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So far AdminM has created 1978 entries.

Virginia Bill to Allow Children to Decide on Vaccines without Parents’ Knowledge or Permission

SB104 would add amend and reenact §54.1-2969 of the Virginia Code, relating to vaccinations/immunizations; minors; authority to consent. The bill would allow doctors or other medical workers to administer vaccines recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to a minor child of any age after obtaining “consent” of the minor child and making a determination that the child has the ability to understand the risks and benefits associated with vaccines at the same comprehension level as an adult. SB104 also legally makes a minor child an adult for the purpose of denying the child’s parents or legal guardian access to the child’s medical records that contain information on which vaccines the child has received. The Virginia legislative session moves very quickly and your immediate action and close monitoring of this bad bill is vitally important.

Gardasil Vaccine Censorship Continues as Published Research Documenting Fertility Rates is Withdrawn

In June 2018, the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A published my article “A lowered probability of pregnancy in females in the USA aged 25-29 who received a human papillomavirus vaccine injection”.  Data revealed that 60% of women who had not received the HPV vaccine had been pregnant at least once, while only 35% of HPV vaccine recipients had ever conceived.  The article detailed the statistical analysis as well as offered possible biological mechanisms for the results.  Three researchers peer-reviewed the article.  When the article first appeared, the editors eagerly promoted it by making it free.  By early December 2019, the number of downloads reached close to 24,000. On October 23, 2019, I received an email stating that academic publisher Taylor & Francis and Editor-in-Chief Dr. Sam Kacew had opened an investigation of the paper, based on “several public and private expressions of concern about flaws in analysis.”  They gave me two weeks to respond to comments from four post-publication reviewers, and I did so.  On December 10, 2019, I received an email from Taylor and Francis stating that despite my comments, the “concerns raised by the reviewers still stand,” and they were retracting the article.  Since the retraction, the number of downloads has increased to 24, 227. It is perhaps ironic that Taylor & Francis has just asked me to review an article for another journal. Evidently, Taylor & Francis first promoted me as an important and reliable researcher. Then they withdrew my article without detailed explanation. And now, just a few days later, once again treat me as an important and reliable researcher.

New Jersey Wants to Restrict Religious Exemptions to Vaccines

We wanted to alert you to some legislative activity threatening vaccine exemptions in New Jersey that requires immediate action. We are asking you to communicate your opposition to S2173 to your legislators right away Tuesday December 10th through the scheduled hearing on Thursday, December 12th. S2173 is scheduled for a hearing in the Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee on Thursday, Dec. 12, 2019 at 2:00 PM in Committee Room 4, on the 1st Floor of the State House Annex in Trenton. Please attend and testify against this bill if you are able. S2173 places burdensome, discriminatory and intrusive barriers on the exercise of a religious exemption. It requires a parent or guardian to justify their religious exemption by providing notarized sworn written documentation. This includes but isn’t limited to an explanation of the nature of the person’s religious tenet or practice that is implicated by the vaccination, how the administration of the vaccine would violate, contradict or be inconsistent with that tenet or practice, and information that indicates that the religious tenet or practice is consistently held by the person. Also, the bill is at strong risk for being further amended to totally eliminate the religious exemption during the hearing on 12/12/2019 in a similar way the companion bill A3818 was already amended to eliminate the religious exemption. In order for a bill to pass the legislature in New Jersey, it has to pass both houses before it is sent to the governor. A3818 still has to have a full vote by the Assembly and the next possible date for that vote would be Dec. 16, 2019. Calls are needed to oppose companion A3818 as well. The NJ Legislative Session is a two year session that is scheduled to end on 1/7/2020. It is critical that S2173 and A3818 are stopped in this home stretch.

Study: Medical Errors Top Cause of Death Worldwide – 4 out of 10 Patients Harmed

A new report published by the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 2.6 million people die annually in low-and middle-income countries from medical errors, and that most of those deaths are related to misdiagnosis and administration of pharmaceutical products. According to the WHO: “Four out of every ten patients are harmed during primary and ambulatory health care. The most detrimental errors are related to diagnosis, prescription and the use of medicines.”

Witnessing The Vaccine Injury Epidemic: We will NOT be Silent! We will NOT Give Up!

For many children, the natural order of life will never be completed. Some have already died. Some will one day join the ranks of the working disabled. And others will grow old and die in state homes with the bodies of adults and the brains of babies. For these children, the natural order of life has been forever changed by man-made viral and bacterial vaccines they were required by law to use. We are here today to witness the suffering of children, who have no voice and have no choice except the voice and choice that we, their mothers and fathers, give to them. Science is not perfect, doctors are not infallible, and vaccines carry unpredictable risks that are greater for some people. If we do not get up off our knees and stop worshiping scientists and doctors who have too little knowledge and have been given too much power, tomorrow we will not be able to get on a bus, train or plane; enter a store or sports arena; obtain a driver’s license or passport, file our taxes or function in society without getting every vaccine that industry creates and the government orders us to get. It is time to reject the cruel pseudo-ethic of utilitarianism propping up mandatory vaccination laws that justify child sacrifice by reducing what is moral to a mathematical equation. When the State considers one of us to be expendable, then we are all considered expendable. And if the State can tag, track down and force individuals to be injected with biologicals of known and unknown toxicity today, then there will be no limit on which individual freedoms the state can take away in the name of the greater good tomorrow. There is no greater calling for Americans in the 21st century than to defend those civil and human rights that protect against tyranny. We will not be silent. We will not go away. We will never give up. We are the daughters and sons of liberty, and our mission continues: No forced vaccination. Not in America.

