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Government Officials’ Collusion to Demonize HCQ Created a False COVID-19 Pandemic That is Terrorizing the Country

Dr. Meryl Nass has compiled a damning checklist that keeps increasing; it currently lists 47 fully documented facts that constitute a case against government officials’ collusion to demonize an effective existing medicine. They even designed clinical trials that required high doses of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine that were known – to the medical profession – to be toxic and potentially lethal. These officials bear responsibility for causing preventable deaths of possibly hundreds of thousands of patients. Following publication by The Lancet of a demonstrably FRAUDULENT study, the World Health Organization suspended its hydroxychloroquine studies and urged countries around the world to suspend both their clinical trials, and prevent doctors from using the drug for Covid. Several governments did ban the use of the drug. Some, like Switzerland, lifted the ban after the Lancet study was retracted two weeks after publication. Switzerland, which had been using the drug for months, banned Hydroxychloroquine from May 27th until June 11th. The Johns Hopkins statistics on COVID clearly showed higher deaths occurred in Switzerland during the 13-day period during which patients were denied this life-saving treatment. Might these events have been planned to keep the pandemic going?  To sell expensive drugs and vaccines to a captive population?   Could these acts result in prolonged economic and social hardship, eventually transferring wealth from the middle class to the very rich? Are these fully documented events evidence of a conspiracy?

California Military Veteran Warns that Armed Resistance is Coming: “There’s a Million People Like Me, and You Won’t Stop Us”

There are signs of resistance in California, a state which is still under lockdown as summer wanes on. In a video that is going viral on the Internet right now, a military veteran who has reportedly been identified as Carlos Zapata attended the Shasta County Board of Supervisors meeting last week, unmasked in defiance of Governor Newsom's dictate, and issued a strong warning to the Board: "I’m telling you guys I’m pretty appalled about what’s going on. I’m telling you right now that right now we’re being peaceful, and you’d better be happy that we’re good citizens, that we’re peaceful citizens. But it’s not going to be peaceful much longer. And we’re building, we’re organizing, and we’ll work with law enforcement or without law enforcement. But you won’t stop us when the time comes because our families are starving. It’s not going to be peaceful much longer. It’s not going to be ra-ra, it’s not going to be speeches, it’s not going to be standing outside saying the Pledge of Allegiance, it’s not going to be waving flags, it’s going to be real. When you’ve seen the things that I’ve seen, I went to war for this country. I’ve seen the ugliest, dirtiest part of humanity. I’ve been in combat, and I never wanted to go back again, but I’m telling you what, I will to save this country... it will happen, and there’s a million people like me, and you won’t stop us." Has the Deep State overlooked America's military veterans, one of the most severely abused groups of people in the United States?

The Marketing of Children’s Blood: Adrenochrome Goes Mainstream on Turkish TV News

What was once taboo to discuss and was formerly relegated to the "conspiracy theories" parts of the darkest places on the Internet, is now becoming mainstream: the harvesting of blood from children and babies and marketing products derived from them to allegedly help people stay young, and theoretically give them immortality. Today, August 20, 2020, Netflix is launching a new science "fiction" drama called "Biohackers." The Sun published a review of the series earlier this week: "WOULD you like to live forever? From daily sessions in sub-zero cryo-chambers to stem cell injection and transfusions of teenagers’ BLOOD, their bizarre attempts to become superhuman have fuelled a multi-million dollar industry. It may sound like something out of a sci-fi novel, but there’s a growing band of Silicon Valley billionaires who believe they can achieve eternal life through “biohacking” - the process of making alterations to your body to keep it younger. Netflix’s new drama Biohackers, released on Thursday, (Aug 20) seizes on the terrifying trend by imagining a secretive lab where a young student, played by Luna Wedler, discovers a sinister experiment using the techniques on an entire town. Here we meet the real Silicon Valley biohackers - the men who want to be immortal." As the press review of this new Netflix drama reveals, this is NOT science fiction. It has been happening for years now. In fact, the practice of harvesting blood plasma from children and babies, called "young blood," has apparently been so widespread, that the FDA had to issue a warning about it last year. But there is an even darker form of "young blood" called Adrenochrome, which is allegedly produced from the "adrenalized blood" of infants that are murdered during Satanic Ritualistic Abuse. At the end of June, 2020, a mainstream Turkish television news broadcast decided to expose Adrenochrome, a drug said to be used by the rich and famous.

