon Temple in Mesa, Arizona. Image Source.
by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
When I first met and talked with Neal Sutz in the summer of 2019, and learned about this story, I had already published dozens of stories on the corruption in Arizona regarding their Child Protection Services, and even exposing some of the key politicians who allowed these things to happen in Arizona.
It was, in fact, a medical kidnapping story from a mother out of Arizona, Melissa Diegel, that convinced me to start MedicalKidnap.com to have an entire website devoted to this topic, so horrible was Melissa Diegel’s story.
Arizona has always been one of the worst states in the U.S. to allow child trafficking, and that includes children being trafficked at the border. See:
Arizona Whistleblowers Expose the Human Sex Trafficking Business at the U.S. Border
So when this desperate father from Arizona contacted me from Switzerland, while I was horrified by his story, it did not surprise me at all.
His story supplied some new pieces of the puzzle in child trafficking in Arizona that I had not known about previously, so it was an easy decision for me to learn about his story, and then publish it.
And I do want to say publicly here that while his story documents corruption at its highest levels with a powerful Mormon family in Arizona, that this is NOT representative of all Mormons.
Because Mormons are taught to be preppers and store at least 6 months worth of food, I have many Mormon customers in my business, Healthy Traditions. I also have a wonderful Mormon person who has worked for me for over a decade.
We should never, ever, judge people based on which groups they belong to, whether religious, political, ethnic, etc.
I am publishing a 1-hour documentary that Neal Sutz produced about his family, showing all the media personalities and politicians who knew about his case, but in the end refused to help him, and stopped covering his story.
To learn more about Neal Sutz and the horrible plight of his children who are still being held captive today, see the last article I just published:
The Neal Sutz Story: How Donald Trump Covered Up The Largest Child Trafficking Story in Switzerland and Arizona During His First Presidency
I also want to publicly state that I was active in trying to get political help for Neal Sutz in 2019, so I personally know some of the details of this case, and I can absolutely state that Donald Trump and his family knew about Neal Sutz and his case in 2019.
I had a friend who was a business associate of the Trump family, specifically Eric Trump, and I used his connection to the Trumps to bring Neal’s story to them.
In 2019 we also bought radio air time from a local radio station based in Phoenix, to bring Neal’s story and others from Arizona directly to the public, and we produced and broadcast 6 shows in 2019 that aired live in the evening hours. See:
The Medical Kidnap Show
Broadcast from Phoenix, Arizona
KFNX Independent Talk Radio 1100
After we produced the first show, What is Medical Kidnapping?, my friend told me he had sent the show to the Trump family, as well as other influential contacts that he had, including Kanye West and Kim Kardashian, who were married at the time.
Kanye was doing musical tours that year venturing into the venue of Christian music, and I was told that he and Kim had listened to the show and were going to promote it on Social Media.
I was also told that Lara Trump, Eric Trump’s wife, knew about the show and was requesting that I consider joining their campaign for re-election (Lara Trump was running the campaign).
I had no interest in politics, of course, but there were great expectations that finally, the horrible child sex trafficking problem in Arizona, and with Neal’s story revealing how far this stretched worldwide, was finally going to be exposed.
But it didn’t.
Today, nothing has changed, other than the fact that some of those who covered this up are now being put forth in the media again as those who will “save” this country, while the entire Jeffrey Epstein U.S. system of banking and business that fuels the child sex trafficking network worldwide continues even greater than before.
Watch how Neal has documented what is one of the biggest cover-ups in U.S. history, and how in the end everyone abandoned him and his children, while his wife lost her life.
WARNING! Graphic images.
The Neal Sutz Story: How Donald Trump Covered Up The Largest Child Trafficking Story in Switzerland and Arizona During His First Presidency
Comment on this article at HealthImpactNews.com.
This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)
See Also:
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The Bewitching of America with the Evil Eye and the Mark of the Beast
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Exposing the Christian Zionism Cult
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Identifying the Luciferian Globalists Implementing the New World Order – Who are the “Jews”?
The Brain Myth: Your Intellect and Thoughts Originate in Your Heart, Not Your Brain
Fact Check: “Christianity” and the Christian Religion is NOT Found in the Bible – The Person Jesus Christ Is
Was the U.S. Constitution Written to Protect “We the People” or “We the Globalists”? Were the Founding Fathers Godly Men or Servants of Satan?
The Seal and Mark of God is Far More Important than the “Mark of the Beast” – Are You Prepared for What’s Coming?
The Satanic Roots to Modern Medicine – The Mark of the Beast?
Medicine: Idolatry in the Twenty First Century – 8-Year-Old Article More Relevant Today than the Day it was Written
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