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So far AdminM has created 1977 entries.

The False Gods of Genetics and “Gene Therapy”

One of the topics we have exposed over the years here at Health Impact News is the false science of "genetics" research and the promise of new drugs based on such research. This is simply a continuation of the field of "eugenics" made popular in the late 1920s and early 1930s here in the U.S., exported to Germany prior to WWII, and then brought back to the U.S. and repackaged. What the study of genetics has done for the past several decades is bring in billions of dollars for research and focus research away from the real problems in health, the #1 problem being the toxic drugs and vaccines that have decimated the health of Americans and others around the world, with the promise of discovering "new drugs" to solve all of society's woes. But what it really consists of is a cash cow for the Globalists to come up with new methods of classifying and controlling people. Reporter Jon Rappoport published a good summary of this pseudo science today.

Real Food Truths: Grass-fed Beef is Carbon Positive and Healthy for the Environment

The Globalists who are trying to rush in their New World Order are using the issue of "Climate Change" to justify just about everything they are doing, including their (mostly unpublished) goals of drastically reducing the world's population. One of their key issues is eliminating meat, especially beef, which we are told is a major contributor to greenhouse emissions. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations has estimated that livestock is responsible for at least 14.5% of greenhouse gases being released worldwide. Their solution? Eliminate beef altogether and replace it with chemical-based lab-grown "meat." This is already in the U.S. consumer market with "plant-based" beef, and it was announced recently that the world's first mega lab-grown meat (different than "plant-based" meat) operation has now started operations in Israel, where they can produce enough of this lab-grown meat to produce 5,000 hamburgers a day. I actually agree with the Globalists that most meat operations today are not sustainable, I just disagree with their solutions. The solution is not to move towards more consolidation of the food industry with new franken-foods, but to return to traditional methods of agriculture, which is both healthy for the environment, healthy for the livestock, and healthy for the consumers. It would also create many new jobs in small-scale agriculture, often run by family farms. This would de-centralize agriculture, not consolidate it into the hands of the tyrants seeking to control every aspect of our lives these days. I know first-hand that this is a fact, as I have been doing it for over 20 years, both here in the U.S. and around the world, providing jobs in agriculture to people willing to put the effort into producing ethical and healthy food, according to the Design principle our Creator has established in His Creation.

Tens of Thousands of COVID-19 “Vaccine” Injured in the U.S. Begging for Help as the Medical Community Turns Their Back on Them

Over 6 months into the mass vaccination campaign with the experimental, non-FDA approved COVID-19 shots, where about half of the U.S. population now has received at least one of these injections, tens of thousands of victims are beginning to speak out, regretting their choices, and begging for help. The medical community by and large has turned their backs on them, which is really what they have done for the past 40+ years with ALL vaccine injured people, most of whom have been children prior to the COVID-19 shots. So while those speaking out in the past have been primarily parents of vaccine-damaged children that the corporate media and medical system have summarily dismissed as "crazy," now those speaking out are primarily adults who have had their lives ruined by these injections. Pro-vaccine adults, obviously, since they chose to receive one of these shots, that many dissenting medical doctors and scientists are now calling "bioweapon" shots. At least they still have a voice to speak out, as thousands of others are now dead following the shots, according to CDC statistics. Here is a video that was recently published by a group that calls themselves "Vax Longhaulers."

‘We’ll Go Door-To-Door’: Biden Launching Campaign To Compel Unvaccinated Americans To Get Jab

The Biden administration is organizing a door-to-door campaign to encourage unvaccinated Americans to take the jab, after failing to achieve their 4th of July vaccination targets. While laying out the Biden administration's plan to boost vaccines, White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said they would focus on "targeted community door-to-door outreach to get remaining Americans vaccinated by ensuring they get the information they need on how both safe and accessible the vaccine is. So, they've got a list?

Pedophilia Boy Scouts of America Reaches Largest Child Sex Abuse Settlement in U.S. History at $850 Million

For the past 7+ years Health Impact News has been reporting the fact that the United States has the horrible distinction of being known as the #1 country in the world known for child sex trafficking. This is not my opinion. The U.S. Government actually admits this. Last week, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) reached the largest settlement of sex abuse claims in the history of the United States, and this may just be the tip of the iceberg so prevalent has the problem of pedophilia become in the U.S. They reached an $850 million settlement with more than 60,000 men who sued them over alleged sexual abuse by adults in scouting over several decades. Ken Rothweiler, one of three lead negotiators on behalf of the men who say they were raped, molested or sexually harassed as children, called it historic. In an emailed statement he called the deal "the largest settlement of sexual abuse claims in United States history." There is strong evidence that the Boy Scouts program has been corrupt from its inception, and in this article I will present strong evidence that the CIA may have been using these Scouts programs for years to experiment on sexually abused children as part of their "trauma-based" MK Ultra mind-control program to train children to be spies and carry out military operations.

Unmasking The Global Food Cartel: Is Massive Starvation and Population Reduction Their Next Move?

