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So far AdminM has created 1978 entries.

Medical Doctor Complains that He Cannot Test His Patients for Coronavirus Because CDC will Not Provide Same Test Kits Used in Other Countries

I just finished a busy week seeing patients. During this time, I saw at least six patients who had flu-like illnesses. Did they have COVID-19? I don’t know. Why don’t I know? I can’t tell my patients if the are sick with coronavirus because there are no test kits available to me. However, test kits are widely available in many other countries including Iran, Japan, South Korea, Germany, or China. In fact, hundreds of thousands of coronavirus tests have been run in other countries. But, NOT in the US. As of Monday, March 2, 2020, the US has tested a few hundred people for coronavirus. According to the CDC, 337 more kits were released on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. Why are other countries able to test for coronavirus and we aren’t?!?! We are clearly getting cheated when it comes to healthcare. And, the CDC is very good at cheating us. They cheated us by stealing $1 billion dollars for the Zika non-epidemic. Now, they will get paid handsomely for their missteps with coronavirus.

WHO Experimenting on African Children Without Informed Consent

The World Health Organization (WHO), a pair of articles recently published in The BMJ have revealed, is sponsoring an experimental study of a controversial malaria vaccine among African children without obtaining informed consent from parents. Data from prior clinical trials of the vaccine, manufactured by the British multinational pharmaceutical corporation GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), have shown it to be associated with an increased risk of clinical malaria after four years, a tenfold increased risk of meningitis, an increased risk of cerebral malaria (in which the parasitic organisms block the flow of blood to the brain, causing swelling and potential brain damage), and an increased risk of death that was disproportionately higher for female children. Concerningly, apart from failing to properly inform parents about the risks or even letting parents know that their children are being experimented upon, the WHO intends to make a decision based on this trial about whether to recommend the vaccine for routine use throughout sub-Saharan Africa after just twenty-four months of study, which is not enough time to determine the vaccine’s effect on mortality. This is especially concerning in light of scientific research showing that other non-live vaccines—such as the diphtheria, tetanus, and whole-cell pertussis (DTP) vaccine—are associated with an increased rate of childhood mortality. The WHO, however, has dismissed this evidence and continues to recommend the DTP vaccine for routine use in children in developing countries. The behavior of policymakers at the WHO, while highly alarming, is not at all surprising given the organization’s conflicts of interest, including industry funding and members of its vaccine advisory group having financial ties to pharmaceutical companies. It should be of great concern to every free-thinking inhabitant of this planet that the WHO and UN, along with state governments around the world, are pushing for an ever-increasing number of childhood vaccinations while ignoring scientific evidence that doesn’t suit their political and financial agendas and while prejudicing the individual right to informed consent.

The Flu Shot Can Protect You From Coronavirus is FAKE News According to Medical Doctor

The headline in the February 25, 2020 article in the New York Times article reads, “How to prepare for the Coronavirus.” Right below the headline, in large font, it states, “Wash your hands. Keep a supply of medicines. Get a flu shot.” I have no problems with the idea of washing hands. That is a good antimicrobial technique. As for keeping a supply of medications, the author of the article is making the point of having a 30-day supply of medications on hand in case you cannot go out to get them. I have no issue with that advice. Get a flu shot? WHAT? WHERE DID THAT COME FROM? The writer states, “Infectious disease specialists strongly recommend flu vaccination. And the best protection for older people against bacterial pneumonia is, paradoxically, to vaccinate children…” Folks, this is another example of FAKE NEWS! The flu vaccine has never been shown to protect against pneumonia. I would suggest the opposite is true; those who get the flu vaccine will be more at risk for other non-flu-like infections such as coronavirus.

TONS of Vitamin C Arrive in Wuhan China

We can all agree that 50 tons of vitamin C pretty much qualifies as a megadose. We can also likely agree that trucking 50 tons of vitamin C, straight into Wuhan, full in the face of the COVID-19 epidemic, qualifies as news. The news media are not reporting this, or any other, significantly positive megavitamin news. We are so used to being lied to that the truth is like a diamond in a five-and-dime store: you can't believe it is real because it is mixed in with the fakes. News of nutrition-centered treatment of COVID-19 has been branded "fake news" and "false information." I say that what is "false" and "fake" is the deliberate omission of any news of health-saving, life-saving measures already underway to help the people of China and the rest of our planet.

