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So far AdminM has created 1976 entries.

JUSTICE DENIED! Supreme Court Again Upholds COVID Vaccine Mandates – U.S. Veterans Prepare for War

For the third time this year, the U.S. Supreme Court has denied a motion to halt mandatory COVID-19 vaccines, this time declining to block a vaccine requirement imposed on Maine health care workers. Both "conservative" and "liberal" judges on the Supreme Court have now ruled in favor of Big Pharma, showing that this is a non-partisan issue. Justice against the murderers who are enforcing these COVID shots that dissenting doctors and scientists call "bioweapons" will not come from the judiciary. The only ones who can stop the eugenics population control program destroying the United States now are "we the people." There are about 19 million military veterans in the United States, and more and more are being added to that number every day as thousands of active duty military are refusing to comply with COVID vaccine mandates and being discharged. These men and women that the United States has previously invested in and trained for war, apparently have no intention of idly sitting by and watching the United States become a medical police state. A group of these veterans have banded together to produce some documentaries, and to issue a "National Security Alert." These veterans are preparing for war. Watch their video.

Dozens Of Top Nuclear Scientists With “Highest Security Clearances” Being Fired From Los Alamos Lab After Vax Mandate

A last Friday deadline for Los Alamos National Lab employees to get vaccinated has come and gone, with a judge on the same day denying a request by 114 employees there to block the nuclear lab’s vaccine mandate from taking effect. In the last days the employees, including top nuclear engineers and scientists, have literally taken to the streets outside the lab, protesting the mandate which orders them to get their first dose of the Covid vaccine or face termination.  Concerning the lawsuit filed by the employees, The Hill wrote earlier that "Workers at the New Mexico laboratory, which created the atomic bomb, filed a lawsuit claiming that exemptions to the mandate have been denied without proper justification." Specifically the workers, among them dozens of scientists, are pushing back against federal contractor Triad National Security LLC, which runs the lab under contract of the US Department of Energy. It's unclear if any have been fired at this point after the deadline has passed, or if any level of negotiations or understandings are in the process of being reached. The reality is that these employees are seen as immensely valuable to both the advanced nuclear lab and national security, given their government-issued clearance levels. 

Honorable Active Military Face Discharge for Refusing COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate

Several military members voiced their concerns in public about facing discharge for refusing COVID-19 vaccine mandates. How will our military function once all these honorable service members are discharged? The truth is the military needs these fine men and women more than they need the military.

Have you Lost Your Job for Refusing the COVID Shot? You are NOT Alone!

Many brave men and women are losing their jobs today because they refuse to comply with immoral mandates to let others control their bodies and their health. Politicians and the judicial system are serving their masters on Wall Street in allowing this to happen, but there is still a latent power in this country, and around the world, that could upend their plans, and that is the power of the people who refuse to comply. From doctors, nurses, educators, firefighters, and sports professionals to people from all walks of life, many have chosen to stand on faith and truth, no matter what it takes, and resist COVID vaccine mandates. In this tearful video they talk about what they have been through, and encourage you to follow their example. You will not hear their voices in the pharma-owned corporate media, but we bring you several in this video. These are among society's finest workers, and it is doubtful that the organizations that they represent will last much longer if they keep firing people with integrity and faith who choose to stand on the truth rather than give in to tyrants. When their employees who complied with the mandates begin to suffer life-long injuries and illness, while others die, where will they turn to staff their organizations? The truth they will painfully learn is that they need the unvaxxed workers more than the unvaxxed workers need them. You are NOT alone! #holdtheline

Study by Harvard Researcher Finds Countries with Lowest COVID-19 Vaccination Rates Have Fewer Cases of COVID than Fully Vaccinated Countries

A new study published in the European Journal of Epidemiology proves what we "conspiracy theorists" have been saying all along about the COVID-19 shots: They cause symptoms leading to COVID-19 diagnoses rather than prevent them. The study, "Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States," was conducted by S. V. Subramanian, who is affiliated with Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies, and also the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. The study looked at data from 68 countries and 2947 counties in the U.S. They used COVID-19 data provided by the Our World in Data for cross-country analysis, available as of September 3, 2021. For the county-level analysis in the US, they utilized the White House COVID-19 Team data, available as of September 2, 2021. Comparing countries with various rates of percentages of their population fully vaccinated for COVID-19, they found that "countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people." Likewise, in the U.S. the counties with the highest vaccination rates have the highest incidents of COVID-19 cases. COVID-19 vaccines not only offer no benefits, they are killing and injuring people, which is why so many dissenting doctors and scientists today call them "bioweapons."

