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Satanic Jews Exposed in Brooklyn Underground Tunnels where Children are Subject to Satanic Ritual Abuse – Lady Liberty’s Last Dance

And so it begins. For those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, events prophesied in the Bible thousands of years ago are unfolding right in front of our eyes every day now. One of the latest fulfillments of prophecy to be revealed to the public in recent days, are these words spoken by Jesus Christ: "For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open." (Mark 4:22) "All men will hate you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. So do not be afraid of them. There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known." (Matthew 10:22-26) What was formerly "concealed" and "hidden" but has now been revealed, is that the United States is the world's leader in child sex trafficking, and Satanic ritual abuse. This unveiling to the public actually began in 2016, with Wikileaks exposing the Podesta emails that revealed how the world's richest and most powerful people were involved in this child sex trafficking business. Donald Trump, a hardcore Zionist and himself a participant in this evil cult, was selected to become President, probably because he was deeply leveraged from participating in child sex trafficking, and the Satanic Jewish underground world, led by the CIA and Mossad, apparently created Q to distract the world from what was REALLY being revealed by the Podesta emails, referred to as "Pizza Gate." Since the Trump election in 2016, cracks began appearing in this demonic child sex trafficking network, as Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, both Jews with ties to Mossad, were revealed to be the leaders of the Epstein Beast banking system that rules the world. Investigative reporter Whitney Webb did the world a favor by taking months off from her normal work in 2022, and compiling a two-volume book on the Epstein empire, as she exposed the three men who funded Epstein and his rise to power: Leslie Wexner, Donald Trump, and Bill Gates. And then in 2023, the Zionist Jews revealed who they really were to the rest of the world, as they began their reign of terror in Palestine and Israel, murdering tens of thousands of people, many of whom are children, and even attacking and murdering their fellow Israeli citizens while blaming it on Hamas. And here in 2024, as World War 3 expands every day now, the Satanic Jews and their Satanic child sexual abuse crimes have been exposed in New York City, as police raided the synagogue in Brooklyn that is the world's headquarters for the Chabad Lubavitch Jews, exposing the tunnel that was used to abuse and murder children in their Satanic cult.

Millions Protest in Yemen after U.S. and U.K. Bombing – Turkey President Warns that Red Sea will now Become a “Bloodbath”

The UK and the U.S. fulfilled their threats to bomb Houthi positions inside Yemen last night, where 5 people were allegedly killed in Yemen. The Houthis, in response to the bombings, reportedly stated that their attacks on ships passing through the Red Sea were not going to stop. "Millions" of people in Yemen reportedly took to the streets to protest. As I have previously reported, the Red Sea war and the shutting down of the commercial shipping route, has affected Europe negatively as it disrupts their oil imports, but it has increased sales of oil from the U.S. by over 1 million barrels a day. So I wouldn't expect the shipping route through the Red Sea to be resolved anytime soon, as this current campaign will drive up the price of oil, just as the U.S. is exporting more oil due to these conflicts in the Red Sea. Resolving this war in the Red Sea would hurt business for the Rockefeller oil industry, even if it costs the lives of Americans serving in the Navy in the area. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan condemned the U.S. and British airstrikes on Yemen's Houthi rebels, saying the attack would turn the Red Sea into a "bloodbath." Iran, along with their ally Russia, have condemned the attacks as "illegal." It was reported last month (December, 2023) that Iran had established a "voluntary navy force" consisting of 33,000 small boats armed with missiles. Iran's English language news site has also recently been posting photos of many "new warships and speedboats" for their navy. The U.S. has been killing people in Yemen since the Obama administration without any formal declaration of war, and Obama was the first President in the history of the U.S. to execute, by drone attack, a 16-year-old U.S. citizen who was living in Yemen without any due process of law. When Trump became President, he continued Obama’s actions by killing more U.S. citizens in Yemen without any trial or due process of law, including an 8-year-old girl, as one of his first actions as President of the United States in 2017. (But he says he doesn't like it when Biden does it.) In November of 2021, the UN Development Program (UNDP) reported that the war in Yemen killed 377,000 people by the end of 2021. Saudi Arabia also has blood on their hands for this war in Yemen since 2015, but in 2023, with the help of China, Saudi Arabia began normalizing relations with Yemen and Iran, and implementing a ceasefire plan in Yemen.

