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South Korean’s Medical Association Urges Government to Suspend Flu Shot Program After 25 People Die

One of the interesting side effects of the COVID Plandemic, and the rush to bring to market a new, untested COVID vaccine, is that many people around the world have become more skeptical of vaccines, and for good reason. However, the problems associated with vaccines have been around for decades, and as we have documented frequently here at Health Impact News on our VaccineImpact.com website, the annual flu vaccine is, by far, the most dangerous vaccine in the world, causing more injuries and deaths than all other vaccines put together. This is not a conspiracy theory, but a fact based on the sheer volume of settlements that the U.S. Government makes every year in the Vaccine Court for injuries and deaths due to the flu shot. We publish these reports every quarter, and past reports can be found here, where you can view the data yourselves. Every year people are harmed and killed by the flu shot, but this information is censored in the U.S. So it is highly unlikely that the death of 24 people in South Korea just after receiving the flu shot would have even made the news at all in the years pre-COVID. Because this pretty much happens every year when the flu season starts and mass vaccination of the public for influenza begins. With literally hundreds of millions of doses of the flu vaccine being manufactured every year, a few hundred, or even a few thousand deaths, is generally not noticeable as doctors are not trained to look for vaccine injuries, and the vaccine will never be blamed. But with the attention of the public on the upcoming COVID vaccine and a newfound interest in actually looking into the politics and science of vaccines, all of a sudden people are starting to sit up and take notice.

Is President Trump’s “Illness” Really a Commercial for Regeneron’s New COVID Drug?

The same day it was announced that President Trump was tested positive for COVID, it was immediately announced that the President was being administered a new experimental COVID drug, Regeneron's REGN-COV2. Business journals apparently already had press releases ready about the drug, and the company's stock immediately went up on Friday. FiercePharma, one the Pharmaceutical companies' main marketing trade publications, was one of the first to publish the story: "In a bombshell development Thursday, President Donald J. Trump tested positive for COVID-19, sending shockwaves through the country with just weeks until Election Day. One unanswered question was how the president's physicians would navigate an uncertain treatment course—and an unproven antibody cocktail from Regeneron is now in the spotlight. Trump's personal doctor confirmed Friday that the president was treated with an 8-gram dose of Regeneron's investigational antibody cocktail for COVID-19, dubbed REGN-COV2, along with aspirin and famotidine, better known as branded Pepcid. He's also taking zinc and vitamin D, two typical immune-boosting supplements. Trump's early treatment with Regeneron's cocktail was an immediate boon for investors with the drugmaker's stock trading up around $20—or 3%—in after-market hours Friday. An eventual clean bill of health for Trump could go a long way to boosting confidence in Regeneron's therapy, which is already raising hopes of $6 billion in sales per year—assuming it can secure the FDA's approval." Regeneron does not even have emergency use approval yet. FiercePharma also reports that Regeneron's CEO Len Schleifer has been a guest at the White House during the pandemic.

Walter Reed Doctors Are Endangering Trump’s Life

If media reports are correct, the president is receiving 2 experimental drugs: the antibody cocktail, Regeneron, and the antiviral, Remdesivir. Aside from their individual adverse effects… THESE DRUGS HAVE NEVER BEEN STUDIED FOR THEIR COMBINED EFFECTS ON A PATIENT. AND NOW THAT PATIENT…THE FIRST PATIENT RECEIVING THEM…IS THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. The adverse effects of Remdesivir are more than worrisome. Acute kidney injury, for example. And this drug has only emergency authorization, and it’s explicitly for patients who are SEVERE COVID cases. Trump is not a severe case. What’s going on? Why are the Walter Reed doctors piling on? The other drug, Regeneron, the antibody cocktail, synthesized versions of mouse and human antibodies, is still in clinical trials. There is NO authorization for its use. In past trials of antibody drugs, highly increased infection has occurred. Very dangerous. And pray these doctors don’t suddenly opt for a ventilator. They could do that, if Trump’s condition worsens, because of the effects of the DRUGS. They will call those effects “serious COVID decline.” In a large New York study of COVID patients in Trump’s age group, 97 percent of the patients receiving ventilator treatment died.

