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So far AdminM has created 1977 entries.

Planned Pediacide: The Mass Murder of Children via COVID-19 Injections

We have imposed an experimental therapy on children for an illness to which they have essentially zero morbidity or mortality, have witnessed an explosion of disastrous health effects such as cardiac damage from this therapy, and are still proceeding with the vaccination march forward.  Historically as evidenced by the rotavirus fiasco discussed earlier, just 8 cases of adverse health effects allowed an abrupt about face and halt of the usage of the vaccine.  With the SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine experiment, despite horrific consequences, there is an overt attack on children which can only be viewed as a planned pediacide.  There is no rational reasoning for the continued assault on our children.  Hence, there must be an immediate cessation of this genetic experiment on children and an investigation of those responsible for the global pediacide. 

COVID-19 Bioweapon Shots Destroy Young Lives – What Percentage of the American Public is now Complicit with Murder?

Mass murder by lethal injection of the COVID-19 bioweapons continues worldwide, and we are now seeing more and more young lives being destroyed by these shots. Today's update includes 3 boys aged 20 or younger, as well as adults in the middle of their careers. Two are educators and were required by their employers to get the shots. Family members and members of the media continue to promote the lie that the injections have nothing to with these deaths and injuries, as they encourage others to go out and get the deadly shots. What percentage of the American public is now complicit with murder, when parents who allow their children to be killed or harmed by the shots continue to urge others to inject their children, as well as members of the media who continue to urge people to get the shots, and educators and other employers who require their employees to get a shot as a condition of work? America is now facing imminent judgment by an angry and just God who will not just sit back forever and allow this to continue. The idolatrous worship of pharmakeia is about to reap a harvest that will significantly reduce the population of the U.S., and probably much of the rest of the world as well. For too long has this country depended upon the medical system to save them, and now that very system is actively involved in destroying them, playing right into the hands of God and his prophesied plans for the end of the ages, and the ushering in of his New World Order.

Identifying the Luciferian Globalists Implementing the New World Order – Who are the “Jews”?

A year ago this month I published an article that exposed who was behind the Plandemic and the riots that were breaking out in major urban areas across the United States. In that article, I clearly showed how the Globalists who control the affairs of the world are Satanists, and that their plans to implement a "New World Order" were nothing new with the 2020 great COVID-19 Plandemic, but had been many years in the making. This is an update to that article. Nothing has changed as to who is directing this march towards a New World Order, as at the top is a person named "Satan," or "Lucifer," or "the Devil," and it doesn't matter if your own belief system does not agree that this person exists, because the Globalists at the top of the power structure most certainly do, and they are active participants in Satanism. But a year later now, we can flesh out more who these people are, as many of them practice their Luciferian religion in secret, and we also now have the excellent 5-hour presentation by Altiyan Childs exposing Freemasonry from an insider perspective, where he calls Freemasonry "the world's oldest religion." After much research, I concur with this statement, and I believe that there is strong evidence that pretty much ALL of the world's religions are either part of Freemasonry, or strongly influenced by it, which is just another term for worshipping Satan. It is also time for me to more fully deal with the term "Jew," quite possibly the most misunderstood word in the English language. I will warn the reader right up front here that this article will most certainly upset the majority of people who read it, and almost everyone who reads it will find something to disagree with, but that's OK. As always, the primary goal of Health Impact News is to report on things that are routinely censored elsewhere, and to shine a light into the darkest corners of evil. So while you are likely to read things you do not agree with, you are also very likely to learn some things as well.

Majority of Physicians Decline COVID Shots, according to Survey

Of the 700 physicians responding to an internet survey by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), nearly 60 percent said they were not “fully vaccinated” against COVID. This contrasts with the claim by the American Medical Association that 96 percent of practicing physicians are fully vaccinated. This was based on 300 respondents. Neither survey represents a random sample of all American physicians, but the AAPS survey shows that physician support for the mass injection campaign is far from unanimous. “It is wrong to call a person who declines a shot an ‘anti-vaxxer,’” states AAPS executive director Jane Orient, M.D. “Virtually no physicians are ‘anti-antibiotics’ or ‘anti-surgery,’ whereas all are opposed to treatments that they think are unnecessary, more likely to harm than to benefit an individual patient, or inadequately tested.” The AAPS survey also showed that 54 percent of physician respondents were aware of patients suffering a “significant adverse reaction.” Of the unvaccinated physicians, 80 percent said “I believe risk of shots exceeds risk of disease,” and 30% said “I already had COVID.” Other reasons for declining the shot included unknown long-term effects, use of aborted fetal tissue, “it’s experimental,” availability of effective early treatment, and reports of deaths and blood clots. Of 560 practicing physicians, 56 percent said they offered early treatment  for COVID.

Canadian Politician Derek Sloan Uses Parliament Hill to Give Voices to Censored Doctors and Scientists Blowing the Whistle on COVID-19 Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity

One of our many dear Canadian subscribers emailed me a link to a press conference given in Ontario yesterday at Parliament Hill. MP Derek Sloan arranged the press conference, and invited Dr. Bryan Bridle, Dr. Patrick Phillips, and Dr. Donald Welsh to give short presentations on how good doctors and scientists are being censored in Canada, and being harassed and threatened for speaking the truth, which is not getting out to the masses. These men are true heroes! They have put their careers and lives on the line to speak the truth about the genocide currently being carried out and the crimes against humanity over the COVID-19 response and bioweapon shots.

