Whoever is (S)Elected as the Next U.S. President, Jeffrey Epstein will be the Real Winner

With political campaigns in full swing now as the Democrats are currently holding their convention in Chicago, it is important to remember that national politics in the United States is a closely scripted arm of the entertainment industry, and has almost no bearing on real life, and the issues facing Americans every day. The fact that more Americans don't recognize this yet, especially after the Great Coup of 2020 and the COVID Scam, shows how a powerful demonic enchantment still holds the minds and emotions of most Americans today, who foolishly believe that they can somehow change the fate of our nation by simply voting their favorite candidate into office, even while admitting that they are voting for the "lesser of two evils", and acknowledge that the elections are rigged. So if there is a winner declared in the November national elections in the United States, with the illusion that the winner was "chosen" by the "will of the people," the real winner will undoubtedly be Jeffery Epstein, the man who built today's political system by using blackmail, primarily through child sex trafficking, to control the richest people in the world who really run America. All three current major candidates (at the time of this writing) running for the office of the President of the United States, have strong connections to Epstein, and undoubtedly would not be in a position to take over the most powerful political office in the U.S. without those connections to Jeffrey Epstein. Limiting the public's choice to only being able to vote for those who were connected to and empowered by the Epstein child sex trafficking financial system, of course ensures that this Satanic system will continue. Epstein of course was a Satanic Jew, and linked to the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad, which also ensures that only those who support the Zionist cause can be elected to the office of the President of the United States.

The Epstein Beast Banking System: A House of Cards Banking System Built on the Back of Global Child Sex Trafficking

Former Wall Street insider, banking industry whistleblower, and investigative reporter Pam Martens of Wall Street on Parade, has just published another explosive report this week about how the corporate media's fascination over a list of names of people associated with Jeffrey Epstein's pedophile network that has just been unsealed, is from an older lawsuit against Epstein by some of his victims that was filed in 2015, and settled in 2017. She reports that the REAL explosive documents that remain under seal, are the ones in the case against JPMorgan Chase Bank and their criminal CEO, Jamie Dimon. Chase Bank funded the Epstein pedophilia network that leveraged the world's wealthiest people in business and politics through child sex trafficking. Chase Bank is the largest bank in the U.S. and one of the most powerful banks in the world. In fact, I believe we can actually say now that the U.S. Banking system is built upon the Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking network, and probably would have crashed and burned years ago without it.

Epstein’s Child Sex Trafficking Network in Ukraine Exposed

While the recent unsealing of documents revealing famous people who were associated with the pedophile business leader Jeffrey Epstein hasn't revealed anything new for those of us who have been exposing this information for over a decade now, these documents and names have shocked the world, commanding headlines in the corporate media for the past few days all around the world. One of the more interesting articles published analyzing the Epstein documents that I have read is a an article written and published as the current headline news story in the English language Russian website Sputnik. Since 2021 when we published the Polish filmmaker Patryk Vega's documentary called “Eyes of the Devil”, which documents how babies are trafficked from Poland and Ukraine to the child sex brothels in Germany, or literally butchered so their body parts can be sold on the black market, we have exposed this evil child sex trafficking operation that has deep business roots inside Ukraine. With much of this information now becoming public and even making it into the corporate media, journalist Ekaterina Blinova has connected the dots between the Clinton's foundation and trafficking children in Ukraine with the help of Ukrainian first lady Olena Zelenskaya and has published an article that at the time of my writing this, is currently the headline news article on Sputnikglobe.com. Ekaterina reports that the Clinton Foundation was "nothing but a vehicle to transform the once-broke (Ukraine) presidential family into mega-multi-millionaires and help their associates to get rich too."

Mainstream Media Is Avoiding the Big Story on Jeffrey Epstein

A meaningless news story made headline news in both the Corporate and Alternative Media yesterday regarding "sealed" names related to Jeffrey Epstein, as there was almost absolutely nothing new revealed by these names. The book on Jeffrey Epstein and who was responsible for bringing him to power was already written at the end of 2022 and widely distributed in 2023, by Whitney Webb, who has extensively documented the three Billionaires who brought Epstein to power: Leslie Wexner, Donald Trump, and Bill Gates. None of these men will face justice, and in fact one of them is the favorite to become the next President of the United States (again), and neither will the man who runs the world's most powerful bank that financed the Epstein criminal network, Jamie Dimon, CEO of Chase Bank.

How Many Times did Zionist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Ride on Epstein’s Lolita Express?