Coronavirus: Crushing and Silencing Doctors of Conscience

With the weather getting colder, people in Canada and all around the globe are witnessing a rising incidence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Prime Minister Trudeau was quoted as saying during a speech to the people of Canada the following: “The second wave isn’t just starting, it’s already underway.” Children are going to school in masks, just as everyone is forced to wear masks anywhere that’s indoors in some places. As the struggle worsens, people fear the return of spring-time lock downs and all the hardship springing from it. Provoked by daily reports by politicians, chief public health officers, and the mainstream media, people might be understandably terrified. On the other hand, there are rational voices singing from the hymn book of sober second thoughts. These voices belong to people called doctors. As we reported in our last show, Doctor Sucharit Bhakdi in his book, Corona, False Alarm, laid out how the evidence of the panic was unreliable, how the COVID 19 was in fact no worse than a typical flu virus, and how the lockdowns cause more difficulties than the disease itself. There are many, many more doctors also raising their voices calling for their nations and the world to rethink their COVID strategy. They are particularly effective in Europe. These include a petition signed by 2662 doctors and medical practitioners in the Netherlands, a public conference made up of 400 doctors in Spain, a Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee  made up of about 500 Doctors and scientists in Germany, and a public letter from Belgium signed by over 1500 people in the medical and scientific community. Sadly, these people cannot get their voices in regular media.

Study: Woman Suffers Brain Injury from COVID Cotton Swab Test

Back in August this year we published an article written by Makia Freeman of The Freedom Articles titled:  "Are the COVID Tests a Way to Surreptitiously Infect or Implant People?" The very long cotton swab used for some of these COVID tests is very unusual, prompting speculation as to why such a long cotton swab is necessary.  I asked a retired medical doctor at that time who is known to Health Impact News about what Makia was saying in the article regarding the need for long cotton swabs penetrating so far into the body, and this doctor replied: "There is no valid reason for swabbing the naso-pharynx so deeply that it causes pain and injury to the extreme back and roof of the nose. Whatever microorganisms are there are distributed throughout the entire nose and throat. They are supposedly easily communicated by a sneeze, hence the 'need' for masks.. You don’t have to go digging for them. You could even blow your nose into a tissue and that would be a sufficient sample to culture." Yesterday, October 1, 2020, a new study was published in JAMA Otolaryngology, documenting one case where a woman suffered a brain fluid leak after doctors punctured the lining during a coronavirus test. Surgery was required to repair the leak. The title of the study is "Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak After Nasal Swab Testing for Coronavirus Disease 2019."

University of California Retreats on Mandatory Flu Vaccine After Lawsuit Filed

As you may know, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and I (with the able assistance of Children’s Health Defense chief legal guru Mary Holland, Physicians for Informed Consent’s human vaccine encyclopedia aka Greg Glaser and San Diego ace litigator Ray Flores) filed an injunction lawsuit to stop the University of California’s (UC) executive order requiring all students, faculty and other employees to get the flu shot by Nov. 1 or face not being able to work or register for class. The most outrageous part of the executive order, and the part that befits the constitutional phrase of something which “shocks the conscience,” was the fact that students were treated differently from faculty and staff in two important respects. First, unlike staff and faculty, students did not have a “religious accommodation” (more about that later). Second, while faculty could remote teach and staff could remote work and not have to take the shot, remote learning students still had to get the stick. That seemed to me to be a textbook equal protection and First Amendment violation. Whatever idiot UC lawyer came up with that should have to take some con law CLE (continuing legal education). Well, it seems like the UC has finally opened its con law books (and with all its law school libraries, it’s about time). The UC filed its response to our motion (and there are a lot of papers, but more about that later) AND GUESS WHAT? TWO DAYS AGO, THE UC (apparently secretly so far) ISSUED A NEW EXECUTIVE ORDER REVISING THE MANDATE! And, guess what it doesn’t have in it? Correct, students are now treated the same as faculty and staff, well sort of.

“The COVID Vaccine Should be Tested on Politicians First. If They Survive, the Vaccine Is Safe. If They Don’t, Then the Country Is Safe.”

Polish Author, Monika Wisniewska, suggests that: “The vaccine should be tested on politicians first. If they survive, the vaccine is safe. If they don’t, then the country is safe.” Sounds like a joke, but it isn’t. It is dead-serious. One may want to add to this very sensible proposal that the very first to be vaccinated with his own Moderna human genome-altering vaccine, should imperatively be the czar of vaccines, Bill Gates. But no special fabrication for Mr. Gates. The real thing. Controlled by independent honorable virologists, immunologists and DNA-specialized biologists. 

