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So far AdminM has created 1978 entries.

Baseball Legend Hank Aaron Dead After Receiving the Experimental Moderna mRNA COVID Injection

Baseball legend and home run king "Hammerin Hank" Aaron died today, 18 days after receiving the Moderna experimental mRNA COVID injection. Aaron was 86 years old, and joins a growing list of seniors above the age of 80 who have died shortly after receiving one of the mRNA experimental COVID injections. Earlier this month we reported that 23 seniors in Norway, all above the age of 80, died shortly after being injected with the experimental COVID injections. The Pharma-controlled corporate media, while announcing Hank Aaron's death today, are predictably not mentioning the fact that he was recently injected with the Moderna COVID shot. Aaron received the shot along with former U.N. Ambassador and civil rights leader Andrew Young and former U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Louis Sullivan at the Morehouse School of Medicine in Atlanta. The Associated Press reported that Mr. Aaron was "hoping to send a message to Black Americans that the shots are safe." While the Pharma-owned corporate media will do their best to spin his death as not related to the mRNA injection, I seriously doubt that his death will convince anyone that these experimental shots, which are NOT approved by the FDA, are in fact safe.

Halfway Through this Winter of Covid, Overall Mortality is Around Normal for this Time of Year. Something Doesn’t Add Up

Although the numbers of deaths attributed to the virus in the UK are higher than they’ve ever been, in total, not many more people are dying than in any other cold season. Is the mainstream media finally waking up to this?

Nurses in Kansas Refuse to Give Experimental COVID Injections – They Value Life Over their Jobs

Four nurses at a rural health department in Kansas are refusing to administer any COVID-19 vaccines, citing the fast development and production of the shots. Coffey County Public Health Administrator Lindsay Payer said the nurses made their own decisions and expressed their concerns one by one. She called the vaccine documents concerning. “I strongly feel that if people want this vaccine, they should receive it. Absolutely,” Payer said. “But just like it’s their choice to receive it or not, I feel like it should also be my choice to give it or not.” None of the nurses, including Payer, feel “comfortable” administering a vaccine that has gone through a speedy testing process with new technology, the Kansas City Star reported.

CDC Stops Reporting on Experimental COVID mRNA Injection Side Effects

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has just released its weekly Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), and for the second week in a row, there is no new data on adverse reactions to the two FDA emergency use authorization (EUA) COVID mRNA injections. The last report on the experimental injections and the adverse side effects was from January 6, 2021, and only covered the first week of injections with the experimental Pfizer COVID mRNA shots, with an emphasis on allergic reactions and anaphylaxis shock. The report on January 6th did not cover the Moderna injections which have also received emergency use authorization by the FDA. Injuries and deaths due to the experimental COVID injections are being reported in the U.S. and around the world, so why is the CDC not examining these adverse side effects and reporting on them? What are they hiding?

Trump’s Final Day in Office Proved Once Again that he is Part of the “Swamp”

The Presidency of billionaire businessman Donald Trump, the most pro-vaccine President in the history of the United States, came to an end today as he and Melania left Washington D.C. to head back to Florida. President Trump continued to brag about how fast his administration issued authorization for the experimental mRNA COVID injections until the very end, mentioning it again as one of his administration's biggest successes today in his farewell speech. The Q cult following that has worshipped him for the past 4 years held up hope until the last minute that he was going to unleash hundreds of thousands of indictments and arrest the "deep state" traitors guilty of "treason," preventing Joe Biden from becoming President, as well as hoping that he was going to pardon two whistleblowers who have risked their lives to reveal the workings of the deep state, Edward Snowden and Julian Assange. President Donald Trump did neither. In fact, he betrayed his supporters and did the exact opposite, by pardoning Israeli colonel Aviem Sella, the convicted handler of US-born Jewish-American intelligence analyst and traitor Jonathan Pollard, who stole US military secrets and sold them to Israel. Jonathan Pollard was convicted for espionage in 1987, but President Obama pardoned him in 2015, and Pollard was placed on parole. President Trump released him from parole just recently, before the end of 2020, so he could return to Israel. And then late last night he pardoned his handler, Aviem Sella. So now we apparently enter the next phase of American history, with a man who obviously has the beginning stages of dementia and is the oldest person to ever be sworn in as a new President of the United States. I am still expecting some kind of false flag event to happen that takes Joe Biden out of the picture (like a faked assassination), blames it on Trump supporters, and installs Kamala Harris as President, since she is obviously the one who was hand-picked by the deep state for this position.

12,400 People in Israel Tested Positive for Coronavirus AFTER Being Injected with the Experimental Pfizer COVID Shot

Over 12,400 Israeli residents have tested positive for COVID-19 after being vaccinated, among them 69 people who had already gotten the second dose, which began to be administered early last week, the Health Ministry reported. This amounts to 6.6 percent of the 189,000 vaccinated people who took coronavirus tests after being vaccinated. In some groups of inoculated people during the different post-vaccine periods, the ratio of positive tests corresponds to the ratio of positive tests in the general population, the overwhelming majority of whom were not yet vaccinated.

