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So far AdminM has created 1978 entries.

“Pandemic is Over” – Former Pfizer Chief Science Officer Says “Second Wave” Faked On False-Positive COVID Tests

This video provides one of the most erudite and informative looks at Covid-19 and the consequences of lockdowns. As AIER notes, it was remarkable this week to watch as it appeared on YouTube and was forcibly taken down only 2 hours after posting. In a year of fantastic educational content, this is one of the best we’ve seen. Dr. Michael Yeadon is an Allergy & Respiratory Therapeutic Area expert with 23 years in the pharmaceutical industry. He trained as a biochemist and pharmacologist, obtaining his PhD from the University of Surrey (UK) in 1988. Joining Pfizer in 1995, he was responsible for the growth and portfolio delivery of the Allergy & Respiratory pipeline within the company. He was responsible for target selection and the progress into humans of new molecules, leading teams of up to 200 staff across all disciplines and won an Achievement Award for productivity in 2008. Dr. Yeadon has published over 40 original research articles and now consults and partners with a number of biotechnology companies. Before working with Apellis, Dr. Yeadon was VP and Chief Scientific Officer (Allergy & Respiratory Research) with Pfizer. What likely triggered the Silicon Valley censor-mongers is the fact that a former Chief Science Officer for the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer says "there is no science to suggest a second wave should happen." The "Big Pharma" insider asserts that false positive results from inherently unreliable COVID tests are being used to manufacture a "second wave" based on "new cases."

Vera Sharav Holocaust Survivor: America is at a Crossroads – Defy Authority or Become Like Nazi Germany

This is Part 2 of the interview with Vera Sharav by Stand for Health Freedom. The title of Part 1 was: Holocaust Survivor: I Saved my Own Life by being “Oppositional Defiant” – Americans are not Rebelling Against Things that are Wrong! In this Part 2 interview, Vera explains how eugenics came to Nazi Germany from the U.S., and is still around today. She discusses the dangers of vaccines, and answers the question: Who bears the responsibility if your child is injured? She urges parents need to rebel against mandated vaccines. She compares this rebellion to Martin Luther King Jr.'s rebellion for Blacks. She discusses how foster children from 1985 to 2005 were used for HIV research, after they were medically kidnapped from their families. She warns that America is at a crossroads, and that if people do not stop blindly obeying authority, that the U.S. will very soon be just like Nazi Germany was in WWII, as she sees the same things happening here in the U.S. now.

“WE WILL NOT COMPLY!” – Americans from Coast to Coast Defy COVID Orders

Yesterday we reported how many law enforcement officials across the nation have stated that they will not enforce new COVID orders from governors. The question I posed in the headline was, "Will the public follow?" Early indications are they will! Apparently many people are fed up with the ongoing unending COVID orders that are literally destroying lives, and they are making it very clear that they will NOT comply this time! In a video that has gone viral on YouTube, business owners in Buffalo, New York, had gathered at an Orchard Park gym to discuss what to do with the state's new COVID orders, when the Health Department showed up along with two armed Sheriff Deputies in bullet-proof vests from the Erie County Sheriff’s Office to try to enforce Cuomo's new COVID orders. The business owners do not recognize the authority of either the Health Department or law enforcement, and tell them to come back once there is a law and they have a warrant, and told them to get off their property because they were trespassing. When they do not leave, they start chanting GET OUT and they leave the building. Standing in the parking lot, they continue demanding that they leave and start chanting: WE WILL NOT COMPLY! Faced with opposition, non-violent opposition at that, the tyrants leave. In California, Governor Newsom, who was in hot water with the corporate media last week for being caught on camera in a restaurant with many other people breaking his own COVID orders, became the first governor in the U.S. this week to attempt to impose a COVID curfew, forbidding people to be outdoors between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. How's that working out for you Komrad Newsom? Watch the video of people in San Clemente and Huntington Beach letting Newsom know what they think of his curfew!

Law Enforcement Across the U.S. Overwhelmingly REFUSING to Enforce COVID Orders – Will the Public Follow?

As literally millions of people take to the streets all across Europe to protest new COVID orders as many face a second "lockdown" this year in the name of COVID, there is growing evidence that as states in the U.S. try to order more people to obey their edicts as the U.S. also heads towards a second lockdown, that law enforcement simply is going to refuse to enforce these orders this time around. Why? Because they are too busy enforcing real laws and chasing down real criminals, than to worry about who is in your home for Thanksgiving, or if you are walking around outside without a face mask, etc. The vast majority of the U.S. public seems to still get their information from the corporate media controlled by the Globalists, so will enough of the public wake up to the fact that all of these COVID orders are NOT laws, and are legally unenforceable? The American public appears to be sufficiently uneducated enough today to not even understand what a "law" is anymore. A new law is made when someone in the legislature proposes a "bill" which then must pass both houses of the legislature, which is the government body tasked with making "laws," and then signed into law by the executive branch, either the Governor at the state level, or the President at the national level. The executive branch can issue "orders," but the issuance of an "order" does not automatically make it either "legal," or "enforceable." Not even during a "pandemic." Since these COVID "orders" by Governors are supposedly in the name of "emergency health orders" related to COVID, it appears that most of the country's law enforcement agencies are waking up to the fact that these Governors just mostly want more control, especially when they themselves do not even follow their own orders, and these orders actually have little or nothing to do with "health," and are therefore refusing to enforce them.