Australian Politician Calls for Criminal Trials of Health Bureaucrats who Banned Hydroxychloroquine as COVID Cure

Craig Kelly MP, a member of the Australian House of Representatives, has claimed that Health Bureaucrats have "engaged in crimes against humanity and they should be taken to the criminal court in the Hague," for their ban on hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), which has been shown to cure COVID patients by thousands of doctors in the U.S. and around the world. Sky News Australia has published an interview with the MP: "Liberal MP Craig Kelly says the ban placed on COVID-19 treatment hydroxychloroquine by Australian bureaucrats violates the Hippocratic Oath taken by doctors and is based on a study since proven false. Mr Kelly said health bureaucrats interfered in the doctor-patient relationship by prohibiting the use of hydroxychloroquine even if the doctor thought the treatment would save the patient’s life. Health bureaucrats have 'violated the very first principle of the hypocritic oath' which is to ‘do no harm’, he said. Mr Kelly told Sky News technically bureaucrats should only ban the use of hydroxychloroquine if the evidence shows beyond all reasonable doubt that firstly, hydroxychloroquine doesn’t work and secondly, that it is dangerous. 'Recent studies show that proposition is no longer sustainable … and they must lift their bans otherwise they are engaged in crimes against humanity and they should be taken to the criminal court in the Hague,' he said. 'They are withholding medical treatment from Australians that the evidence shows can save their lives.'"

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Opening Florida Due to New CDC Numbers Showing Very Low COVID Death Rates

The Centers for Disease Control have come out with a new estimate of the Covid infection fatality ratio and the numbers will shock you. No wonder the Florida governor has said "enough is enough" and decided to open his state up completely. We are told to trust the CDC, so why is the mainstream media ignoring this very important news? Is this still about a disease...or is it politics? Also, YouTube has censored Dr. Paul's Liberty Report, and is threatening to remove their entire channel.

How CDC/WHO will Fake the Effects of the COVID Vaccine to Make it Look Like a Success

Making a vaccine look like it’s a champion isn’t difficult for public health agencies. There are a number of strategies. Of course, these fraudulent strategies would be serious crimes. But when has that stopped the CDC or the World Health Organization? In no particular order—- ONE: Rework the definition of a “COVID case.” Presently, the CDC absurdly allows doctors to diagnose a person with COVID who has a cough, or chills and fever, and lives in an area where cases are being claimed. No test necessary. So change this practice, once the vaccine is approved. Demand testing for a diagnosis. State that cough alone is not enough. Chills and fever must also be present. Require fever to be above 100. These and other changes would automatically shrink the number of cases. The drop in numbers would be attributed to the vaccine. This “definitional shrinking” was, in fact, deployed in the 1950s, after the introduction of the polio vaccine. TWO: Order a change in the way the PCR diagnostic test is done. The practice of amplifying the original test sample from the patient occurs in cycles, or jumps. The greater the number of cycles, the more likely the test will result in a COVID diagnosis. Therefore, order a reduced number of cycles for all testing labs. Outcome? Fewer COVID diagnoses. Fewer case numbers. “The vaccine is working.” Committing these crimes are a walk in the park for public health agencies. And appointing official mouthpieces to carry lies to the public is as easy as training little Faucis to sit up and bark.

Polio Vaccine Causing Polio Outbreaks in Africa, WHO Admits

A year ago, news outlets briefly shone a light on the fact (a fact that makes public health officials squirm) that oral polio vaccines are causing polio outbreaks. With reports streaming in throughout 2019 regarding the circulation of vaccine-derived polioviruses in numerous African and Asian countries, a CDC virologist confessed, “We have now created more new emergences of the virus than we have stopped.” This month, the same story is making the same headlines, with the WHO’s shamefaced announcement that the oral polio vaccine is responsible for an alarming polio outbreak in Sudan—“linked to an ongoing vaccine-sparked epidemic in Chad”—with parallel outbreaks in a dozen other African countries. In fact, between August 2019 and August 2020, there were 400 recorded cases of vaccine-derived polio in more than 20 countries worldwide. Ironically, WHO disclosed this “setback” barely a week after it declared the African continent to be free of wild poliovirus—which has not been seen in Africa since 2016.