Do We Need $2.5 BILLION for Coronavirus Vaccine? What Happened to the $2 BILLION Spent on the Zika Vaccine?

The White House is asking Congress for AT LEAST $2.5 billion in emergency funds, in part, to develop a vaccine for the Coronavirus outbreak. Before we give any governmental agency AT LEAST $2.5 billion dollars we should know how it is going to be spent. Recall the Zika scare from 2016. At that time we were being told by the US governmental agencies (FDA, CDC, and HHS) that somehow a relatively benign virus that has been around for nearly 100 years was suddenly causing birth defects in the form of small-headed babies. Congress ended up giving the CDC over $1 billion dollars to develop a Zika vaccine. Here we are 4 years later and…no Zika vaccine and no more reports of small-headed Zika infections. The reason there are no more reports is because Zika did not cause the problem in the first place. Zika is still occurring around the world and we are still surviving—without an epidemic of small-headed babies. The CDC should be the last governmental organization trusted with AT LEAST $2.5 billion dollars to study COVID-19. The CDC has consistently lied and hid data that shows our kids are suffering adverse effects from receiving too many vaccines. The CDC is the same organization that refuses to complete a study comparing children fully vaccinated against those unvaccinated. That study would provide the final answer to whether too many vaccines are harming our children.  The CDC was tasked with that study decades ago and has the available data available, and yet…we still have no study.

Will the Citizens of Maine Become the First to Overturn a Mandatory Vaccine Law by Popular Vote?

On May 24, 2019, Maine’s House of Representatives passed a bill (LD798) removing religious and philosophical vaccine exemptions to block Maine residents from getting an education in a public, private, parochial or trade school or enrolling in educational courses online. The bill was strongly opposed by grassroots health freedom groups and passed the state Senate by only one vote.  Unless it is vetoed by Maine voters in a ballot vote on Mar. 3, 2020, the new law will go into effect on Sept. 1, 2021. Mainers for Health and Parental Rights, a political action committee (PAC), filed paperwork with the state for a veto ballot referendum that would overturn the vaccine exemption repeal. In September 2019, the campaign filed 95,871 raw signatures, of which 79,056 were valid, exceeding the minimum of 63,067 signatures needed. On October 17, 2019, Maine Secretary of State Dunlap announced that the veto referendum qualified to appear on the ballot at the statewide election on March 3, 2020.

More Vitamin C Studies Approved in China to Fight Coronavirus: Therapy Censored in U.S.

On January 27, 2020 we published a press release from Orthomolecular Medicine News Service regarding Vitamin C and its use in treating the Coronavirus. It soon went viral on Facebook, until Facebook labeled it as "Fake News." Facebook partners with a website called "Lead Stories" to discredit news stories they do not want becoming popular on Facebook. Health Impact News is a popular target of "Lead Stories." Since we published this news release in January, however, several hospitals in China have begun to conduct trials on intravenous Vitamin C therapy, so it is hardly "Fake News" as Facebook is claiming. In fact, Facebook is the one guilty of promoting "Fake News" by erroneously claiming there is no proof that Vitamin C can help combat the Coronavirus, when in fact clinical research trials are well underway in China with ample evidence that should be shared with the public, and not suppressed, simply because U.S. sources in bed with Big Pharma do not want the public to have this information. Orthomolecular Medicine News Service editor Andrew Saul has just published an updated report, and he notes: "The World Health Organization (WHO) has, literally, met with Google and Facebook and other media giants to stop the spread of what they declare to be wrong information. Physician-directed, hospital-based administration of intravenous vitamin C has been marginalized or discredited. Scientific debate over COVID-19 appears to not be allowed. Ironically, Facebook, blocking any significant users' sharing of the news of approved vitamin therapy research, is itself blocked in China by the Chinese government. As for the internet, yes, China has it. And yes, it is censored. But, significantly, the Chinese government has not blocked this real news on how intravenous vitamin C will save lives in the COVID-19 epidemic." Hence, the news about Vitamin C therapy helping with the Coronavirus outbreak is found mostly in Chinese language websites, endorsed by the Communist China Government's controlled media, but mostly banned in the English language social media platforms like Facebook, or censored from Google search results.