Does the Entire World Now View the U.S. as a Dying Empire? New BRICS Alliance Takes on the Global Food Cartel by Eliminating the U.S. Dollar

The WW III "hot war" is continuing to escalate this week, as the regional conflict between Israel and Hezbollah (who some believe has 10x the military power that Hamas has) escalates, as does the Naval War in the Red Sea. However, as these news reports show growing military operations against the U.S. and Israel, something that is perhaps even more devastating to the U.S. was reported this week, and has mostly gone unnoticed by the U.S. Media, and that was an announcement published earlier this week in the Russian Press that the newly expanded BRICS alliance can now become a platform for a self-sufficient dollar-free grain market, and may even soon start their own Grain Exchange. While this news may seem far less serious than the current "Hot War" that is quickly escalating, I assure you, it is NOT! Besides the U.S. Military and their production of weapons of mass destruction that have allowed them to be the world's last remaining "Superpower" since WW II, the U.S. has also dominated the world by controlling the world's food through the Global Food Cartel, run by just a handful of wealthy families in the U.S. and the U.K. who own most of the world's corporations producing food. The U.S. has dominated the Global Food Cartel primarily by subsidizing, with American taxes, the three main crops they export all over the world: corn, soybeans, and wheat. Tax subsidies on these crops allow them to export them to other nations, where the price of these American crops are cheaper than what their own farmers can grow and sell them at. This, in turn, makes these countries dependent upon these cheap imports, allowing the U.S. to cut off supplies or jack up the price anytime they want, if they want to control that nation's internal affairs, such as demanding a regime change. This was a primary technique that the U.S. used back in 2011, during the "Arab Spring" which toppled the governments in Tunisia and Egypt. The U.S. did the same thing to the Iraqi people after President George Bush invaded their country. They brought in Daniel Amstutz, a former Cargill Corporation executive, to oversee the “rehabilitation” of agriculture in Iraq, by eliminating their local crops grown by small-scale producers, and replacing them with U.S. biotech GMO seeds and crops. But here at the beginning of 2024 with the expansion of BRICS, once they develop their own Grain Exchange, these poorer countries, such as Egypt, will be able to purchase Russian wheat in their own local currency at a much cheaper price than they buy from the U.S., and there will be no more "Arab Springs" imposed by the U.S. through grain imports to topple their governments. And the Middle Eastern countries are not the only ones benefiting from BRICS, so are the African countries. So how does the world view the United States here in 2024? My guess is that they see us as a dying Empire who is going to try and take down the rest of the world, as they scramble to make new alliances, both economically and militarily. And what about the U.S. political show in Washington D.C.? Do you think there is a single world leader that actually believes that Joe Biden, who can barely walk or talk, is actually running this country? They would probably be laughing hysterically at the U.S. right now, if they weren't so terrified about what is going to happen when the U.S. economy blows up.

The Epstein Beast Banking System: A House of Cards Banking System Built on the Back of Global Child Sex Trafficking

Former Wall Street insider, banking industry whistleblower, and investigative reporter Pam Martens of Wall Street on Parade, has just published another explosive report this week about how the corporate media's fascination over a list of names of people associated with Jeffrey Epstein's pedophile network that has just been unsealed, is from an older lawsuit against Epstein by some of his victims that was filed in 2015, and settled in 2017. She reports that the REAL explosive documents that remain under seal, are the ones in the case against JPMorgan Chase Bank and their criminal CEO, Jamie Dimon. Chase Bank funded the Epstein pedophilia network that leveraged the world's wealthiest people in business and politics through child sex trafficking. Chase Bank is the largest bank in the U.S. and one of the most powerful banks in the world. In fact, I believe we can actually say now that the U.S. Banking system is built upon the Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking network, and probably would have crashed and burned years ago without it.