September DOJ Report Lists 200 Vaccine Injuries and 1 Vaccine Death Compensated During 6 Month Period – And that’s Without a Fast-Tracked COVID Vaccine

The federal government Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV) under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services met on September 4, 2020, and the Department of Justice reported that during a 6-month period from February 16th through August 15th this year, 200 vaccine injuries and one death were compensated through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP). The NVICP was started as a result of a law passed in 1986 that gave pharmaceutical companies legal immunity from being sued due to injuries and deaths resulting from vaccines. Today, anyone suffering from a vaccine injury or death must sue the U.S. Government and go up against their top attorneys. So far in 2020 the NVICP has paid out $200 MILLION in damages due to vaccine injuries and deaths. These damages were caused primarily by the annual flu vaccine, and other childhood vaccines that have gone through the FDA approval process. What will these numbers look like after the COVID vaccines are fast-tracked? We will probably never even know, because The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act), which was invoked because of the COVID "Pandemic" earlier this year, will absolve the U.S. Government from even having to try cases and award damages to any injuries or deaths related to a COVID vaccine. So if people start dying in mass, and if new injuries result from this COVID vaccine, Big Pharma, Big Tech, and the U.S. Government will undoubtedly blame the injuries and deaths on either the second wave of SARS-CoV-2, or some new plandemic that will lead to far more tyrannical actions than anything we have seen so far. Welcome to the New World Order, where a massive reduction of the world's population is the goal, and where mass deaths are already expected this fall.

CSPOA: Over 40 Sheriffs Stand Against Governor Newsom in California! Time to Deputize Posses?

Retired Sheriff Richard Mack, founder of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA), has been training county sheriffs for more than a decade on how to keep their oath of office. Now, due to the excessive tyrannical COVID dictates terrorizing the nation, there is a new-found demand for the services of CSPOA, and they recently started a monthly "Ask Sheriff Mack Any Question You Want" call-in program to educate people on the Constitutional role of County Sheriffs. In his most recent call in August, he revealed that he has been in contact with sheriffs in California, and that they claim that there are at least 40 sheriffs in California who oppose Governor Newsom. And that's out of 58 sheriffs! Could the County Sheriff be the last stronghold of resistance against the tyrants trying to take over American and usher in their New World Order? Sheriff Mack thinks so. On his last call-in he stated: "The Sheriff has the authority to call out the militia, or the posse. He has the authority to keep a posse of minute men, at minute's notice, that they can respond and that they can be trained, however the Sheriff wants. Too many Sheriffs shy away from this. They're a little bit timid to go after posses. I can tell you I had a posse when I was Sheriff. Just about every Sheriff in the state of Arizona and many other western states already use a posse, and people don't realize this."

Scrubbed from Internet: History of Gates Foundation Sterilizing Hundreds of Thousands of Young Girls in India with HPV Vaccine

In this explosive interview independent journalist Ben Swann interviews filmmaker Mikki Willis, who just recently released Plandemic 2. Mikki Willis, in his research for producing Plandemic, looked into the scandal in years past that occurred in India with the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, and other groups that they funded, in developing and testing the HPV vaccine, which resulted in up to a half million young girls in India becoming sterile. Mr. Willis reveals that he began investigating this issue about 10 years ago, just prior to the birth of his first child, to better understand the history of vaccines. He was shocked to find out that many of the videos documenting this scandal in India had been scrubbed from the Internet, forcing him to go directly to sources in India to interview about what actually happened. Health Impact News has been publishing the crimes of Bill Gates and the HPV scandal for several years as well. After the Gardasil HPV scandal, according to Mr. Willis, India kicked Bill Gates and all of the organizations tied to him for vaccine research and development out of India. But today, they are apparently back in India testing COVID vaccines on unsuspecting poor people.