U.S. Marines and Navy Prepare to Execute Pandemic Plan As Questions Resurface About Coronavirus Origin

Responding to the coronavirus outbreak in China, where tens of thousands of citizens suspected of being infected with coronavirus (COVID-2019) have been detained and involuntarily taken to quarantine camps, on Feb. 1, 2020 an executive order was issued by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), including the Joint Chiefs of Staff, directing the U.S. Northern Command to implement the DoD’s Global Campaign Plan for Pandemic and Infectious Diseases. On Feb. 12, 2020, orders were sent to the U.S. Marine Corps and Navy directing “geographic combatant commanders to execute their pandemic plans in response to the NCOV outbreak.” The U.S. Marine Corps directive told combat commanders to “review, update and validate existing disease containment plans and policies in order to implement procedures for response, isolation, quarantine, restriction of movement and community-based intervention” and to “become familiar with authority to declare a public health emergency, restrict movement, quarantine and isolate [and[ coordinate with Federal, State, local, and military treatment facilities and public health emergency officials…” The U.S. Navy directive stated, “DoD will continue to follow CDC guidance and comply with local public health authorities during this outbreak.” The scope of the mission of the U.S. Marines and U.S. Navy’s involvement in implementing the DoD’s Global Campaign Plan for Pandemic and Infectious Diseases in a civilian population is not clear as that Plan does not appear to have been publicly released by DoD. In general, however, the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act (PCA) prohibits the carte blanche use of military forces in civilian law enforcement in the U.S.

The Failure of the Influenza Vaccine According to the Medical Literature

Each year, U.S. public health officials and their media partners renew the campaign to sell the entire country (including pregnant women, six-month-olds and fragile senior citizens) on the need for and benefits of flu vaccines. Ordinarily, to persuade the public that a given vaccine is beneficial, officials must show that it is effective—in other words, that it is able to “prevent outcomes of interest in the ‘real world.’” However, influenza vaccination’s infamous ineffectiveness makes this talking point a bit tricky. And when vaccination does not “significantly reduce medically attended influenza illness,” it is hard to avoid the conclusion that the vaccine has bombed. As public health experts are well aware, many factors can lessen influenza vaccine effectiveness (VE), including particular characteristics of vaccine recipients and the vaccinesthemselves. The scientific literature also points to serious wrinkles that underscore influenza vaccination’s inability to deliver meaningful benefits and its propensity to create new problems. For example, studies show that getting flu vaccines year after year reduces the level of vaccine protection available; flu-vaccinated individuals are also more susceptible to other strains of influenza and severe respiratory infections. Recent studies even suggest that childhood influenza vaccination can lead to larger epidemics and “an overall health loss.” A vaccine expert who recently admitted to knowing less about influenza today than a decade ago lamented, “It’s much more complicated than we thought.”

Maryland Bills Would Allow Doctors to Vaccinate Minors without Parental Consent and Against Parents’ Objections

Two new Maryland bills: HB87 sponsored by Delegate Marc Korman and companion bill SB135 sponsored by Senator Brian Feldman, would allow minor children to consent to vaccination without parental consent. HB87 and SB135 authorize a health care provider to administer vaccines to minor children 16 years and older after obtaining “consent” of the minor child, even when the parent of the minor child objects to the immunization. Parents are not required to be notified when their child has been vaccinated. HB87 has been scheduled for a hearing on Wednesday, February 12, at 1:00 p.m. in the Health & Government Operations Committee. SB135 has been scheduled for a hearing on Tuesday, February 18 at 1:00 p.m. in the Senate Finance Committee.