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Why Shortages Are Permanent: Global Supply Shortages Make Fantastic Financial Sense

Not all scarcities are artificial, i.e. the result of cartels limiting supply to keep prices high; many scarcities are real, and many of these scarcities can be traced back to the stripping out of redundancy / multiple suppliers of industrial essentials to streamline efficiency and eliminate competition. Recall that competition and abundance are anathema to profits. Wide open competition and structural abundance are the least conducive setting for generating reliably ample profits, while quasi-monopolies and cartels that control scarce supplies are the ideal profit-generating machines. The incentives to expand the number of suppliers, i.e. increase competition, are effectively zero. America's corporations spent $11 trillion buying back their own stocks over the past decade; that's equal to the combined GDP of Japan, Germany and Italy. If adding new suppliers to the global supply chain were profitable, some of that $11 trillion would have exploited those vast profits. Scarcities are their source of profits, and since it makes zero financial sense to spend a fortune building a plant to make solvents, lubricants, alloys, etc. in limited quantities in markets dominated by quasi-monopolies and cartels, shortages are a permanent feature of the 21st century global economy. The era of abundance was only a short-lived artifact of the initial boost phase of globalization and financialization; now that the consolidation is complete, shortages make fantastic financial sense. By all means thank Corporate America for squandering $11 trillion to further enrich the top 0.1% and insiders. Alas, there was no better use for all those trillions than further enriching the already-super-rich.

Freedom Flyers: Airline Industry Workers Fired for Refusing COVID-19 Shot Fight Back

A group of airline professionals have banded together to fight back against mandatory COVID-19 vaccination mandates. They call themselves the "U.S. Freedom Flyers." From their website: "US Freedom Flyers currently encompasses all travel and transportation-affiliated industries, including all employees, unionized or not, who are affected by the Federal Government’s Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates. Whether you’re a pilot, flight attendant, mechanic, dispatcher, gate agent, or ramper, we have room for you! In addition, we seek to be an inclusive organization contributing to the support of other industries. If you are in other transportation industries, such as shipping, trucking, bussing, etc. please join our organization! If you are in an industry other than transportation and travel, we welcome you also, and want to collaborate with you to help preserve our medical freedoms!" They have teamed up with Leslie Manookian of Health Freedom Defense Fund, George Wentz of Davillier Law Group, and Airline Professionals For Justice (AP4J) to fight back against mandatory COVID-19 shots for the airline industry. These Freedom Flyers have just published a video with written messages from more than 60 of them, ranging from ramp agents, to flight attendants, to pilots and captains, to even a "senior vice president."

The Real Reasons for the Facebook Outage This Week

Facebook suffered a massive outage on Monday. At the same time a high profile “whistleblower” has come forward to dish the FB dirt. These two things have combined to create a perfect storm of narrative portraying Mark Zuckerberg’s company as a monster in desperate need of slaying by some deft government intervention. But to what extent is that story contrived? Is Facebook willingly going along with it? And what does it mean for the rest of the internet?

As Deaths and Injuries to Teens Increase After COVID-19 Shots Pfizer Asks FDA for Emergency Authorization to Inject 5 to 11-Year-Olds

It was announced today that Pfizer has now petitioned the FDA in the United States to give them emergency use authorization to begin injecting the COVID-19 shots into children between the ages of 5 and 11. FiercePharma reports that while there is "significant resistance by parents to vaccinate their children," Pfizer went ahead and requested permission to start injecting children between the ages of 5 and 11. This will broaden their market in the U.S. to another 28 million people who will now be able to get the shots, all children. Pfizer is undoubtedly counting on support from people like California Governor Newsom, who just decreed that all children in public and private schools will need to be injected with COVID-19 shots to get an education. I wonder how much money Pfizer is spending to get government officials mandating their shots to children as a condition for receiving an education? If you are a parent and you allow your children to be injected with the experimental COVID-19 shots, you and you alone will be responsible before God for their injuries and/or deaths. Ignorance of the risks is no excuse, and neither is rolling the dice on their lives just because it is too inconvenient for you to keep your children home and educate them yourselves. As we have previously reported here at Health Impact News, using the government's own data on adverse reactions to the COVID-19 shots, teens are 50x more likely to develop heart disease, and teenagers have 7.75 X more deaths, 15 X more disabilities, 47 X more ER visits, and 46 X more hospitalizations than all other FDA-approved vaccines COMBINED that these teenagers are receiving. I have produced this video report of teenagers and young people who have died or suffered crippling injuries after being injected with a COVID-19 shot, including testimonies from grieving parents who deeply regret their choice to allow their child to receive one of these shots.

Pfizer Whistleblower Claims Pfizer Hid Information from the Public About Using Fetal Tissue to Develop their COVID-19 Vaccine

Project Veritas released the fifth video in its COVID vaccine investigative series today featuring a sit-down interview with Pfizer insider, Melissa Strickler. She leaked internal emails that show corporate executives telling staff to be secretive about the use of human fetal tissue in laboratory testing of the COVID vaccine. Pfizer’s Chief Scientific Officer, Philip Dormitzer, admits aborted fetus tissue is used in the company’s vaccine program, but that employees should just stick with Pfizer’s polished narrative omitting any mention of aborted fetal tissue to avoid any issues with the public.