Unvaccinated NHL Player Best Athlete on the Ice – Scores 4 Goals in First Game

The NHL Detroit Red Wings' Tyler Bertuzzi is only one of four NHL Hockey players who have refused to comply with a COVID-19 vaccine mandate. As such, he cannot travel with his team for games in Canada, where he is not allowed to play unvaccinated. But unlike the NBA's Kyrie Irving, who was willing to play in the NBA unvaccinated but his team and the league prevented him from doing so, the Detroit Red Wings and the NHL are allowing Bertuzzi to play in cities that allow it. At least for now. We speculated that the reason the NBA did not allow Kyrie Irving to play in cities where COVID-19 vaccine mandates did not prohibit him from playing, was that they did not want the PR nightmare of an "anti-vaxxer" representing freedom of choice and opposing medical tyranny. Apparently, at least for now, the NHL does not fear that. So on his first night on the ice, Tyler Bertuzzi showcased what talent can do unencumbered by micro blood clots that go along with COVID-19 shots, as he was clearly the best player on the ice that night, scoring a rare 4 goals in one game for his team, and drawing high praises from his coach.

And So it Begins: NYC Judge Rules Father Cannot Visit 3-Year-Old Daughter Unless Vaccinated

A judge in New York City has blocked a father’s right to see his three-year-old daughter unless he agrees to take the COVID-19 vaccine. Yes, really. In early September, Evan Schein, an attorney acting on behalf of the mother in the couple’s divorce case (the family has not been named), raised concerns about the father’s vaccination status, leading high profile judge Judge Matthew Cooper to suspend his visitation rights until he received the jab. According to Cooper, the father needs to submit to the shot because it has become a prerequisite “to participate meaningfully in everyday society.” “The dangers of voluntarily remaining unvaccinated during access with a child while the COVID-19 virus remains a threat to children’s health and safety cannot be understated,” said the judge. “Unfortunately, and to my mind, incomprehensibly, a sizable minority, seizing upon misinformation, conspiracy theories, and muddled notions of ‘individual liberty,’ have refused all entreaties to be vaccinated,” he added. However, Lloyd Rosen, the father’s attorney, warned that the ruling sets a terrible precedent. “My client is not a conspiracy theorist,” Rosen said. “He has concerns about the vaccine. He’s heard about side effects. He once had a bad reaction to a flu vaccine.” “This judge must feel that 80 million Americans who aren’t vaccinated are placing their children at imminent risk or harm and, therefore, the courts should intervene and remove those children from their parents,” he added. “This is an absurd position to take.”

America: Land of the Slaves and Home of the Cowards – The Entitlement Majority Call Themselves “Victims”

Francis Scott Key penned the words to the song "The Star-Spangled Banner" in the 1800s that would go on to become the "National Anthem" of the United States, and it ends with the words: "The land of the free, and the home of the brave." I am not sure these words have ever been a true description of life in the United States, but today, here in 2021, those words should read: "The land of the slaves, and the home of the cowards." I never thought I would live to see the day where most Americans would willingly choose slavery over freedom, and then when their choices did not work out the way they thought, rather than own up to their mistake in making the wrong choice, blame the "opposition" party in government instead, all the while raising their voices to claim "I'm a victim!" believing that somehow they are entitled to certain things from their slave masters. But that characterizes the United States of America today.

Chicago Mayor Gets Judge to Temporarily Silence Police Union Boss Catanzara from Telling Officers to Refuse Vaccine Mandate – Catanzara Responds by Announcing he is Running for Mayor of Chicago

The battle between Chicago Police and Mayor Lori Lightfoot continued today as the City of Chicago filed a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) against Chicago Police Union boss, John Catanzara, to silence him from speaking publicly and encouraging officers to not comply with the city's mandate to file their COVID-19 vaccination status online through a portal they have setup. However, in a temporary victory for the police, it was announced that the city would not be sending anyone home due to their failure to report their vaccination status, and that all police officers working this weekend would be paid. This averted a situation where Catanzara stated that less than 50% of the force would be on the streets this weekend if the department sent home the officers without pay for defying the Mayor. Catanzara stated that the judge would hear the whole motion on Monday, but a local CBS News report stated that this hearing is now pushed back until October 25th, reportedly because "there is no public safety emergency right now," which means the City has agreed to let the officers work with pay without yet declaring their vaccination status. So the City may have silenced Catanzara for now, but it appears that Round 1 goes to the Chicago Police, who get to still work with pay without having to declare their vaccination status, at least until October 25th.

27,247 Deaths 2,563,768 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Database – Taiwan Records More Deaths from Vaccine than Virus

The European Union database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, and they are now reporting 27,247 fatalities, and 2,563,768 injuries, following COVID-19 injections. In Taiwan it is now reported that deaths from COVID-19 vaccination exceed deaths from the COVID-19 virus. We also include a video report showing graphic deaths and disabilities due to COVID-19 shots, including a 13-year-old boy who collapsed in a clinic due to a heart attack and died after efforts to revive him failed.