PLANDEMIC: Full Feature Film Released Online Amidst Tremendous Opposition and Attempts to Censor it

The full feature film "Plandemic" was released online today, despite tremendous efforts to stop it and censor it. It being called "Plandemic Part 2" by many, because in May, 2020, filmmaker Mikki Willis released a "teaser" trailer of the film which featured an interview with whistleblower Dr. Judy Mikovits, who exposed the fraud of Anthony Fauci exposing him for who he truly is, a mass murderer. This "trailer" soon went viral and the deep state went into over-drive to try and contain the damage and censor it, which only made things worse for them. It is estimated that close to 1 billion people have now viewed that clip, which is now being referred as "Plandemic 1" by many. The full feature film just released today has a follow-up interview with Dr. Judy Mikovits that you most definitely are going to want to watch. The full feature film released today (August 19, 2020) gives clear evidence that everything unfolding today has been planned since the late 1990s when massive amounts of patents were filed on coronaviruses in 1999, according to National Intelligence Analyst David E. Martin, PhD. The medical tyrants such as Anthony Fauci and the leaders of the CDC discovered a "gold strike" in 2003 with the first SARS Coronavirus outbreak in Asia. Led by Anthony Fauci, they patented the SARS coronavirus and proceeded to develop an empire. As Dr. David Martin reports: "They saw that a virus that they knew could be easily manipulated, was something that was very valuable. In 2003 they sought to patent it, and they made sure that they controlled the proprietary rights to the disease, to the virus, and to its detection and all the measurement of it. From 2003 to 2018, they controlled 100% of the cash flow that built the empire around the industrial complex of coronavirus."

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Sues Facebook and So-Called “Fact-Checkers” for Government-Sponsored Censorship, False Disparagement and Wire-Fraud

Children’s Health Defense (CHD) filed a lawsuit on Monday in San Francisco Federal Court charging Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, and three fact-checking outfits with censoring truthful public health posts and for fraudulently misrepresenting and defaming CHD. CHD is a non-profit watchdog group that roots out corruption in federal agencies, including Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and exposes wrongdoings in the Pharmaceutical and Telecom industries. CHD has been a frequent critic of WiFi and 5G Network safety and of certain vaccine policies that CHD claims put Big Pharma profits ahead of public health. According to CHD’s Complaint, Facebook has insidious conflicts with the Pharmaceutical industry and its captive health agencies and has economic stakes in telecom and 5G. Facebook currently censors CHD’s page, targeting its purge against factual information about vaccines, 5G and public health agencies.

CIA Social Isolation Torture Techniques Next Stage: Involuntary Quarantines in FEMA “Non-Congregate Shelters”

In a previous article, we published the research of Civil Rights Attorney Leigh Dundas on the origins of "social isolation" techniques which she found to be traced back to torture techniques used for decades by the the CIA. Here are the highlights of what she revealed: • It was developed 70 years ago by the CIA to break down enemies of state. • It is the equivalent of smoking 15 cigarettes a day AND being an alcoholic. • It doubles the risk of death, and destroys the part of the brain responsible for learning. The next phase of social isolation in the name of COVID measures will be involuntary quarantines in places that have social isolation rooms, which are basically the same as solitary confinement punishments used for criminals in prison or military camps. This has already been announced in New Zealand, where national elections have been postponed. Last week, New Zealand Health Director-General Dr. Ashley Bloomfield announced publicly that all new "cases" (meaning the person received a positive COVID test result) of COVID are "to be managed in a quarantine facility," and this includes "others in the household." In Canada, whistleblowers have come forward to reveal the company that has been contracted to build these social isolation chambers, and in California, human cages with toilets being stockpiled in the Central Valley have been spotted. The CIA-controlled corporate media, while not only publishing lies about COVID statistics and producing unending fear day after day, are also not publishing the truth about what is really happening in the major urban centers around the U.S., as the rich and wealthy exit the cities in droves. What was once the richest urban neighborhood in the world, Manhattan, New York, is mostly all boarded up now and resembles something more like a city you would see in a war-torn country, like Beirut in Lebanon. The American Civil War II has already started, and the vast majority of the population still does not understand this.

Whistleblower Film Revealing Shadow Government Released to Public Just After Producer is Arrested

