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Editor - Health Impact News

Why NOT Vaccinating my Kids was the Best Decision I Ever Made

‘Why NOT vaccinating my kids was the best decision I ever made’: Mother of EIGHT had six of her babies vaccinated but refused to immunise her two youngest… and says they’re the only ones without chronic health problems. Tasha David explains why she is against vaccinations. Her six vaccinated children suffer from a range of health problems. Three have Autism, one has ADHD and one has a language disorder. David says her two unvaccinated children are healthy.

CDC Whistleblower to Extend MMR Vaccine Fraud

According to multiple reliable sources, CDC whistleblower Dr. William Thompson, a senior scientist at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), will soon publish a reworking of data from a controversial study first published in 2004. If true, this is of major concern. For over a decade, officials have cited this disputable study to claim no connection between the Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) vaccine and autism and to deny compensation to parents of MMR vaccine-injured children.

N.Y. Law Professor Addresses U.N. on Government Vaccine Policies Violating the Nuremberg Code

New York University research scholar and law professor Mary Holland recently addressed the United Nations at the 25th International Health and Environment Conference. Professor Holland has been one of the lone voices in the U.S. addressing the legal ramifications of removing parental rights to informed consent for childhood vaccines. Professor Holland sees major civil rights issues involved in government vaccine policies that remove informed consent rights to refuse mandatory vaccinations. She reminds the United Nations that history has shown us the results of such overt government intrusion into personal medical rights. World-wide human rights legislation has been put into place to protect individuals from government intrusion into medical abuse, starting with the Nuremberg Code just after the atrocities of Nazi Germany after World War II. Professor Holland states: "[T]he UN and the international community have obligations to respect human rights related to vaccination. Since World War II, the international community has recognized the grave dangers in involuntary scientific and medical experimentation on human subjects. In the aftermath of Nazi medical atrocities, the world affirmed the Nuremberg Code which stated that the 'voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.' The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights further enshrined this prohibition against involuntary experimentation in its 1966 text, stating 'no one shall be subjected without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation.' Such a prohibition is now so universally recognized that some courts and scholars have pronounced the right to informed consent in experiments as a matter of customary international law."

Arizona Cardiologist Speaks Out Against VAXXED Film Censorship

Vaxxed is a well made film that exposes fraud and cover-up at the Centers for Disease Control. A taped conversation with a lead CDC researcher, Dr. William Thompson, is the centerpiece of the movie. It is through Dr. Thompson that we learn about a 2004 study that found a 3-fold higher risk of autism in African-American boys. Dr. Andrew Wakefield and Dr. Brian Hooker provide excellent commentary and many parents of vaccine-injured children are interviewed. Their stories are gut-wrenching, to say the least. VAXXED was scheduled to be shown at two theaters in Arizona. One of those two was cancelled. Apparently there were complaints made by physicians and other pro-vaccine groups to the Harkins Corporation, the operator of these two theaters. We think this behavior is appalling and is obvious censorship.

View The Truth About Cancer Summit for FREE This Weekend Only!

Ty Bollinger has become the leader of alternative cancer information in the United States. Last year (2015), Ty traveled around the world interviewing 131 doctors, researchers, and several cancer survivors to create an alternative cancer documentary series. This film series has already been viewed by hundreds of thousands of people and saved many lives. This weekend only (ends midnight Sunday, April, 24th), anyone can view all 9 episodes of this landmark alternative cancer summit for FREE! There is a wealth of information in these sessions that you are not likely to learn in mainstream media or medical care.

NBC Chief Bob Wright: Both Obama and Bush Killed Proposals to Improve Vaccine Safety

In his new book, The Wright Stuff: From NBC to Autism Speaks, former head of NBC Universal Bob Wright weighs in on vaccines and autism. According to a review by Accuracy in Media, Wright reveals that both the Obama and Bush administrations killed proposals to improve vaccine safety. This political interference in the effort to produce the safest vaccines possible adds to my own first hand knowledge of multiple Congressional hearings about vaccine safety and links to autism that have been scheduled, but then cancelled under pressure from the pharmaceutical industry. The pharmaceutical industry is able to wield inordinate pressure in the news media through its advertising relationships; in government and politics through its business relationships, donations and revolving door; and in universities and scientific research communities through its funding and contributions.

