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So far AdminM has created 1977 entries.

Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson Gets Schooled on COVID Vaccines by His Constituents

Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson got an earful from his constituents at a recent town hall meeting, who schooled him on the facts surrounding the COVID-19 "vaccines." Do you think he will listen to his constituents since he took an oath to uphold the Constitution and protect them?

Pentagon Pulls Trigger: Will Order All Troops To Get COVID Vaccine By Sept. 15 Under Threat of Court-Martial

The US military is ready to begin enforcing a coronavirus vaccine mandate across all branches, the Associated Press is reporting Monday based on a Pentagon memo it's obtained. The memo is expected to go out on Monday and is intended to "warn" troops to "prepare" for the new requirement.  It will require service members to get the jab by a Sept. 15 deadline, a date which could actually be pushed up if the FDA gives final approval for the Pfizer vaccine or if infection rates rise rapidly.

Federation of State Medical Boards Threatens Doctors Who Speak Out Against COVID-19 Vaccines

Physicians have received a chilling threat about COVID-19 vaccination from the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB): “Physicians who generate and spread vaccine misinformation or disinformation are risking disciplinary action by state medical boards, including the suspension or revocation of their medical license."

Father and Military Veteran Dies After Mandatory COVID Shot as Children Continue to Lose Parents to COVID-19 Shots

A former marine who served campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan was out of work for 16 months after being laid off from his hospital job when the COVID plandemic started. On the verge of losing his home, this husband and father was finally offered a job, but with one catch: he had to get the COVID-19 shots as a condition of employment, something he had avoided up until this time. Just after getting the second shot, he collapsed on the floor in front of his family and died. A 23-year-old woman dies from a blood clot just after a COVID-19 shot, leaving behind a 19-month-old daughter. A father in France mourns the death of his son after he received a COVID-19 shot, tasked now with taking care of his 13-year-old grandson. We continue to bring you the tragic stories of lost lives and devastated families from those who die in the prime of their life just after receiving COVID-19 shots, deaths that the CDC and FDA say are not related to the shots, and stories the corporate media does not want to cover.

Some Israelis Getting 3rd COVID “Booster” Shot Now Have COVID and Are Hospitalized

As we have previously reported, Israel's cozy relationship with Pfizer has allowed their citizens to become the lab rats of the world to experiment on with COVID injections before they are tested on the rest of the world, as they are the first country to roll out a 3rd COVID shot from Pfizer as a "booster" to mostly the elderly population who survived the first two shots. Now that tens of thousands of Israelis have been injected with this 3rd COVID shot, reports are starting to come in that some of these people now have COVID diagnoses and are being hospitalized, some of them serious.

Dr. Cole on COVID Shots: “This is a Poisonous Attack on our Population and it Needs to Stop Now!”

Dr. Ryan Cole is the CEO and Medical Director of Cole Diagnostics, one of the largest independent labs in the State of Idaho. Dr. Cole is a Mayo Clinic trained Board Certified Pathologist. He is Board Certified in anatomic and clinical pathology. He has expertise in immunology and virology and also has subspecialty expertise in skin pathology. He has seen over 350,000 patients in his career. We featured a lecture he gave earlier this year back in April, where he discussed cures for COVID-19 symptoms, and warned about the dangers of the COVID "vaccines." Dr. Cole gave another presentation this past weekend in Texas, as part of a seminar with America's Frontline Doctors. Being a pathologist who runs his own private diagnostic laboratory, Dr. Cole is perhaps one of the most qualified physicians in America today to give an independent, honest evaluation of the current roll-out of the COVID-19 "vaccines," and he didn't pull any punches in his presentation, saying: "We need to stop the insanity immediately. This is over. Game over. This is no longer good science. This is a poisonous attack on our population. And it needs to stop now!"

Former Pfizer VP Warns Childbearing-age Women: ‘Do not Accept These Vaccines’

Dr. Michael Yeadon discussed recent findings indicating that experimental COVID-19 vaccines concentrate in a woman’s ovaries and induce an ‘autoimmune attack’ on the placenta.  In his brief presentation at Wednesday’s online “Stop the Shot” conference, former Pfizer vice president Dr. Michael Yeadon highlighted three reasons why women of childbearing years and younger should entirely reject experimental COVID-19 gene-therapy vaccines.   “You’re being lied to, I’m being lied to,” said the professional research scientist. “The authorities are not giving us full information about the risks of these products.” Yeadon, who has degrees in biochemistry and toxicology and a Ph.D in respiratory pharmacology, worked for 32 years in the pharmaceutical industry and retired in 2011 from the most senior position in his field as vice president and chief scientist for allergy and respiratory at Pfizer. The British national explained his first point as being “so obvious” that all can agree. “We never, ever, give experimental medicines to pregnant women. Why do we not do that?” he asked.  

Digital Health Passports: The Snare that will Lure Many into the One-World Cashless System

Several new technologies that appear separate and unrelated will soon converge, creating a giant digital trap that will easily entice the uninformed masses. The digital trap has already been set and globalist elites are using COVID to speed up the process of convergence. Most people will sleep-walk right into the trap, which will ultimately reduce them to a human QR code – trackable, traceable, and 100 percent dependent on Big Tech and big government for their existence. In a briefing Monday, Aug. 2, Biden’s Coronavirus Response Coordinator Jeffrey Zients announced “it’s time to impose some requirements” where COVID vaccines are concerned. When asked for clarification on exactly what COVID rules might be implemented, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said nothing is off the table. Remember that phrase: "Nothing is off the table." This could involve rounding up the unvaccinated and placing them in isolation and quarantine camps. Despite what anyone tries to tell you, separating Americans by vaccine status is a historic first. It has never before been tried, not through the polio or smallpox outbreaks of the 1920s, 30s and 40s, not during the Spanish Flu. Not ever. Yet another piece to the evolving techno-fascist puzzle is the new digital currency. The world’s central banks are working on a programmable digital currency based on block chain technology. This means they will be able to track your spending and shut you off for any reason. The goal is a comprehensive digital identity, combining one’s health data and vaccine status with banking and other personally identifiable data.

Israel, Australia Report 95-99% Hospitalized are Fully Vaccinated

Reports coming out of Israel claim hospitals are being filled with vaccinated people, 95 percent of whom are suffering serious illness being fully vaccinated. “I understand that most of the patients are vaccinated, even ‘severe’ patients. Exactly. Naturally occurring. Old people, most of them are vaccinated,” Israeli Dr. Kobi Haviv told News Israel 13 Thursday. “Most of the population is vaccinated, and 90%… 85%-90% of the hospitalizations here are ‘Fully vaccinated’ people.” Dr. Haviv claims the infections mean the vaccines’ “effectiveness” is fading, possibly setting up a scenario where booster shots emerge as a necessary treatment. The news out of Israel coincides with similar statistics coming out of Sydney, Australia, where government health officials late last month announced nearly all new Covid hospitalizations involve vaccinated people – except one.

Politicians Push Back Against COVID-19 Tyranny – Can We Trust Them?

Three politicians made news this week and were widely quoted in the Alternative Media as opposing tyrannical COVID-19 measures: U.S. Senator Rand Paul, Alberta, Canada Chief Medical Officer Deena Hinshaw, and Queensland, Australia Senator Malcolm Roberts. And while it is refreshing to hear politicians push back against COVID-19 measures and stand up for their constituents whom they are supposed to be representing, will anything actually positive result from their public addresses this week in terms of real freedom from COVID-19 medical tyranny?