The Great Unmasking: Studies in the Medical Literature Show FEWER Infections in Surgery when Medical Staff Do NOT Wear Masks

Early on during the COVID Plandemic, when mask mandates began to be rolled out, which incidentally only began after California Governor Gavin Newsom's nearly 1 BILLION dollar purchase of Chinese-made masks began clearing customs and making its way into the U.S. marketplace, I was told one weekend in June that I could not enter an open air Farmer's Market without a face mask. I refused, and entered the market anyway, since it was on public property. The young man who tried to prevent my entry followed me through the market to make sure I did not try to purchase anything, and I tried to engage him in an intellectual debate on the rationale for wearing face masks outside in a wide open space. I told him that many medical doctors were exposing the dangers of wearing face masks for too long, to which he replied: “Oh really? So when a doctor performing brain surgery is wearing a face mask, he’s wrong?” I came to a full stop, looked him directly in the eyes and said: “Do you see anyone around here performing brain surgery? Yes, in a hospital surgery setting, a face mask is appropriate, but not outside in the fresh air like this.” Now, I am not so sure that my response was accurate after all, as even that belief, the belief that surgical masks are necessary during surgery, is now being challenged. A man in Australia who claims he went to medical school, has challenged my belief by providing links to his own research, with many of those links going directly to the U.S. National Institute of Health's website. He writes: "As a person who went to medical school, I was shocked when I read Neil Orr’s study, published in 1981 in the Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Dr. Orr was a surgeon in the Severalls Surgical Unit in Colchester. And for six months, from March through August 1980, the surgeons and staff in that unit decided to see what would happen if they did not wear masks during surgeries. They wore no masks for six months, and compared the rate of surgical wound infections from March through August 1980 with the rate of wound infections from March through August of the previous four years. And they discovered, to their amazement, that when nobody wore masks during surgeries, the rate of wound infections was less than half what it was when everyone wore masks. Their conclusion: 'It would appear that minimum contamination can best be achieved by not wearing a mask at all” and that wearing a mask during surgery “is a standard procedure that could be abandoned.' I was so amazed that I scoured the medical literature, sure that this was a fluke and that newer studies must show the utility of masks in preventing the spread of disease. But to my surprise the medical literature for the past forty-five years has been consistent: masks are useless in preventing the spread of disease and, if anything, are unsanitary objects that themselves spread bacteria and viruses."

Dr. Ron Paul Interviews Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Who Admits the CIA Killed his Father and Uncle

In what is sure to be a historical interview, former Congressman Dr. Ron Paul interviewed attorney Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on his daily Liberty Report program today (Friday August 14, 2020). While Dr. Paul starts the program by stating that the main reason they were inviting Mr. Kennedy on to program was to discuss vaccines, Dr. Paul gets right into an issue that many Americans have questioned for over 3 decades: What was the truth behind the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy in 1963, the uncle of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and Robert F. Kennedy, his father, in 1968, and what role did the CIA play in that? Mr. Kennedy goes on to talk about his family's almost 75-year battle with the CIA, starting in the 1950s with his grandfather, Joseph Kennedy, who served the "The Hoover Commission" which tried to reign in the powers of the CIA, which many today believe is running a "shadow government" with more power than the President of the United States. This is an incredible interview, because Dr. Ron Paul, who himself was a career Republican Congressman, and Mr. Kennedy, who is from a famous career Democratic family, both agree on the issues of medical tyranny facing us today, because they both understand that the threat to America today over the fear of COVID, is a non-partisan issue that we all must ban together to fight back against.

The 2009 Swine Flu Scam: Murderous Anthony Fauci Betrays Public Trust Again

I take you back to the summer of 2009, when the CDC and the World Health Organization were hyping the “deadly H1N1 Swine Flu pandemic.” They were, of course, also urging people to take the new Swine Flu vaccine. On that subject, here is an excerpt from Robert Kennedy Jr.’s Children’s Health Defense (3/27/20): "For example, [Dr. Anthony] Fauci once shilled for the fast-tracked H1N1 influenza (‘swine flu’) vaccine on YouTube, reassuring viewers in 2009 that serious adverse events were ‘very, very, very rare.’ Shortly thereafter, the vaccine went on to wreak havoc in multiple countries, increasing miscarriage risks in pregnant women in the U.S., provoking a spike in adolescent narcolepsy in Scandinavia and causing febrile convulsions in one in every 110 vaccinated children in Australia—prompting the latter to suspend its influenza vaccination program in under-fives." Thank you. Dr. Fauci. Explain to us why you haven’t been downgraded to pumping gas in Death Valley or sent to prison? However, that is only half the Swine Flu story. The other half—which involves an astounding hoax—was surely something Fauci was aware of at the time. Fauci was, in fact, recommending a highly dangerous vaccine for protection against AN EPIDEMIC THAT DIDN’T EXIST AT ALL. His friends and professional colleagues at the CDC were creating the hoax. Let me run it down for you.