Led by Blacks, NYC Rises Up Against Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccines

As mandatory COVID-19 vaccine mandates took effect this week in New York City, many teachers and others suddenly found themselves out of work as the Supreme Court refused to step in and stop the mandates last week. Teachers, educators and many others took to the streets of New York this week to protest, led by Blacks. Less than 30% of the Blacks in New York City have given in to mandatory shots, and Hispanics are close behind in their refusal to obey government mandates for COVID-19 shots. Angela Stanton-King, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, and a former NBA #1 draft pick were among those who took to the streets of New York this week to protest and warn others about the abuse of civil rights with New York's mandatory vaccination mandates. Many of the protesters in NYC carried flags of Australia, showing their solidarity with their Aussie brothers and sisters who are suffering the most under tyranny right now. Here is a video report of the protests.

Where is the Biden Executive Order Mandating the Vaccine? Does it Exist?

I’m talking about the Executive Order (EO) commanding all US companies with more than 100 employees to mandate the COVID vaccine for those employees. I can’t find the EO. I don’t see it in the Federal Register, where it’s supposed to be published. If it hasn’t been published, then there is no mandate.

BOMBSHELL: Video Emerges Where Fauci and Others Planned for a “Universal mRNA Flu Vaccine” Which Became the “COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine” Because People were not Afraid Enough of the Flu Virus

Last night Alex Jones of Infowars.com did a special broadcast regarding an October, 2019 video that they had just become aware of that was a panel discussion hosted by the Milken Institute discussing the need for a Universal Flu Vaccine. The video clip that they played of this event was a 1 minute and 51 second dialogue between the moderator, Michael Specter, a journalist who is a New Yorker staff writer and also an adjunct professor of bioengineering at Stanford University, Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and Rick Bright, the director of HHS Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA). In this short clip, which was extracted from the hour-long panel discussion, Anthony Fauci explains that bringing a new, untested kind of vaccine like an mRNA vaccine, would take at least a decade ("if everything goes perfectly") to go through proper trials and be approved by the FDA. He would know, because he had been trying to do it for about a decade already by then (October, 2019), trying to develop an mRNA based vaccine for HIV. But now they were discussing something much bigger than just a vaccine for AIDS patients. They are talking about a "Universal Flu Vaccine" that everyone would have to take - a huge market for Big Pharma! Rick Bright, the director of HHS Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), then speaks and states that what could happen is that "an entity of excitement that is completely disruptive and is not beholden to bureaucratic strings and processes" could change that. I have found the full 1 hour panel discussion and uploaded it to our video channels. In short, this panel discussion focused on what they perceived as the need for a universal flu vaccine, but they admitted that the old way of producing vaccines was not sufficient for their purposes, and that they needed some kind of global event where many people were dying to be able to roll out a new mRNA vaccine to be tested on the public. They all agreed that the annual flu virus was not scary enough to create an event that would convince people to get a universal vaccine. And as we now know today, about 2 years after this event, that "terrifying virus" that was introduced was the COVID-19 Sars virus. And so now we know why the flu just "disappeared" in the 2020-21 flu season. It was simply replaced by COVID-19, in a worldwide cleverly planned "pandemic" to roll out the world's first universal mRNA vaccines. This was always the goal, and previous efforts through various influenzas, AIDS, Ebola, and other "viruses" were all unsuccessful in leading to the development of a universal vaccine to inject into the entire world's population.

Pfizer Scientists Caught Undercover Admitting Pfizer is Evil and that Natural Immunity is Better than the COVID-19 Vaccine

Project Veritas released their fourth video in its COVID-19 vaccine investigative series today which exposed three Pfizer scientists saying that antibodies lead to equal, if not better, protection against the virus compared to the vaccine. These scientists talk about the kind of culture they have to work in with Pfizer, with one scientist calling the company "evil." They did not know they were being recorded.

Post COVID-19 Injections: The Dead Don’t Speak, but Those with Crippling Injuries Issue Warnings

When the first COVID-19 shots were given emergency use authorization back in December of 2020, we started publishing the stories that were available in the public space of those who were suffering and dying after taking the shots. I began a list that I appended to the end of any articles we published about the COVID-19 shots, so people could get an idea of how many were suffering from these experimental shots that dissenting doctors and scientists began to call "bioweapon" shots. The corporate media and Big Tech have done their best to suppress these stories, publishing a few every once in a while to acknowledge this was happening, but always in the context that these were "rare" side effects, and that the benefits of the shot were greater than the risk, which we now know is a complete lie. After more and more people made the fateful decision to get the shots, I could no longer keep up with the individual stories that were being published, and began publishing articles of stories in batches. The list became so long, that people started complaining that they had to scroll too far down the page to get to the comments, so I truncated the list and then published the entire list on a separate page. Now, as we start the month of October, 2021, the number of people going public with their stories are so many, that I just pick and choose some that are representative of the sheer mass of reports now coming in, and try to do at least one story a week highlighting these tragic stories, as we are constantly getting new readers and subscribers who are just now beginning to wake up to the truth about what is really going on with these shots. It is truly overwhelming, and as I read these stories every day, I know the emotional toll it can take on the people who are aggregating these stories and publishing them. I am truly grateful for them, as I share that emotional trauma myself, and it drives me to publish these as much as I can, even though if I spent all of my waking hours now trying to read and publish all of these, it would not even be enough. I am putting today's update into a video, because we now have tens of thousands of subscribers to our video channels, and the videos often get more traffic than our articles. As I publish this today on October 4, 2021, there appears to be some kind of cyber attack happening against Big Tech, as Facebook and their platforms have been down for most of the day already. I do not know how much longer we have before there is a total Internet blackout, so I feel the urgency more than ever to bring you these stories. Please download all of our videos (and articles!) whenever you can to your local devices, so you can continue sharing them with your family and friends should we be taken down off the Internet. This report starts with warnings from the survivors, and then documents a few of the many who have now died, including children and babies who have died, not because they made a choice to get the shots, but because their parents did.