Epstein’s Child Sex Trafficking Network in Ukraine Exposed

While the recent unsealing of documents revealing famous people who were associated with the pedophile business leader Jeffrey Epstein hasn't revealed anything new for those of us who have been exposing this information for over a decade now, these documents and names have shocked the world, commanding headlines in the corporate media for the past few days all around the world. One of the more interesting articles published analyzing the Epstein documents that I have read is a an article written and published as the current headline news story in the English language Russian website Sputnik. Since 2021 when we published the Polish filmmaker Patryk Vega's documentary called “Eyes of the Devil”, which documents how babies are trafficked from Poland and Ukraine to the child sex brothels in Germany, or literally butchered so their body parts can be sold on the black market, we have exposed this evil child sex trafficking operation that has deep business roots inside Ukraine. With much of this information now becoming public and even making it into the corporate media, journalist Ekaterina Blinova has connected the dots between the Clinton's foundation and trafficking children in Ukraine with the help of Ukrainian first lady Olena Zelenskaya and has published an article that at the time of my writing this, is currently the headline news article on Sputnikglobe.com. Ekaterina reports that the Clinton Foundation was "nothing but a vehicle to transform the once-broke (Ukraine) presidential family into mega-multi-millionaires and help their associates to get rich too."

Why Hasn’t the U.S. Secured Red Sea Shipping Routes? U.S. Oil Exports have Increased by 1.377 Million Barrels A DAY Since Houthis Started Attacking Ships

A headline earlier this week stated that ships were still not passing through the Red Sea as "Biden's Operation Prosperity Guardian Fails." In an article I published on December 23rd, I speculated that the Red Sea shipping disruptions might actually benefit the U.S., which might be one reason why the U.S. has not taken much action to open up the shipping lanes in the Red Sea. It appears that I was correct, as it was reported today in the financial news that U.S. petroleum exports have climbed by 1.377 million barrels A DAY since the Houthi attacks in the Red Sea. Will this news finally wake up European countries to the fact that these U.S.-led wars are destroying their economy as the U.S. prospers from these wars? The Ukraine - Russian war literally turned off the pipeline to Europe's cheapest natural gas sources from Russia, including blowing up one of those pipelines, which greatly benefited the U.S. as they are now the world's largest exporter of natural gas. The Biden Administration is facing increasing pressure to do something about the Houthis of Yemen and open up the sea lanes in the Red Sea. But even if the U.S. military does start operations in the Red Sea that also attack positions inside Yemen, such a conflict could go on for a long time, and the U.S. could certainly suffer casualties as the blood of American Navy members spill into the Red Sea, all in the name of protecting (and EXPANDING) the U.S. petroleum market and the crumbling Rockefeller Empire.

Mainstream Media Is Avoiding the Big Story on Jeffrey Epstein

A meaningless news story made headline news in both the Corporate and Alternative Media yesterday regarding "sealed" names related to Jeffrey Epstein, as there was almost absolutely nothing new revealed by these names. The book on Jeffrey Epstein and who was responsible for bringing him to power was already written at the end of 2022 and widely distributed in 2023, by Whitney Webb, who has extensively documented the three Billionaires who brought Epstein to power: Leslie Wexner, Donald Trump, and Bill Gates. None of these men will face justice, and in fact one of them is the favorite to become the next President of the United States (again), and neither will the man who runs the world's most powerful bank that financed the Epstein criminal network, Jamie Dimon, CEO of Chase Bank.

Suitcase Bombs Kill over 100 in Iran While Turkey Takes Center Stage in the Middle East as WW III Continues to Expand

The current World War is expanding every day now, and yesterday it took a dangerous new turn, as two suitcase bombs killed over 100 people in Iran, where crowds of people had gathered together to pay tribute to Lt. General Qassem Soleimani on the four-year anniversary of his assassination by former U.S. President Donald Trump. This man is considered a hero and a martyr among the Iranian people, as the anniversary of his death was commemorated this week not only in Iran, but also in Iraq and Lebanon. Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi was scheduled to be in Ankara, Turkey today, to meet with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, but he canceled the trip at the last minute, suggesting that Iran and those aligned with them are planning retaliatory responses. This marks a new stage in this current war, as the way these attacks occurred using suitcase bombs, left little to no trace as to who did this. Both the U.S. and Israel were able to deny any responsibility. With the mass crossing of the U.S. border by migrants right now, it would be foolish to believe, in my opinion, that such suitcase bombs are not already placed in strategic places throughout the U.S. right now.