The Globalists who control the world today are not politicians. Politicians are puppets, chosen by the Globalists, who control the world's financial system. At the very top of the pyramid they are Satanists, specifically "Satanic Jews" which I defined recently in the article: "Identifying the Luciferian Globalists Implementing the New World Order – Who are the 'Jews'?" Their modus operandi is the world's financial system, and the Globalist companies that run the world. We recently published the very well-written commentary by F. William Engdahl on BlackRock, the investment firm which he claims has more financial influence than the Federal Reserve and the governments of most nations. Today, I am republishing an article from a website called "Behind The News Network," a site I have been following in my newsfeed since the COVID-19 Plandemic began last year. The reason I am republishing this article today, is because it is in my topic of specialty, which is food. And the short summary of what is explained here is this: just a handful of companies control the bulk of the world's food, and if they want to turn off the faucet, they can, and it will result in massive starvation and death, and a drastic reduction of the world's population. That is what the author fears, which is why he put the time into writing this. He has unmasked the Globalists who control the world through the food supply chain, and named names. He writes: "Genocide is an intent of this system, not a side-effect." You will definitely want to take the time to read this, and prepare accordingly.

In Many States Minors may Consent to Receive COVID-19 Shots Without Parents’ Consent or Knowledge

A District Administration survey conducted just before the FDA’s authorization for 12-15-year-olds to receive the COVID-19 shot found that only 3 in 10 parents said they would vaccinate their children right away, with most instead wanting to wait and see, or saying they would not get their child vaccinated at all or would do so only if required for school. However, with the authorization of Pfizer’s shot for 12-15-year-olds, a group that totals almost 17 million, minors can consent to receive the COVID-19 shot even without the parent’s knowledge in many states.

Americans Will Celebrate “Independence Day” as CDC Reveals Almost 7000 DEAD and Half a Million Injured Following COVID Injections?

As Americans gather this weekend to celebrate the July 4th Independence Day, I can't help but ask: What the hell are you celebrating?? Are you celebrating the fact that the CDC admits that almost 7000 people have now died following the non-FDA approved experimental COVID-19 injections with the data they released yesterday, July 2, 2021? Maybe the almost half million injuries that people have reported following these COVID-19 injections is cause for celebration? After all, Americans still have the "freedom" to not get these injections and choose to sacrifice their careers if their employer is mandating them. That is still "freedom," right? Or are you celebrating that there are now a recorded 622 unplanned abortions following these COVID-19 injections? Where is the "freedom of choice" for these unborn babies? Or perhaps all of you who are heading out to barbecue and watch fireworks this weekend are celebrating your freedom to choose to send your children to government schools, muzzled with facemasks, to learn Critical Race Theory and how to get medical procedures done to change their gender. And of course children now have "freedoms" also to exercise their "independence." Perhaps you are celebrating the fact that in many places your child can now choose to get a COVID-19 bioweapon shot without your knowledge or permission, and young boys now have the freedom to identify as girls and use the school's girls' bathrooms to sexually prey on young girls? Maybe that's a cause for celebrating our "independence"?

Father And Daughter Die Four Days Apart Despite Taking Different Brands Of COVID-19 Shots

This tragic story out of Michigan was disclosed by Kathryn Kendall. She lost both her father and her sister within four days of one another, and they were vaccinated with different brands of COVID-19 injections. John Robert Kendall Jr. had his second Moderna vaccine in April, and within days he had a heart attack and passed away. He died on April 28, 2021. John spent time as a U.S. Marshall, and has a lengthy resume in public service. John was also the cofounder of DK security, and is said to have been a phenomenal leader. Kimberly St. Charles, John’s daughter, got her shot towards the end of April. She chose the Johnson & Johnson viral vector COVID-19 injection. Unfortunately Kimberly began showing reaction symptoms the same day she took the shot. She ended up in ICU within days of her shot, and never recovered. She was only 49 with no known health problems and a mother of four children.

France to Become First Country to Mandate COVID Injections for Ages 24-59 to Stop “4th Wave”?

Here we go with the next stage of the "Plandemic," just as predicted. A "scary" new wave of a variant COVID-19 virus is being used as an excuse to step up mass vaccination efforts, just as those who volunteered to receive the COVID injections have now mostly received them, and demand has now dramatically decreased with billions of doses still available worldwide, with more on the way. Has France been chosen by the Globalists to try a test run on mandatory injections, targeting 24-59 year-olds? RT.com is reporting: "The French Senate is considering implementing obligatory vaccinations for those aged 24-59 to help the country weather the anticipated next spike of coronavirus infections in what would be a fourth wave of cases." But even if there is too much push-back to implement mandatory injection laws, there are other measures available to basically make those who resist the bioweapon shots outcasts in society, like preventing them from traveling and receiving other medical services. "The government is also considering introducing other measures aimed at increasing inoculation levels, such as sending doctors lists of unvaccinated people in order to encourage them to get the jabs. France is also considering scrapping free ‘convenience’ Covid tests for unvaccinated people who wish to travel." We can be sure the world will be watching France, and any other country that tries to mandate these shots that have now killed more people than all other previous Big Pharma vaccines combined, based solely on Government adverse reaction reporting systems, which are all passive systems and nowhere close to what the real numbers are. As the U.S. heads into the July 4th weekend for 2021, this may be the last resemblance of anything close to "freedom" that the Globalist slave masters will allow in America.