Millie Weaver, known online as "Millennial Millie," was mysteriously arrested, along with her husband, on a reported grand jury indictment and held in jail over the weekend, just before she was scheduled to release her new film, ShadowGate. The film was released anyway, with many copies being widely distributed throughout the Internet, as it has gone viral this weekend and has already been viewed by millions of people. The film is based on the testimony of two high-tech whistleblowers, who claim they worked for private contractors that worked together with intelligence agencies and politicians to develop highly sophisticated software systems and artificial intelligence (AI) to affect elections both abroad in places like Afghanistan, as well as in the U.S. during the Trump campaign and Presidency to discredit him. The whistleblowers are known as Tore, and Patrick Bergy, and they are interviewed extensively throughout the film. Tore has her own YouTube Channel, and she is the one who released the film to the public after Millie was arrested on Friday. Tore claims that she was recruited out of the Navy by John Brennan, who was the director of the CIA at the time. Patrick Bergy says that he worked for the Dynology Coporation which is owned by President Obama's head of national security, General James Jones. He claims that they developed the "ShadowNet" for psychological warfare, using social media and the corporate media. While they are careful to explain that these kinds of covert operations happen in both political camps, this is definitely a Pro-Trump documentary looking at "the coup" behind trying to take President Trump out of office. But it doesn't really matter what side of the political spectrum you happen to be on, as this is definitely useful information for the public to have. I have watched the entire film, and certain portions of it several times, as there is much to learn here. The premise of the film is that while politicians are part of "the swamp," the actual shadow government is a small group of private government contractors that work with defense and intelligence agencies. The people working for these private contractors, according to Millie, are the ones really running the government today, which she refers to as "The Industrial Military Complex." They have the ability now to perform massive surveillance programs on virtually every American. And with AI, they have the power for the first time in history to actually process that data. They can allegedly determine whether or not you get a job, they can pre-determine who gets on a jury for a trial and affect the outcome of that trial, engage in psychological warfare to destroy people, or their reputations, etc.

COVID Vaccine Manufacturers Given Legal Immunity for Injuries or Deaths Caused by Fast-tracked Vaccines

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the United States and other countries around the globe have opened the door for accelerated development, testing and fast track licensure of experimental COVID-19 vaccines. The question many people have is: who will assume product liability when COVID-19 vaccines cause harm to an individual who has been vaccinated? AstraZeneca plc, a multinational pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical company headquartered in Cambridge, England, has been granted product liability protection for the COVID-19 vaccine the company is developing by most countries with which it has made vaccine supply agreements. Liability questions have been a central issue in negotiations between AstraZeneca and countries seeking COVID-19 vaccine supply contracts. In the U.S., vaccine manufacturers are shielded from liability under the 2005 Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act if a vaccine or drug developed in response to a health emergency like a pandemic causes the death or permanent injury of an individual who receives it during pre-licensure clinical trials or after it is released for public use. The PREP Act was part of a series of “Bioshield” laws created in response to national security fears after 9/11 and subsequent reported weaponized microbe threats, which prompted Congress to encourage pharmaceutical companies to develop anti-bioterrorism vaccines by, in part, eliminating liability for injuries and deaths caused by those vaccines.

There May Not be Much Time Left: “Hot” War with China Could be Imminent!

The U.S. has been in a "Cold War" with China for some time now, including a "trade war." Could a "hot" war be imminent? And if so, what would that war potentially look like? Many analysts are now saying that a hot war with China is imminent. If that is the case, everything we have seen so far with the lock downs, loss of jobs, and rioting in the cities might pale by comparison. Are you ready for this America? I don't want to promote fear, as fear is the tool of the enemy. Fear of a virus has already destroyed our economy and ripped away many of our liberties because the public, for the most part, has reacted incorrectly and submitted to the tyrants. Instead, we are trying to wake up the masses so people can take precautions, before it is too late. Knowledge and taking action to prepare for the break down of societal structures is what is desperately needed today, so that you are not caught unaware when these things happen, and will not be overcome by fear. If you are still watching or listening to propaganda from the corporate media, stop immediately! They will take away your attention from what really matters in life right now, by continuing to promote partisan politics and the upcoming "elections." As F. William Engdahl, our featured author today who is a strategic risk consultant and lecturer and holds a degree in politics from Princeton University, says: "A full unrestricted war of China and the USA would be more than a tragedy. It could be the end of civilization as we know it. Is this what characters such as Bill Gates and his superiors are trying to bring about? Do they plan to introduce their draconian dystopian 'Reset' on the ashes of such a conflict?"

Sweden Resists COVID Hysteria: No Lockdowns, No Masks, No Vaccine, No Problem

Here in the United States, we have become inundated with tales of COVID-19 doom and gloom. In America, the mainstream narrative is rife with hopelessness. We are told that there is simply no way to stop this virus without repetitive lockdowns, healthy quarantine, even of asymptomatic individuals, and universal mask mandates. And even with all of those extreme policy measures put in place, the politicians and public health officials tell us that we will have to wait for a vaccine for the country to even think about our “new normal” following the COVID-19 pandemic. There’s one country that they don’t seem to want to talk about - Sweden. And for good reason. Sweden debunks the hysteria. Sweden shows how unnecessary all of the interventions to “fight” the virus are. Sweden shows us that a rational, evidence-based approach to the pandemic is now thriving. In Sweden, there’s no masks, no lockdown, no vaccine, and most importantly, no problem.