World War 3 Spreads to Lebanon and Turkey: Hamas Leaders Killed in Beirut by IDF as Turkey Conducts Operations Against Mossad Spies and Aligns with Iran

World War 3 continued to escalate today, as Israeli forces bombed a Beirut suburb in Lebanon, killing two commanders of the Hamas Al-Qassam Brigades, as well as its deputy leader Saleh al-Arouri. Florida Congressman Mike Waltz, representing the Zionist Republicans, cheered the assassination: “If I were any Hamas leader right now, whether you’re in Turkey, Beirut or elsewhere, I would not sleep well at night,” Waltz told Fox News. “The Israelis will hunt them down.” Apparently the Congressman from Florida is not too well informed on intelligence from Turkey as he clearly displayed his ignorance in this statement, because Turkey has made it very clear that they will NOT allow Israel to "hunt down" Palestinians inside Turkey. In fact, Turkish police and intelligence officers have just reportedly completed operations earlier today to round up dozens of spies working with Israel's Mossad intelligence agency, to prevent such a thing from happening inside Turkey. It was also reported today that Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi will visit Ankara this week to meet with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to discuss the war. Turkey is the only Muslim country that is part of NATO, which has been a constant problem for NATO since Turkey maintains close ties with Russia, their neighbor in the Black Sea. No ships can pass through to the Black Sea from the Mediterranean without going through the Bosporus Strait in Istanbul, and the permission of the Turkish military. So American politicians need to wake up and realize that Turkey is not their puppet, and will not hesitate to defy Western nations, even though they are part of NATO, as the British just learned today when Turkey refused to allow two British Navy minehunter ships to pass through to Ukraine. By the way, TRT, a Turkish public broadcast service, has produced an excellent 13-minute documentary showing how Jewish Zionists believe that Benjamin Netanyahu is prophesied to be Israel's last leader before the "Messiah" comes, which could explain some of his recent actions. So things are progressing from bad to worse in these early stages of WW III, and as I wrote yesterday, I fear most Americans believe that this war will all stay "over there" as it did in Europe during WW II, falsely believing that this war could never come to the U.S. mainland. Such a belief could prove to be very deadly....

2024: Most Americans are Totally Unprepared for War

World War 3 continues to escalate today, on the first day of 2024, as the Red Sea is quickly turning into a full blown Naval War. Iran has reportedly now deployed a war ship to the Red Sea. Americans today, perhaps more so than any other nation in the world, have had little to no experience of surviving war on their homeland. World War 2 saw many Americans deployed to Europe where many families suffered the loss of loved ones, but only in Pearl Harbor in Hawaii were there any attacks by foreign military forces on U.S. soil. The attacks in New York City on September 11, 2001, were the closest thing to being in the middle of a war that most Americans living today have ever experienced, and I (along with many millions of others) do not even believe those were attacks by foreign enemies, but a false flag attack by our own government. And that was 22 years ago, a distant memory for most, and for those under the age of 23, they were not even born yet. But it had a profound effect on the emotional health of Americans, as the commercial airline traffic was shut down nationwide for days, as fear ruled the nation for weeks. But a full scale war with continual bombing into key cities or military establishments has never been seen in the history of the United States, only outside the U.S., with the U.S. military being the primary force continually bombing other countries since at least the 1970s with the Vietnam War. So what we have today in the U.S. is a population who has for the most part never seen the full devastation of war, except in the world of virtual reality via their TVs and Internet devices. This makes the United States a very dangerous place to be here in 2024. Most of the people in this country who have experienced what real war is like, are the multitude of migrants crossing our border in record numbers every day.