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Editor - Health Impact News

Medical Tyranny and Forced Vaccinations Threaten Medical Freedom and Choice

Humans have experienced two centuries of vaccine orthodoxy. That orthodoxy dictates that we believe vaccination is safe and effective and should be mandated by governments. It began with medical doctors insisting we get one dose of smallpox vaccine, and has exploded over the past century into a U.S. government dictate that every child get 69 doses of 16 vaccines. Vaccine orthodoxy equally applied to every disease, every vaccine and every person, regardless of need or individual susceptibility to harm. Today, everybody knows somebody who was healthy, got vaccinated and was never healthy again. And when the risks of vaccination turn out to be 100 percent for us or someone we love, the logical course of action is to learn more so we can make sure it doesn’t happen again. Those embracing vaccine orthodoxy have a right to their beliefs, but they should not be given the legal right to persecute and punish fellow citizens refusing to convert. Tyranny by any other name is still tyranny.

Government Continues to Pay Damages for Injuries and Deaths Due to the Flu Vaccine in Vaccine Court

While seldom, if ever, reported in the mainstream media, every week cases of vaccine injuries and deaths are litigated in the U.S. vaccine court known as the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP). This program was started as a result of a law passed in 1986 that gave pharmaceutical companies total legal immunity from being sued due to injuries and deaths resulting from vaccines. If you or a family member is injured or dies from vaccines, you must now sue the Federal Government in this special vaccine court. Many cases are litigated for years before a settlement is reached, and most of the public does not even know that this program exists. Once every 3 months the Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines meets, and the Department of Justice issues a report of cases settled for vaccine injuries and deaths. As far as I know, Health Impact News is the only media source that publishes these reports each quarter. The report for December 3, 2015 which covered the period from 8/16/15 to 11/15/15 had 150 cases adjudicated. 83 of them were listed in the report, specifying the vaccine, the injury or death, and the amount of time the case was pending before settlement. There were three deaths: two related to the flu vaccine, and one related to the Hepatitis B vaccine, which is a vaccine for a sexually transmitted disease routinely given to newborns in hospitals the same day they are born. 64 of the 83 cases settled were for injuries and deaths due to the flu vaccine, making the flu vaccine the most dangerous vaccine in the U.S., harming and killing more people than all the other vaccines put together.

Many U.S. Pediatricians and Family Doctors Not Recommending Gardasil HPV Vaccine

More bad news for Gardasil and the HPV vaccine. As countries around the world begin to investigate or stop recommending the HPV vaccine due to the high amount of adverse side effects, which includes Primary Ovarian Failure (or "premature menopause" where young ladies will never be able to bear children) and severe disabilities, a new study just published in the journal Pediatrics again shows that doctors in the U.S. are increasingly hesitant to recommend the vaccine. This hesitation regarding the HPV vaccine mirrors a similar study published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention last month showing that nearly half of the doctors in U.S. are not routinely recommending the HPV vaccine.

Why Are People Over Age 65 Given Ineffective Flu Shots?

For the 2014-2015 “flu season,” the reported effectiveness of the annual flu shot was only 14% in those over age 50. It has been long recognized that elderly people do not respond well to vaccination as a whole and that their immune responses to annual influenza vaccinations are especially weak. The elderly are at higher risk for serious complications from infections like influenza and pneumonia because aging immune systems often do not mount a robust response to challenge from natural pathogens or vaccines. The number of Americans over age 65 hospitalized for influenza in the 2014-2015 flu season was higher than had been previously reported since government health officials began to collect the data in 2005. Regardless of the highly questionable therapeutic value and potentially harmful side effects of the influenza vaccine, public health authorities insist that the annual flu shot is the best defense there is for seniors.

Dr. Brownstein: Flu Vaccines Fail Nearly all Who Get Them

Is it time for everyone to get the annual influenza vaccine? Don’t flu vaccines save lives? I think not. Flu vaccines fail nearly all who get them. The Big Pharma Cartel wants all 350 million of us to get vaccinated yearly in order to prevent the flu. That might be reasonable if the flu vaccine is beneficial to most who receive it. It is not.

