150 Doctors and Scientists with Concerns About Vaccines Mainstream Media Never Interviews
While the media attacks Dr. Andrew Wakefield claiming he is the only doctor with concerns about vaccines and that he alone has caused millions of parents to lose faith in vaccinations, this assertion is demonstrably untrue. Rather, hundreds of scientists and doctors have voiced concerns and have published research investigating adverse reactions to vaccines and their components. Placing the blame for parental concerns on Dr. Andrew Wakefield is disingenuous at best and blatantly dishonest at worst. Parents have read the research themselves and this is why they are concerned. It is time for the media to do their job, read the research and talk with the hundreds of doctors and scientists who have expressed concerns. Not all the doctors or scientists listed here would want their names listed. They may not want to cast doubt on vaccines or they may fear for their jobs. But they have all either published research demonstrating a possible safety issue relating to vaccines or they have acknowledged publicly that vaccines do cause harm in some children.