Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

With political campaigns in full swing now as the Democrats are currently holding their convention in Chicago, it is important to remember that national politics in the United States is a closely scripted arm of the entertainment industry, and has almost no bearing on real life, and the issues facing Americans every day.

The fact that more Americans don’t recognize this yet, especially after the Great Coup of 2020 and the COVID Scam, shows how a powerful demonic enchantment still holds the minds and emotions of most Americans today, who foolishly believe that they can somehow change the fate of our nation by simply voting their favorite candidate into office, even while admitting that they are voting for the “lesser of two evils”, and acknowledge that the elections are rigged.

So if there is a winner declared in the November national elections in the United States, with the illusion that the winner was “chosen” by the “will of the people,” the real winner will undoubtedly be Jeffery Epstein, the man who built today’s political system by using blackmail, primarily through child sex trafficking, to control the richest people in the world who really run America.

The last hope that Epstein’s clients would finally be published and that many of them would be brought to justice, died last year, 2023, when the Virgin Islands vs. JPMorgan Chase Bank lawsuit against the billionaire bankers and Silicon Valley technocrats who were all brought to power through the Epstein financial system, was settled without a single person facing judgement.

All three current major candidates (at the time of this writing) running for the office of the President of the United States, have strong connections to Epstein, and undoubtedly would not be in a position to take over the most powerful political office in the U.S. without those connections to Jeffrey Epstein.

Limiting the public’s choice to only being able to vote for those who were connected to and empowered by the Epstein child sex trafficking financial system, of course ensures that this Satanic system will continue.

Epstein of course was a Satanic Jew, and linked to the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad, which also ensures that only those who support the Zionist cause can be elected to the office of the President of the United States.

I have already provided extensive evidence of Donald Trump’s business relationships to Epstein, as well as Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s association with the Pedophile. See:

One Nation Under Blackmail: The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Crime that Gave Rise to Jeffrey Epstein

How Many Times did Zionist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Ride on Epstein’s Lolita Express?

What about the newcomer to the political race to become President of the United States, Vice President Kamala Harris?

Harris is the only female of the three current candidates, and while she may not have had any direct dealings with Jeffrey Epstein, she has surrounded herself with very powerful people who have.

We can start with her current husband, the Zionist Jew Douglas Emhoff, who will become the nation’s first “First Gentleman” if Harris makes it to the White House.

Many people believe that Harris resisted pressure from the Zionists by not choosing Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro for her Vice President, who is himself a Zionist Jew who chose to serve in Israel’s IDF forces when he was younger, rather than the U.S. military.

But if Harris is elected as President, the Zionists will still be in bed with her (literally), starting with her husband.

Doug Emhoff has attacked the student protests on College Campuses as promoting “antisemitism”, and he solicited funds for Kamala’s first run for the office of POTUS back in 2019 from the law firm who defended Epstein in his case in Florida back in 2010.

Kamala Harris bemoaned the influence of the powerful and connected elite last Tuesday when she called on top Justice Department officials to recuse themselves from any matter related to Jeffrey Epstein. She said their former law firm’s work on behalf of the financier accused of sexual abuse “calls into question the integrity of our legal system.”

Yet the same day, Harris’ husband headlined a Chicago fundraiser for her presidential campaign that was hosted by six partners of that firm — Kirkland and Ellis, according to an invitation obtained by The Associated Press.

Harris, a California senator and Democratic presidential candidate, was one of several White House hopefuls to blast the handling of Epstein’s case in Florida a decade ago, when his lawyers negotiated a deal with federal prosecutors that allowed him to avoid the possibility of years in prison.

But her decision to move ahead with the fundraiser hosted by Kirkland and Ellis partners while criticizing the firm underscores the tension that can arise when a politician’s rhetoric collides with his or her need to raise money to sustain a presidential campaign. (Source.)

She has financial support from many other former Epstein associates, such as LinkedIn founder Reed Hoffman.

She also has close ties to Larry Fink of BlackRock, a known business partner with Epstein, and is reportedly hiring executives from BlackRock to form her own version of an Epstein economic platform. (Source.)

So please know, my fellow Americans, that if you are planning on voting in the upcoming national elections for the office of the President of the United States, you are essentially voting for Jeffrey Epstein, whom many people believe committed suicide after President Trump arrested him, and he never went to trial.

There is some hope, however, that more and more people are waking up to the fact that the United States is run by a “uniparty” that is different in name only (Democrats or Republicans), and run by the same group of Wall Street and Silicon Valley Billionaires.

Here is a great interview that I just recently watched between two young women, who appear to be Millennials based on how old they appear, which is the same generation as my children.

The interviewer is Sabrina Salvati, a popular podcaster who goes by Sabby Sabs and is a member of the “Revolutionary Blackout” founded by Nick Cruse.

The person she is interviewing is investigative journalist Whitney Webb, who wrote the excellent two-volume book “One Nation Under Blackmail: The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Crime that Gave Rise to Jeffrey Epstein“, and is probably one the world’s best experts on the life of Jeffrey Epstein.

Both these women fully understand that there are no real differences between the Democrats and the Republicans, because the same Billionaires control both parties, and both are firmly entrenched in the Jeffrey Epstein Zionist child sex trafficking financial system that runs America.

Please do not get hung up on what “groups” these women might belong to, but instead listen to what they actually say and judge what they say by whether it is true or not, which is the ONLY standard that we should judge others by when they are speaking or writing to the public.

This is on YouTube, but it is also on Odysee if it disappears.


Big Tech “Far-Right” Billionaires want to Eliminate Politicians and “Democracy” as They Believe They can Run the World Better by Themselves

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