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So far AdminM has created 1976 entries.

Do You Have Blood on Your Hands? Tens of Thousands of Children Age 5 to 11 Injected with Gene Therapy Shots

Tens of thousands of children age 5 to 11 were injected with the Pfizer bioweapon gene therapy shot over the past couple of days. This is truly one of the darkest days in the history of our nation. The pharma-owned corporate media hailed this day as a great achievement. Here is our report, where we deleted the audio of the talking head reporters and health officials, and changed the music to more accurately represent this day. Do you have blood on your hands? Most of these parents have been deceived, and do not know the truth. For those of us who do know the truth, we have a responsibility to warn others. If they reject the truth after sharing it with them, then the blood of their children is solely on their hands, and the hands of those promoting the shots.

41-Year-Old Florida Man Who Cursed Anti-Vaxxers Found Dead in His Home by Neighbors After Second COVID-19 Pfizer Shot

Richard Rowe was an outspoken critic of "anti-vaxxers," mistakenly believing that they were stupid and uninformed. When he addressed them, he stated "I am probably the smartest person you know, and I spent 8 months analyzing this thing." He blamed "anti-vaxxers" for causing suffering and death to others, and wrote: If you're an anti mask anti-vaxxer, I DO NOT CARE what happens to you. And I don't care why you believed it. Other people's lies take root in the lies we tell ourselves. Mr. Rowe was a truck driver, mechanic, carpenter, and general contractor who lived in Florida. He ran for election to the Florida House of Representatives to represent District 23. Mr. Rowe also ran for election to the U.S. House to represent Florida's 3rd Congressional District. Mr. Rowe took the first Pfizer shot on August 12, 2021, and the second one in September. He died on October 29, 2021 and was found in his home by neighbors.

Red State Governors Supplying COVID-19 Bioweapon Shots for Parents to Abuse and Attempt to Murder Their Children

As I predicted in earlier articles, Red State Governors are doing nothing to prevent the COVID-19 shots from being injected into children as young as 5 years old now. Some, like Florida Governor Rick DeSantis, are opposed to mandating them, but so far I have not seen one governor step forward and say: "Let's stop this madness and stop killing and maiming our children!" Not one. They all apparently believe parents have the "right" to attempt to murder their children, because Biden's FDA and CDC said they could. Texas began injecting children yesterday, and Florida will begin injecting children tomorrow, Saturday, November 6, 2021.

12-Year-Old In Germany Dies 2 Days After Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine – 12-Year-Old in Thailand In ICU After Heart Problems Caused By The Pfizer Shot

A 12-year-old girl from the district of Cuxhaven has died two days after receiving her second Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. Initial evidence suggests that there is a causal relationship with the vaccination. The district had decided to make the case public after rumors surfaced on social media. The news comes just as the US has  started vaccinating 5-11 year olds with the Pfizer vaccine. A 12-year-old girl in Thailand is fighting for her life in ICU after suffering heart complications caused by the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. The 12-year-old Grade 6 pupil, who is a student at Wat Don Sai School, received her shot on October 19th. Several days later, she complained to her mother about chest pain and shortness of breath. Her symptoms gradually worsened and she was hospitalized at Ratchaburi Hospital. She was then transferred to the Children’s Hospital in Bangkok where she’s currently intubated on a ventilator.

Government’s Own Data Proves COVID-19 Shots Are Causing Blood Clots, Heart Disease, and DEATH

There are currently two different and opposing narratives in the public regarding the safety of the COVID-19 shots. One view claims they are safe, and the other view claims they are not. Both views cannot be true. One view is correct, and one view is wrong. The view of the pharmaceutical companies producing the shots and earning great profit from them is that they are safe, and this view is backed up by the U.S. Government regulatory agencies and the officials who lead them. In order for the pharmaceutical companies and the government health agencies to make a claim that COVID-19 "vaccines" are "safe," there must be a safety monitoring system in place in order to make such a claim. Otherwise, their claims would be without basis, because nobody would know whether those claims are true or not. The CDC admits this on their website. They explain that this safety monitoring systems is called VAERS, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. The nice thing about the Government VAERS database is that it is open to the public, and anyone can search it. I use the MedAlerts front end to search the database. So anyone around the world can do their own search of the data in the VAERS database and fact-check the CDC's claims, which represent the view of the pharmaceutical industry and the government health agencies and their heads. And that's what I am going to do in this article. At the end of this analysis of the available data, nobody in the pharmaceutical industry or in the government health agencies can say that the data is wrong, because it is THEIR data. They also cannot claim ignorance, because the statements they make regarding the "safety" of these COVID-19 vaccines is based on this data in VAERS, according to their own published statements. And what we will see when we look at the data as compared to all other data from non-COVID-19 vaccines, is that they are lying, and that the COVID-19 vaccines are most definitely causing blood clots, heart disease, and deaths. If they are lying, then they are complicit with causing these crippling injuries and deaths, and they should all be arrested immediately for being complicit to mass murder.

Predators with Badges: The Sex Traffickers on America’s Police Forces

We are a nation on the brink of a nervous breakdown. Undeniably, the blowback from COVID-19 lockdowns and mandates continues to reverberate around the country, impacting the nation’s struggling workplaces, choking the economy and justifying all manner of authoritarian tyrannies being inflicted on the populace by state and federal governments. Yet while it is easy to be distracted by political theater, distressed by the COVID-19 pandemic, and divided over authoritarian lockdowns and mandates, there are still darker forces afoot that cannot—should not—must not be ignored. Here’s a news flash for you: there are sexual predators on America’s police forces. Indeed, when it comes to sex trafficking—the buying and selling of young girls, boys and women for sex—police have become both predators and pimps. As the Philadelphia Inquirer reports, “Hundreds of police officers across the country have turned from protectors to predators, using the power of their badge to extort sex.” Victims of sex trafficking report that police are among those “buying” young girls and women for sex. Incredibly, this COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in even greater numbers of children being preyed upon by sex traffickers. Unfortunately, rather than being part of the solution, America’s police forces—riddled with corruption, brutality, sexual misconduct and drug abuse—have largely become part of the problem.