Microsoft, Big Tech Coalition Developing Rockefeller Funded COVID Passports

A coalition of big tech companies, including Microsoft is developing a COVID passport, with the expectation that a digital document linked to vaccination status will be required to travel and get access to basic services. The group is calling itself the Vaccination Credential Initiative (VCI), and includes Microsoft, Salesforce and Oracle. The US health provider Mayo Clinic is also involved in the project, which is being described as “the most significant vaccination effort in the history of the United States.” Anyone who has been vaccinated will receive a QR code that can be stored on their mobile phone in the wallet app. Those without phones will have access to a printed version.

Wisconsin Nursing Home Believed to be First in U.S. to Fire Staff for Refusing Experimental COVID Injections

Rock Haven Nursing Home in Janesville, Wisconsin, might be the first healthcare facility in the United States to fire staff for refusing to get the experimental COVID injections. Rock County Administrator Josh Smith is reported to be the person who authorized the layoffs. Smith apparently acted independently, as other other County officials reacted with surprise. WKOW reported: "We were blindsided by the whole thing," Health Services Committee Chair Rock County Supervisor Tom Brien says of the policy at Rock Haven Nursing Home in Janesville. The Janesville Gazette reports County Administrator Josh Smith was involved in implementing the policy, telling the newspaper it was done to boost the safety of the facility's vulnerable residents. Smith Friday failed to respond to a call and email from 27 News." One Rock Haven employee spoke to The Gazette but asked to remain anonymous citing concerns of being fired for speaking publicly about the situation. The employee said about a half-dozen co-workers either took “voluntary” layoffs or quit their jobs after they decided to refuse vaccination. The employee doesn’t want to receive the vaccine and said 27 other employees at the nursing home this month had sent the county’s Health Services Committee letters explaining their concerns over the vaccination mandate. The employee said some co-workers are concerned the vaccine might have unknown, long-term side effects and said some Rock Haven workers who already have received the vaccine reported adverse reactions. “There have been individuals who have had pretty severe reactions. We have had multiple worker’s comp claims needing to be filed because of them having to go out because of what has happened after the vaccine,” the employee told The Gazette. The employee said a co-worker who went home ill with a reaction after receiving the vaccine at work wanted to get a doctor’s note that exempts them from being required to get a second dose of the vaccine. The employee said Rock Haven’s administration has refused to bend on its mandate. “We were told by our human resources directly that it was required for all staff,” the employee said. Since both the Moderna and Pfizer COVID injections are experimental and not approved by the FDA, Rock Haven faces serious legal issues should the staff that refused the inoculations decide to sue them for damages.

10 Dead with 51 Severe Side-Effects Among Germany’s Elderly after Experimental Pfizer COVID Injections

Specialists from Germany's Paul Ehrlich Institute are looking into the deaths of 10 people who passed away soon after having been inoculated against the novel coronavirus disease, Brigitte Keller-Stanislawski, the head of the institute's department of safety of medicinal products and medical devices, said on Thursday. According to the medical expert, the deceased were aged from 79 to 93, all with antecedent diseases. The time between vaccination and death ranged from several hours to four days. The institute also reported six anaphylaxis cases. So far, there have been 325 cases of side-effects allegedly related to the vaccine, including 51 severe ones.

55 Americans Have Died Following mRNA COVID Injections as Norway Death Toll Rises To 29

Amid increasing calls for suspension of the use of mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines produced by companies such as Pfizer, especially among elderly people, the situation in Norway has escalated significantly as the Scandi nation has now registered a total of 29 deaths among people over the age of 75 who’ve had their first COVID-19 vaccination shot. As Bloomberg reports, this adds six to the number of known fatalities in Norway, and also lowers the age group thought to be affected from 80. Norway’s experience has prompted the country to suggest that Covid-19 vaccines may be too risky for the very old and terminally ill... the exact group that 'the science' shows are actually at risk from this virus. However, it's not just Norway as The Epoch Times' Zachary Stieber reports that fifty-five people in the United States have died after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine, according to reports submitted to a federal system. Deaths have occurred among people receiving both the Moderna and the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines, according to the reports. One man, a 66-year-old senior home resident in Colorado, was sleepy and stayed in bed a day after getting Moderna’s vaccine. Early the next morning, on Christmas Day, the resident “was observed in bed lying still, pale, eyes half open and foam coming from mouth and unresponsive,” the VAERS report states. “He was not breathing and with no pulse.” In another case, a 93-year-old South Dakota man was injected with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on Jan. 4 around 11 a.m. About two hours later, he said he was tired and couldn’t continue with the physical therapy he was doing any longer. He was taken back to his room, where he said his legs felt heavy. Soon after, he stopped breathing. A nurse declared a do-not-resuscitate order. In addition to the deaths, people have reported 96 life-threatening events following COVID-19 vaccinations, as well as 24 permanent disabilities, 225 hospitalizations, and 1,388 emergency room visits.