Medical Doctors Across the U.S. Continue to Expose Murderous Anthony Fauci for Withholding Life-Saving HCQ for COVID

More medical doctors have come forward to expose the continued withholding of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) from COVID patients and Dr. Anthony Fauci's continued propaganda against it, which has led to tens of thousands of deaths in the U.S., and millions world wide. Two California doctors and a Florida medical doctor who also has a master's degree in public health, have published maybe the most comprehensive response to Dr. Fauci to date, in their "Open Letter" to him. They join thousands of other doctors in the U.S. and around the world who are all saying the same thing: HCQ saves the lives of people diagnosed with COVID. As we have previously reported, it is suspected that the real reason Fauci and his murderous accomplices are trying to silence these doctors, such as the Frontline Doctors who stormed into Washington D.C. a few weeks ago, is because legally they cannot petition the FDA to fast-track new drugs and vaccines if there is already an effective treatment available. In other news, the FDA has denied the request of doctors at the Henry Ford Health System to use HCQ with their patients. There can be no doubt anymore that the murderous medical tyrants in the U.S. are responsible for far more deaths than the deaths attributed to COVID.

Russia Shocks the World by Approving First COVID Vaccine – Big Pharma Throws Temper Tantrum – Will They Apply the Same Criticisms to Their Own Vaccines?

Russia shocked the world today (August 11, 2020) by announcing that they had approved a new COVID vaccine. The U.S. trade publication FiercePharma reported: "As global vaccine players rush to deliver COVID-19 vaccines, Russia shocked the world Tuesday with news that it had approved a locally developed inoculation." The reaction from the U.S. pharma-funded corporate media was quick, and critical, given the fact that the U.S. Government has already invested more than $7 BILLION on COVID vaccine development through "Operation Warp Speed," and the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation has spent at least another $18 BILLION on COVID vaccine development, and apparently none of that money made its way to Russia. Apparently recognizing the symbolism of the Star Trek theme in using "Warp Speed" to describe U.S. Government COVID vaccine development, the Russians named their new COVID vaccine "Sputnik V," the first rocket to reach space during the Cold War era in the space program race with the U.S. back in the 1960s. The outrage from the U.S. media and the mass murderers who are squelching the natural cures that already exist for COVID so that they can capitalize on COVID vaccines they plan to inject into every single person on the planet, can be characterized as a "temper tantrum." For the first time since the COVID Plandemic, they were all unified in their opposition to a COVID vaccine. And their reasons seem to have nothing to do with science, and everything to do with politics.

Is the 100% Cure Rate of Hydroxychloroquine a Threat to Fast-Tracking the COVID Vaccines?

Medical journalist Del Bigtree of the weekly broadcast Highwire discussed on his show this week what he believes may be the primary reason why Fauci and the other political medical tyrants are so desperately trying to censor the positive results of Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), a drug that has been around for over 65 years and is already FDA approved. The reason is probably because they want to force a COVID vaccine upon the public, and to do so, they need to fast-track the development of these vaccines, and then the FDA has to issue a an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to approve it. According to the "Qualifying Criteria" that allows the FDA to issue an EUA, there must be "No adequate, approved, and available alternative." HCQ is an "adequate, approved, and available" alternative, which should then disqualify any EUAs issued for a vaccine to treat COVID. The problem, of course, is that the Trump Administration has already given over $8 BILLION to Big Pharma to develop the vaccine in "Project Warp Speed," fast-tracking the vaccines development. In fact, this has already happened with Gilead's anti-viral drug Remdesivir, which was fast-tracked as a treatment for COVID and then issued an EUA. While the cost for the older HCQ medication is only about $20, Remdesivir's cost is about $3200.00. These mass murderers who call themselves "doctors" and claim absolute authority on medical issues do not treat patients themselves, but they control the FDA, the CDC, the NIH, and pretty much the entire Government. They don't value human life, and only want control so they can usher in their New World Order, and if a fast-tracked COVID vaccine ends up injuring and killing more people than COVID, it fits in perfectly with their plans for their New World Order and a One World Government as they seek to reduce the world's population of those they deem "non-essential."