Whistleblower Reveals Fraud in Pfizer COVID Vaccine Trials as 5 to 11-Year-Olds Begin to be Injected – Vaccine Deaths and Injuries to Follow

The criminal CDC rubber stamped their approval to start injecting American children between the ages of 5 and 11 with the deadly Pfizer COVID-19 shot yesterday. As we have pointed out numerous times here at Health Impact News, children this young have a near ZERO statistical chance of dying from COVID-19. There is plenty of evidence that the FDA and CDC already know that the Pfizer shot is going to injure many children between the ages of 5 and 11. The doses are not as strong as the ones given to those above the age of 12, but there was one ingredient that was changed in the shots for this age group. The Exposé has reported that the ingredient that was added for this age group is known for stabilizing heart attacks. Blood clots and heart disease are side effects that have already been observed in those who take the COVID-19 shots, especially effecting young boys. In addition to this change in formulation for the Pfizer shots for younger children, Andrew White from the National File has reported that the FDA just recently approved the “first oral blood thinning medication for children.” So they know what is in the future for this age group, and they are preparing for it. Are you? Pfizer is the largest criminal organization in the world, as we have reported numerous times over the years here at Health Impact News. They have settled some of the largest criminal cases for fraud with the DOJ in the history of the United States. And now just as pharmacies around the U.S. begin to start injecting young children with the criminal Pfizer shot, a whistleblower has come forward and published a report in the BMJ stating that Pfizer did not conduct proper safety trials before the COVID-19 shots were given emergency use authorization.

The Self-Reliance Manifesto: More Than 350 Resources to Guide You on the Path to Radical Freedom

Preparing for a total collapse of society can certainly seem daunting, but there are always things one can do to become less reliant on the world's fragile system, as a system collapse is now imminent. Daisy Luther of the Organic Prepper recently published her "Self-Reliance Manifesto" with hundreds of links that she has collected over the years to resources that will help you become more self-reliant.

Doctors and COVID-19 Vaccine Injured Testify in Washington D.C. to Crimes Against Humanity – CDC, FDA, NIH, Fauci are No Shows

U.S. Senator Ron Johnson has consistently been the only member of the federal government who has dared to expose the crimes being committed by Big Pharma through the government COVID response. In 2020 Senator Johnson held meetings in Washington D.C. exposing the criminal activities of Big Pharma and federal health agencies in suppressing early treatment options for COVID-19 that thousands of doctors were using with a near 100% success rate. Here in 2021 Senator Johnson has held meetings with testimony showing how dangerous the COVID-19 vaccines have been, giving a voice to those who have suffered injuries or lost loved ones who died after the shots. Senator Johnson held another meeting in Washington D.C. today, one that has been planned for many weeks, regarding COVID-19 mandatory vaccines. Some of the top scientists and doctors in the world attended, as well as several people suffering COVID-19 vaccine injuries. He also invited the heads of the federal health agencies to attend, such as the CDC, FDA, NIH, as well as the top executives of the drug companies producing the experimental shots. But none of these invitees showed up. They are, of course, Big Pharma controlled mouthpieces who only appear in public with the pharma-owned corporate media where they know ahead of time what the questions will be, and the script for how to answer them. The corporate media also did not show up to cover this truly historic event in Washington D.C. The Roundtable discussion was recorded and is over 3.5 hours long, and you can watch the entire event at Senator Ron Johnson's Rumble channel.  We have separated out several of the testimonies from this event into shorter segments that can be viewed on our Rumble and Bitchute channels. Senator Johnson started off the session by stating that those who dare to tell the truth about the COVID-19 shots in public pay a high price for doing so. He also stated that there is no need for COVID-19 vaccine mandates. Because if the vaccine worked and stopped transmission, those vaccinated would have no fear of the unvaccinated. If the COVID-19 vaccine does not stop transmission, then mandating them is pointless.

Bill Gates and the Uncertain Future of Food Security

As we approach a winter of discontent and Global food systems go from bad to worse, there’s trouble in paradise. At the root of these problems, Government responses to COVID-19 have contributed to a six-fold increase in famine-like conditions as global supply chains collapse, and field trials for gene-edited crops and farm animals begin in the UK. Against this perfect storm, the UN’s World Food Systems Summit convened last month, with Member States joining the private sector, civil society groups and researchers, to bring about “tangible, positive changes” to the world’s food systems, and as the story goes, “drive recovery from COVID-19.” But even if we could solve our problems using the same logic that created them, there are deeper, institutional problems undermining the integrity of the Summit. Specifically, its corporate capture by one man, whose vision of the future of food security places the interests of civil society and farming communities in a different universe to the corporations he is beholden to. A household name on the world stage of disaster-capitalism, there is more to Bill Gates than doomsayer-general terrorising the world’s population into a permanent state of suspended animation, and it typically involves the future of food security. In less than a decade, Gates has become America’s largest private farmland owner, acquiring more than 269,000 acres of prime farmland in the US, including the 100 Circles Farm where fast food giant McDonald’s potatoes are grown. Gates effectively owns McDonald’s fries, his commitment to public health aside.