The now Independent candidate for the office of the President of the United States, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., has angered many of his supporters in recent days by supporting Israel and agreeing to stifle free speech on campuses in the United States, such as Harvard, where anybody who reports the suffering and genocide against the Palestinian people is labeled as "antisemitism." What is interesting about these reports of RFK Jr. losing support due to his position on Israel and censorship, is that some people are learning for the first time that RFK Jr., along with his previous wife Mary, who committed suicide after Robert took custody of their children together away from her, has previously flown with the pedophile Jeffrey Epstein on his private jet. Newsweek claims that they have an "exclusive" on RFK Jr.'s previous association with Jeffrey Epstein, including riding in his jet, which a "spokesperson" from his campaign allegedly claimed happened only "one time." This was published on November 1, 2023, and the "spokesperson" who allegedly spoke to Newsweek, and "clarified" why Kennedy flew "one time" on his jet, is not revealed. However, I published an article about RFK Jr.'s announcement that he was running for President on April 6, 2023, where I reported that RFK Jr. has been listed as a passenger on Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Lolita Express’, and admits he flew on Epstein’s plane twice (source: One Nation Under Blackmail: The sordid union between Intelligence and Organized Crime that gave rise to Jeffrey Epstein, by Whitney Webb, Volume 2, page 159). So how many times did Kennedy actually fly on the Lolita Express? And since Big Tech is apparently bank rolling his campaign, where most of the big names support Israel, it is not surprising (to me, at least) that Kennedy supports limiting free speech against anything related to the Palestinian plight in Gaza, where a child reportedly is being killed every 10 minutes, in spite of the fact that Kennedy earns a half million dollars a year salary to head up Children's Health Defense. I guess Palestinian children are not included in their "Children's defense."

Is the Rothschild Banking Empire Global Pedophile Network’s Link to Israel About to be Exposed?

"All wars are bankers' wars" is a common fact known to many in the Alternative Media who understand that politicians are mere puppets to the world's Globalists who control the finances of the world, and these Globalists who control the banking industry as well as the Billionaires on Wall Street and Silicon Valley, fund both sides of almost every war to maximize profits. It is, therefore, always prudent to take a step back anytime "war" breaks out, such as the most recent one that began in October in Gaza, and try to figure out what the Globalists' purpose and end game might be. I have been pondering this for the past few days, ever since the leader of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, failed to call for an all out war against Israel last Friday, as many had expected. This had been the threat made to Israel if they chose to invade Gaza with ground forces, which they have now done, as they continue to bomb anything and everything in Gaza, including yesterday when Israel’s Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu stated that dropping a nuclear bomb on the Gaza Strip was an option for Israel and claimed there are no innocent civilians in the enclave. So why haven't Hezbollah and Iran followed through on their threats? I don't know, and can only speculate. Did the U.S. buy off Iran and Hezbollah before the Hamas attacks happened, as is evidenced by the release of $billion of dollars to Iran just before the attacks? Or are Iran and Hezbollah playing the long game, by not falling for the Israeli trap, and just standing by and waiting for Israel to implode by itself without a larger escalation of the war? The latter is the opinion of Scott Ritter, the former US Marine Corps intelligence officer that now writes for RT.com. But there may be another piece to this puzzle that Pam Martens has uncovered and published in her column today at Wall Street on Parade, and her ongoing coverage of the Jeffrey Epstein lawsuits against Chase Bank, the largest bank in the U.S. While examining court documents for the most recent proposed settlement in a class action lawsuit against Chase Bank, who funded the Epstein worldwide pedophile network, she noticed that one of the plaintiffs, former Epstein victim Sarah Ransome, was challenging the settlement and is appearing in court in New York later this week. As a former Epstein victim, Ransome has cut deals before to prevent her from testifying, and regretted it. Martens discovered that a federal marshal has now been ordered to be present at this hearing, something that no other media outlet has reported yet. The likely reason the federal marshal has been summoned for the hearing is that Attorney David Boies has taken the questionable action of making public on the court docket an exhibit showing what purports to be 105 pages of personal emails sent by a Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking victim, Sarah Ransome. The final email states this: “David and Demon – You’ve made the biggest mistake crossing me. You’ve underestimated me and I’m coming for you. Sarah Ransome” Throughout the series of emails, Ransome refers to Jamie Dimon, Chairman and CEO of JPMorgan Chase, as “Demon” instead of Dimon. In an email dated October 24, 2023 to leaders of countries in the Middle East, Ransome writes this: “My bad choices because life dealt me a rather rough hand doesn’t change the fact that I was raped repeatedly and trafficked by Epstein, no matter how hard the U.S. and Israeli Administration deflect that they indeed have broken the Geneva Convention and have been committing war crimes globally for decades…We all know that the material Epstein filmed for both governments has been used to broker deals in their favour for years.” What is she going to reveal? How deep does this evil network go, and what are its connections to Zionists in Israel, as well as here in the U.S., and this current war?