Producer of VAXXED Speaks Out: “This is Bigger than Watergate”

Del Bigtree, producer of the controversial film "VAXXED," recently appeared on the National Safe Child Show with Tammi Stefano in Los Angeles. Before taking on this film project together with Dr. Andrew Wakefield on the MMR vaccine fraud, Mr. Bigtree was the producer of the popular daytime medical show "The Doctors." Mr. Bigtree states that when he learned about the top scientist whistle blower at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), that he knew this was the biggest story of his life, and that this was "bigger than Watergate." Since the 2004 study that supposedly proved there was no link between the MMR vaccine and autism was published by the CDC, more than one million children have been diagnosed with autism, and now one of the study's authors at the CDC has revealed that data was concealed that actually showed there was indeed a link between the vaccine and autism in some children. In the second half of the National Safe Child Show, Tammi Stefano interviewed Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D., and investigative journalist and the author of several books, including "Your Baby Your Way" and "The Vaccine-Friendly Plan" that she co-authored with Dr. Paul Thomas, M.D. Dr. Paul Thomas is a board-certified fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics, and he agrees with actor Robert De Niro that we need to learn the truth about vaccines, and that the science is anything but "settled." Dr. Thomas is not anti-vaccine, but delays or forgoes certain vaccines depending on the needs of the children in his practice. Margulis reveals in her interview that in her experience as a professional award-winning journalist, she has seen censorship in journalism on the vaccine topics. She attributes this phenomenon partly on the ignorance of journalists and their unwillingness to explore both sides of the debate. She believes many journalists erroneously believe that if the government states vaccines are safe, then it must be true. She reminds her colleagues in the media that traditionally the media's job has always been to question the government, and act as a "watch dog" over what the government was claiming.

Putin: Western Governments Are Enslaving Humanity Through Vaccines

An insider from the Ministry of Health in Russia has revealed that an explosive report is about to be presented to the Kremlin regarding the huge vaccination cover-up being perpetuated by the US government agencies and its regulatory bodies, which is having disastrous consequences around most of the world. It is understood President Putin personally requested the report. He instinctively mistrusts the vaccine agenda and wants the report to investigate the state of play regarding vaccines, Big Pharma, and Western governments, in order to formulate a solid, direct response that will stand his people in good stead for the future.

Robert De Niro Attacked for Asking Questions about Vaccines and Promoting Freedom of Speech

Academy Award winning actor Robert De Niro appeared on the Today Show to discuss the beginning of the Tribeca Film Festival. De Niro appeared with Tribeca co-founder Jane Rosenthal. De Niro defended his original decision to include the film "Vaxxed" in the film festival, which was later reversed, and encouraged everyone to see the film, as well as another film called "Trace Amounts." He expressed regret at having to exclude the film, but stated he did not want the Festival affected by the controversy. Jane Rosthenthal, the co-founder of the Tribeca Film Festival, then made the shocking statement that the film was pulled from the film festival not because of pressure from sponsors, but because other film-makers threatened to pull out of the festival: "There weren't sponsors or donors that were threatening to pull out of the film festival, but these were film makers, and we're known for having amazing documentary films... It was our film makers that were pulling out." De Niro replied: "I find that amazing, and we're going to talk about that." In defense of the film industry and freedom of speech, De Niro went on to state: "All I wanted, was for the movie to be seen. People can make their own judgement, but you must see it."

Victims in Japan Sue for Damages Due to Gardasil and Cervarix HPV Vaccines

The Japan Times recently reported that a class action lawsuit will be filed after June 2016 against the Japanese government, Merck and GlaxoSmithKline by victims who have suffered severe side effects as a result of receiving the former government recommended HPV vaccine (Gardasil and Cervarix.) Twelve plaintiffs will file the lawsuit at four district courts in Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka and Fukuoka. The plaintiffs are demanding answers as to why they were not informed of the risks of HPV vaccine prior to receiving it. The defense team will be hosting seminars in the next two months in hopes of seeking additional plaintiffs. Unlike in Japan where vaccine-injured victims can directly file a lawsuit against the state and the vaccine manufacturers, the judicial process in the U.S. for vaccine-injured victims of HPV and other government recommended or mandated vaccines is remarkably different, to say the least. Under current U.S. federal law, no one can directly sue a vaccine manufacturer in civil court after a vaccine causes the injury or death of a minor child or adult, as they are protected by law against any liabilities due to faulty vaccines that cause death and injuries.