Texas Judge Proves Relief from COVID-19 Bioweapon Shots will NOT Come from the Judiciary – Upholds Mandatory Shots for Hospital Workers

A U.S. District Judge in "Red State" Texas who was originally appointed to his position by former President Ronald Reagan in 1985, has ruled against 117 Houston Methodist hospital employees who were suspended without pay for refusing to take an experimental, non-FDA approved COVID-19 shot as a condition for employment. Not only did he rule against them, he wrote a scathing opinion mocking them, proving once again that Big Pharma controls the judiciary as well as the Republican Party and so-called "conservatives." The AP reports: "In a scathing ruling Saturday, U.S. District Judge Lynn Hughes of Houston deemed lead plaintiff Jennifer Bridges’ contention that the vaccines are 'experimental and dangerous' to be false and otherwise irrelevant. He also found that her likening the vaccination requirement to the Nazis' forced medical experimentation on concentration camp captives during the Holocaust to be 'reprehensible.' Hughes also ruled that making vaccinations a condition of employment was not coercion, as Bridges contended." I have been explaining for years that the pro-vaccine position is a non-partisan issue as BOTH parties are pro-vaccine. Ronald Reagan was the president who signed into the law the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act and the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program laws in 1986 that gave legal immunity to Big Pharma for injuries and deaths caused by vaccines. That means that relief will never be found in the judiciary when it comes to protecting the public from these bioweapon shots that do not even legally meet the definition of a "vaccine." And now to make matters even worse, which is all by design, I am quite sure, here come the Trump religious cultists once again promising that if we only install Donald Trump back as president because the election was stolen (which I do not disagree with), then he will make all things right and put Big Pharma in its place. No he won't.

Parents of Benjamin Goodman Speak out on His Murder by J&J Bioweapon Shot

A video of the parents of Benjamin Goodman, the 32-year-old New York stagehand who died 24 hours after the Johnson & Johnson shot, has been circulating through the alternative media the past day or two. Mr. Goodman was a member of Local One International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, and he worked behind-the-scenes on several NBC and CBS shows. Mr. Goodman was recently accepted into the Michigan State University MBA program, and planned to enroll this fall. He had planned on getting married on June 25, 2022. Mr. Goodman received the bioweapon shot against the recommendations of several family members. Here are his parents trying to warn others.

British Software Developer Now Paralyzed After Taking COVID Jabs and Mocking Anti-Vaxxers – Others DEAD

While the corporate media and Big Tech social media sites continue to promote the COVID-19 injections by highlighting those who proudly receive them and are not afraid to show their compliance publicly, sometimes even mocking anti-vaxxers, when those same people then end up crippled or dead a short time later, do not expect to see those stories in the corporate media or Big Tech social media. After all, that would be bad for the "vaccine" business and their goals to inject everyone with these bioweapons. But here at Health Impact News we will keep publishing those stories to show what happens to many of these who so proudly advertised their "vaccine status" in public, and today we have 3 more that have been recently published on The COVID Blog. The first one is a British software developer who mocked anti-vaxxers but is now totally paralyzed with Guillain-Barré Syndrome and in an induced coma, the second one was a 30-year veteran of the BBC as a sports reporter who is now dead, and the third one was a Filipina actress and comedienne who praised Jesus for her COVID shots, and is now dead.

CDC: 5,888 DEAD 329,021 Injuries from COVID-19 Shots – More than Previous 29 Years of VAERS Vaccine Deaths

Recorded deaths following the experimental COVID-19 injections soared this week as the CDC added more data yesterday into the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines. While the information contained in VAERS is publicly available information, the corporate media continues to censor it, and anyone who dares to publish publicly available information from the U.S. Government is labeled as “fake news” by the “fact checkers.” The data released yesterday, June 11, 2021, lists 5,888 deaths among 329,021 cases of injuries following COVID-19 shots. There are also another 5,884 life-threatening cases, 43,892 ER visits, 4,583 permanent disabilities, and 19,597 hospitalizations. To put this into perspective, these totals represent a 6-month period since December, 2020, when the FDA gave emergency use authorization to these shots, and the death total now exceeds deaths recorded in VAERS following vaccinations for the past 29 years, since the beginning of 1992. This is genocide. And as many dissenting medical doctors and scientists have stated, these are bioweapon shots designed by eugenicists to reduce the world's population. The government is not your friend, and it doesn't matter if you live in a Red or Blue State, as they are all pro-vaccine. While some Red State governors have taken action to prevent discrimination via Vaccine Passports, not a single governor in the U.S. has come forward to put a stop to the massive campaigns to inject as many people as possible with these bioweapons, which are now focused on children, even though they have the power to do so through their executive powers. Not one. They are ALL complicit with murder.

1,295 DEAD in UK Following COVID Bioweapon Shots – Italy Halts AstraZeneca Shots After Teen Dies

The UK Government’s reporting system for COVID vaccine adverse reactions from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency released their latest report yesterday, June 10, 2021. The report covers data collected from December 9, 2020, through June 2, 2021, for the three experimental COVID “vaccines” currently in use in the U.K. from Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and Moderna. They report a total of 1,295 deaths and 922,596 injuries recorded following the experimental COVID injections. Meanwhile, Italy announced today that it was halting use of the AstraZeneca injections for people under the age of 60, following the death of a teenager who died from blood clots.