4-Year-Old Almost Dies due to Lung Infection Caused by Prolonged Mask Wearing – Doctor Rants “How Many Children Must Die?”

How long are parents going to continue masking their children causing great harm to them, even to the point of risking their lives? Dr. Eric Nepute in St. Louis took time to record a video rant that he wants everyone to share, after the 4-year-old child of one of his patients almost died from a bacterial lung infection caused by prolonged mask use. He states: "The system is set up to kill people right now."

Danish Study Finally Published: Face Masks Provide No Statistically Significant Benefit Against COVID-19

The much-vaunted Danish mask study was finally published today in the prestigious Annals of Internal Medicine. Now we know why three medical journals were so averse to publishing its findings. The study completely obliterates the cultish devotion to masks. The results of this massive real-life controlled experiment show that the group that wore surgical masks in April experienced a 0.38% lower infection rate than the control group that did not wear masks. That is about one-third of one percent, which is so low that it could just be statistically random variances that demonstrate no definitive efficacy even to that infinitesimal level.

CENSORED in U.S. – Millions Across Europe Protest New Lockdowns

As the U.S. media continues to focus on the election aftermath, millions of people across Europe are protesting against the second round of lockdowns that are destroying lives and jobs. This is being censored in the U.S. media, of course. As the U.S. begins new lockdown measures in many states using the fake "cases" that are said to be increasing, will U.S. Citizens also take to the streets to protest the destruction of their lives and jobs, even if it means they might be arrested? Or will they continue sitting at home in isolation watching the corporate media propaganda and trusting in the TV "doctors"?

Top Pathologist Claims Coronavirus is “The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated on an Unsuspecting Public”

Top pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson told government officials in Alberta during a zoom conference call that the current coronavirus crisis is “the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public.” Hodkinson’s comments were made during a discussion involving the Community and Public Services Committee and the clip was subsequently uploaded to YouTube. Noting that he was also an expert in virology, Hodkinson pointed out that his role as CEO of a biotech company that manufactures COVID tests means, “I might know a little bit about all this.” “There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians, it’s outrageous, this is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public,” said Hodkinson. The doctor said that nothing could be done to stop the spread of the virus besides protecting older more vulnerable people and that the whole situation represented “politics playing medicine, and that’s a very dangerous game.” Hodkinson remarked that “social distancing is useless because COVID is spread by aerosols which travel 30 meters or so before landing,” as he called for society to be re-opened immediately to prevent the debilitating damage being caused by lockdowns. Hodkinson also slammed mandatory mask mandates as completely pointless. “Masks are utterly useless. There is no evidence base for their effectiveness whatsoever,” he said.

Don’t Believe the COVID Case Numbers: It’s a Scam

I’ve been saying this for 9 months. Don’t believe the COVID case numbers. It’s a wall-to-wall scam. The situation we’re facing is urgent right now. Red flags. Alarm bells. Politicians all over the US and the world are using “rising case numbers” to drive people back into lockdowns. The news media are trumpeting these reports of case numbers. THE CASE NUMBERS COME FROM THE TESTS. AND FROM EYEBALL DIAGNOSIS. Eyeball diagnosis can mean a doctor observes the patient has a cough, or chills and fever. That’s all. That’s all a doctor needs to make a diagnosis of COVID. That’s a case number. Ridiculous? Of course it’s ridiculous. It’s a con. Brought to you by the CDC. The PCR test, as I’ve explained dozens of times, spits out false-positives like waterfalls. It’s set up to do exactly that. Increase testing and you automatically get rising case numbers. That’s the real reason for pushing expanded testing. And there you have the scam in a nutshell. The fascist public health agencies and the politicians WANT lockdowns. They know the only way to justify the lockdowns is to claim rising case numbers.

Portuguese Court Rules PCR Tests As Unreliable & Unlawful To Quarantine People

A Portuguese appeals court has ruled that PCR tests are unreliable and that it is unlawful to quarantine people based solely on a PCR test. The court stated, the test’s reliability depends on the number of cycles used and the viral load present. Citing Jaafar et al. 2020, the court concludes that: if someone is tested by PCR as positive when a threshold of 35 cycles or higher is used (as is the rule in most laboratories in Europe and the US), the probability that said person is infected is less than 3%, and the probability that said result is a false positive is 97%.