Moms Sue NYC Over Mandatory Flu Vaccinations

Five Manhattan and Brooklyn mothers with children in preschool are suing the city over its policy of mandatory flu vaccinations. The parents — ranging from a single mom in an East Harlem housing project to an investment banker in the Flatiron District — claim a 2013 rule passed by the city’s Health Department under Bloomberg is illegal because it was not voted on by state lawmakers. “I am also disturbed that I cannot express my dissent to my elected representatives in the New York Legislature as I understand they never voted ‘yes’ or ‘no’ for this flu dictate and I don’t know who I can hold responsible for foisting this mandate onto me,” gripes one of the moms, Clemence Rasigni, who works for Merrill Lynch.

Non-Medical Office Employees Refuse Flu Shot – Lose Jobs

Megan Duncan, Alanda Watson and Denise Mercurius will report to work Friday morning, as they have done every day for years. Once there, they expect to be fired. The three women — employees of Lutheran Social Ministries of New Jersey, an agency that helps the elderly and the disadvantaged throughout the state — are among a rising number of workers facing termination for refusing to get a flu shot or, as an alternative, wear a surgical mask in the workplace. What differentiates Duncan, Watson and Mercurius from most of those fired, however, is that they're not doctors or nurses, and they don't work in a hospital. They spend their days in a corporate office in suburban Burlington Township, crunching numbers or dealing with billing issues.

CDC Cover-Up of Autism and Vaccine Link Continues

It has been 15 months since a senior CDC scientist, Dr. William Thompson, became a whistleblower when he admitted that a 2004 CDC study was falsified in order to show that there was no link between the MMR vaccine and autism. In August of 2014 Dr. Thompson stated, “I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the Journal of Pediatrics.” Folks, we have a whistleblower at the CDC who has admitted, under oath that the CDC falsified data in order to deny a link between vaccinations and autism.  It is nearly 15 months later and nothing has happened. Nada.  Zip. Zero. There have been no Congressional hearings.  The mainstream media has refused to talk about it. One courageous Congressman has spoken in front of Congress twice about this issue.  His name is Bill Posey.  I have attached a link to his October 21, 2015 speech here.  Dr. Posey is demanding his colleagues call hearings on this matter.   Folks, this will only happen if you contact your representative and tell them that we are demanding a Congressional hearing on the CDC whistleblower.  It is vitally important for all of us to speak up.  That certainly includes all African American parents.  If the information from Dr. Thompson is proven to be true, this could rival the injustice of the Tuskegee disaster.

A Mother’s Anguish: 2-Month Old Baby Lost to Vaccine Injuries

I had to lose my son before I learned all the truth. Vaccines are dangerous. Why didn’t I trust God. He gave us an immune system to fight off infection and disease. Please don’t take the chance. It’s not worth it. There are things you can do to stay healthy. Vaccines are TOO DANGEROUS.

U.S. Citizens March on CDC Headquarters in Atlanta to Protest Vaccine Science Corruption

On October 23-25th, a gathering will be held to demand the end of unsound political decisions based on fraudulent science. Attendees of this rally will be taking their message directly to the Atlanta headquarters of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The hopes for this CDC rally demanding truth, transparency, and freedom will be to create awareness around the dangers of vaccines and to spotlight the “cesspool of corruption” within the agency as Robert F Kennedy Jr. recently described it. Corruption thrives on secrecy, silence, and the inactive status-quo of good people. The CDC rally aims to continue shattering the veil of silence and force the conversation around runaway drug company monopolies that have declared humanity’s health secondary to their bottom line. The rally also demands answers from the CDC concerning the 2014 whistle blowing by their senior scientist Dr. William Thompson who publicly admitted research fraud while at the agency doing MMR vaccine studies.