JPMorgan Chase Files a Notice of Appeal in Jeffrey Epstein Case to Prevent All Future Lawsuits Against the Child Sex Trafficker

While the nation was obsessed with the movie Sound of Freedom this past week, which claims to expose the child sex trafficking industry (although it actually does not), the biggest news story of the week regarding child sex trafficking, a story that actually names names, went largely unnoticed. After searching through the Corporate News and Alternative News feeds for the past week, as far as I can tell, Pam Martens of Wall Street on Parade was the only one who covered this story, and it is extremely significant for anyone who wants to see justice served in the child sex trafficking industry. Most of the Corporate News reported that there had been a settlement reached for $290 million between JPMorgan Chase Bank and the victims who are suing Chase Bank for funding Jeffrey Epstein's child sex trafficking network. Martens, who is a former Wall Street insider and is also a true investigative reporter, did not just regurgitate the Corporate News reports about this proposed settlement, but actually went out and got a copy of a "petition to appeal" to the settlement that Chase Bank's attorneys have filed. Not only are Chase Bank's attorneys challenging the settlement, they are proposing language in their appeal that would potentially prevent anyone else from ever suing Jeffrey Epstein's associates, including potentially preventing government officials such as State Attorney Generals and their right to sue Epstein associates for crimes committed in their State. This would be a huge blow to the victims of Jeffrey Epstein's child sex trafficking atrocities in their ability to sue any of Epstein's former associates who may have potentially participated in this child sex trafficking crime syndicate, which includes most of the leaders in the U.S. today who are running the country, including former U.S. Presidents and current U.S. Presidential candidates. At this point, I think it is fair to ask the question: Is there anybody in a position of power in the U.S. today who has NOT been part of Jeffrey Epstein's child sex trafficking network?

Elon Musk is Latest Billionaire to be Subpoenaed in Jeffrey Epstein Virgin Island Case

Elon Musk became the latest billionaire subpoenaed in the Jeffrey Epstein Virgin Island case today. He has allegedly been trying to avoid being served since last month. According to investigative reporter Whitney Webb, Epstein provided business contacts to Musk helping him start Tesla and SpaceX. Elon's brother, Kimbal Musk, sits on the board for Tesla and SpaceX, and also dated one of Epstein's girlfriends. In a 2020 article published in The Sun, Musk's ex-wife Talulah Riley denied "truly awful" rumors that Ghislaine Maxwell had handpicked her to be Musk's "child bride", although she did admit that she and her then-husband Musk had been entertained at Jeffrey Epstein's house in New York City.

Berkshire Hathaway Investor Arrested by Warren Buffet at Shareholder Meeting for Pointing out Ties to Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein

Peter Flaherty, who is chairman of the National Legal and Policy Center and also a shareholder in Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway company, was arrested during Berkshire Hathaway's annual shareholder's meeting last weekend for proposing that Warren Buffet should step aside as Chairman of the Board and CEO so someone else who was not tied to Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein could lead the company. "I was treated like any other criminal, fingerprinted, handcuffed," Flaherty said. "I've always been courteous with decorum at the annual shareholder meetings. I didn't raise my voice. I was not disruptive." As we have previously reported, Warren Buffet was one of the main board members funding the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation just after the foundation started. The Foundation basically owns the World Health Organization. Flaherty said Buffet had donated tens of billions to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, adding: "If 'woke' culture is a disease, then philanthropy is the virus. The Gates Foundation bankrolls the teaching of Critical Race Theory around the country, including that math is inherently racist. The Gates Foundation offers a Gender Identity Toolbox which asserts that gender is the result of 'socially and culturally constructed ideas. This is a lie. Gender is not a cultural construct. It is a genetic and biological fact. We know how much Bill Gates cares about children. He met and traveled with Jeffrey Epstein many times after Epstein was convicted of sex crimes."

CIA Director William Burns Met with Jeffrey Epstein According to Epstein’s Private Calendar

In one of the most explosive revelations yet about the people who associated with and did business with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, the Wall Street Journal reported this weekend that a trove of previously unpublished documents, which allegedly includes Epstein's private calendar, reveals many people in positions of high power. The Wall Street Journal does not state how they obtained these documents, but it has been widely published that the Virgin Islands is currently suing JPMorgan, the United States' largest bank, accusing them of funding Epstein's pedophile network. Many high profile people have already been subpoenaed to testify in the case, including JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, as well as several billionaires, including Google co-founder Sergy Brin. However, in these new documents that the Wall Street Journal has obtained, several high profile names that were not previously associated with Jeffrey Epstein have emerged, including current CIA Director William Burns. It is truly amazing to see how these people in positions of power and wealth are trying to backpedal their past associations with the accused and convicted pedophile.