by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
In 2001, while living in the Philippines with my family, I became the first person to export a “Virgin Coconut Oil” from the Philippines to the United States.
The product wasn’t known as “Virgin Coconut Oil” in the Philippines. It was just known as common “coconut oil” that the poor people made by hand, using traditional methods, because it was cheaper to make this kind of coconut oil from fresh coconuts, than it was to buy the mass-produced machine-made refined coconut oil sold in the grocery stores.
We had spent the previous two years developing our Philippine Herb company in the Philippines, and exporting some of these herbs to the U.S. for the herbal supplement industry.
Handmade coconut oil using traditional methods, was an afterthought for us, but because it was the dietary oil our family was now consuming in the Philippines at that time, we decided to offer it for sale in the U.S. also.
The rest is history, as it quickly became our #1 product, changing so many people’s lives that powerful forces tried to destroy us to stop the sale of this simple dietary oil that had nourished tropical populations for thousands of years, with tremendous health benefits.
Those health benefits threatened market share of other products in the U.S., including pharmaceutical drugs and the “newer” polyunsaturated oils that technology made possible after WW II, and today are normally referred to as “vegetable oils” made from corn and soybeans, which today are more than 90% genetically modified (GMO).
I wrote a complete history on our 20-year anniversary a couple of years ago:
Healthy Traditions: 20 Years of Demonstrating God’s Faithfulness in Offering an Alternative to Commodity Food and Products
I was very fortunate to utilize the emerging technology in 2001, and the growing use of the Internet, to educate the American public about the truth regarding the edible oil industry, and show how the U.S. Government’s dietary recommendations through the USDA were faulty, and served the interests of big corporations and had nothing to do with Americans’ health.
This was long before Google, Facebook, or Twitter were around filtering information, and when still mostly sold only books.
By 2003, there was strong market demand for Virgin Coconut Oil, and book publishers were contacting me about writing a book, as I had published so much information on coconut oil, including peer-reviewed research on its health benefits, some of which had been around since the 1960s.
I ended up self-publishing our own book in 2004, gathering together 100 of the best testimonies from our customers and readers, and we also hired a professional chef to create some recipes on how to use coconut oil, which were also published in the book.
Today there are hundreds of thousands of copies of this book printed, although most now buy the eBook version. Much of the contents of the book are also published on, but if you would like to have a hard copy that will not disappear if the Internet goes down, we are currently offering it for free for a limited time (a minimum order of $20 is needed to get it for free).
You can get 2 copies for free per order, so that you can keep one and give one to a friend.
Here are some of the topics covered:
What is Virgin Coconut Oil?
- Refined Coconut Oil
- Virgin Coconut Oil Production
- What is “Extra Virgin Coconut Oil?”
- Is Coconut Oil Affected by Heat?
- Frequently Asked Questions about Virgin Coconut Oil
The Health Benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil
- Population Studies
- The Research
- How Did Coconut Oil Get Such a Bad Reputation?
- Coconut Oil: the Center of Attack
- The Replacement for Saturated fats: Toxic Oils
- The Benefits of Saturated Fats
How Virgin Coconut Oil has Changed People’s Lives
- Testimonies
- Virgin Coconut Oil and Viruses
- Lauric Acid
- Virgin Coconut Oil and Diabetes
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia
- Coconut Oil Increases Energy Levels
- Crohn’s Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and Coconut Oil for Digestive Health
- Digestive Disorders and Coconut Oil
- Coconut Oil and Intestinal Absorption
Virgin Coconut Oil for Weight Loss
- Low-fat Diets Don’t Work
- Fats in History
- Fats for Animal Feeds
- Low-Carb Diets: Half the Story
- Flawed “Science”
- Traditional Fats are Best
- Scientific Studies on the Weight-loss Effects of Coconut Oil’s MCTs
- Does Everyone Lose Weight While Using Coconut Oil?
Virgin Coconut Oil and Thyroid Health
- Hypothyroidism Reaching Epidemic Proportions
- What is Causing This Epidemic?
- The Truth About Fats and Oils
- Coconut Oil: A Healthy Choice for the Thyroid
- Coconut Oil and Oxidative Stress
Skin Health and Virgin Coconut Oil
- A Healthy Head!
- Hope for Skin Problems
- Sun Protection
- Under Arm Protection!
Virgin Coconut Oil and Candida Yeast Infections
- Research
- The Coconut Diet Anti-Yeast Program
Does Coconut Oil Affect Cholesterol Levels?
- Population Studies
- Faulty Science
- Do Saturated Fats Clog Arteries?
Coconut Oil in Pet and Animal Nutrition
- For Dogs
- How much to give?
- For Cats
- For Horses
- For Birds
Virgin Coconut Oil for Senior Health: Reversing Dementia
The one area where we received the most testimonials were from caregivers who began using Virgin Coconut Oil in the diets of those who were suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and other forms of dementia.
In 2008 a medical doctor from Florida also discovered this when she gave coconut oil to her husband who was suffering from AD, and saw an almost 100% turnaround.
Because she could put “Dr.” in front of her name and “MD” after it, she got more press than almost anyone else at the time in promoting coconut oil.
But like many others in her profession, she soon found out that the medical system in the U.S. is designed for profits, and managing diseases to create repeat customers, and not actually healing its customers, so her work was vilified.
You can read many of the testimonials from family members who saw astounding success in bringing back their senior family members’ memories here:
Research on Alzheimer’s and Coconut Oil
I have written a short eBooklet highlighting the research on coconut oil and AD, with guidelines for geriatric care, and this one you can download for free with no minimum purchase (because we are not shipping you anything) here.
Secure Alternative Health Information NOW Before it All Disappears!
In 2005, the year following the publication of our book, the U.S. Government sent their alphabet agencies after us to try and shut us down.
To this day, the FDA says it is illegal to publish this information on the same website where we sell coconut oil. And that is true of ANY natural product that makes any kind of health claim, or claim to cure any disease, as only the FDA allows that, and they only allow it for patented drugs.
Yeah, I know a thing or two about supposed “free speech.”
So while I cannot tell you where to go to buy your coconut oil, which fortunately is widely available almost everywhere now in spite of the Government telling people it will kill them, I can give you some guidelines on how to buy the best quality Virgin Coconut Oil.
Public Health SCANDAL! Sugar Industry Hid Science Linking Sugar to Heart Disease – Blamed Saturated Fats and Cholesterol Instead
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This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)
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