Big Pharma and Corporate Media Finally Admit the Oral Polio Vaccine is a Failure – Causes Polio Instead of Preventing It

In an almost unprecedented admission of vaccine failure, National Public Radio (NPR) recently published a show explaining how the present-day oral polio vaccine is a failure, and is actually contributing to the rise of polio in poor countries. In it's Weekend Edition Saturday show, NPR's Scott Simon and Jason Beaubien produced a show titled: "How The Oral Polio Vaccine Can Cause Polio." They report that the U.S. CDC is now recognizing that there is a problem with the oral polio vaccine, which as a live-virus vaccine is actually causing polio around the world, a fact reported here at Health Impact News for over 6 years now. Of course when we, or any other alternative media source, report this or any other negative news about vaccines, it is labeled as "Fake News," and it is censored in social media, particularly on Facebook, if the article becomes too popular. Apparently, this problem of polio being caused by the oral polio vaccine has become such a problem worldwide, that someone gave NPR the approval to cover the story, probably for "damage control." For the many years that Health Impact News has been covering the oral polio vaccine tragedy around the world, a vaccine that has long been rejected as unsafe and not used in the U.S., Europe, Israel, and other wealthy nations, but is crippling children in poor countries like India, Africa and Pakistan, Big Pharma and their sponsored "mainstream" media have been criticizing parents in these countries as being "uneducated" for refusing the vaccine which is then forced upon them, often at gun point. This is just another example of the fact that vaccines can never survive in a free market where one has to prove the success of one's product to survive in the marketplace, but that government intervention, censorship of science and harmful side effects, and physical force is necessary to get people to comply with mandated vaccinations. Will future world wars and national revolutions arise from vaccine resistance?

Vaxxed vs. Unvaxxed – What Does the Science Say?

Part six in our series of studies comparing health outcomes among vaccinated vs unvaccinated populations. Once again, chronic illness plagues the vaccinated cohorts. CDC and Pharma make great efforts to block researchers from performing these studies and to prevent the journals from publishing them. Nonetheless, independent scientists have persisted and their reports have evaded the censors. Public health advocates willing to search can find them in quiet abundance among the peer-reviewed literature on Pubmed.

Dr. Brownstein Exposes Fake News About Flu Shot in WSJ

My friend Brad texted me during the Michigan-Michigan State football game yesterday telling me I have to read the flu shot article in the WSJ and write about it. Well, I got home from the BIG Michigan victory (Go Blue!) and promptly read the November 16, 2019 article. This article must have been supplied to the WSJ writer by Big Pharma as this was nothing more than a promotional spot for why we should be vaccinated against the flu. Fake News: The flu vaccine has NEVER been shown to protect those aged 65 and older. And, 79,000 dying from the flu last year? No way.   The CDC annually gins up the number of deaths from the flu by reporting pneumonia and flu deaths as one number. Then, the CDC reports this number as the total dying from the flu. The number who die from the flu range from a few hundred to a few thousand per year. Since the flu vaccine does not prevent pneumonia, and pneumonia deaths vastly outnumber flu deaths sometimes 20-40x, there is simply no reason to lump the numbers together unless you want to unnecessarily scare the population into getting a flu vaccine. The flu shot has NEVER BEEN SHOWN TO REDUCE SERIOUS COMPLICATIONS SUCH AS PNEUMONIA OR HOSPTILIZATION FROM INFLUENZA INFECTION IN CHILDREN, HEALTHY ADULTS AND THE ELDERLY!

Recording Surfaces of Illinois Department of Health Planning to Medically Kidnap Newborns from Parents Who Refuse Vitamin K Shot at Birth

Earlier this year (2019) the Chicago Tribune reported on a federal lawsuit where parents sued several doctors at three hospitals and DCFS for medically kidnapping their newborn infants simply for refusing the Vitamin K shot at birth. Megan Fox, writing for PJ Media, has published a recording from an April 12, 2018 meeting of the Perinatal Advisory Committee (PAC) that operates under the Illinois Department of Public Health. In the recording, health officials that apparently include doctors and possibly nurses who are authorized to give the Vitamin K shot to newborns, discuss how they can work together with the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) to take custody of newborn babies from parents who refuse the Vitamin K shot at birth. The members of the Health Department basically conclude that since it is DCFS policy to mandate the Vitamin K shot, that medical professionals have the authority to take custody of the child and administer the Vitamin K shot over the objections of the parents, even without DCFS involvement. Such "custody" can be as little as only "2 minutes," the time it takes to give the shot. So basically Illinois Health Department officials decided in a meeting that they had authority to take a child away from the parents, without DCFS involvement, without parental approval, and with no court or judge's order to take custody, and forcibly inject the newborn child with the Vitamin K shot.

Western Pharmaceutical Companies using People in India as Human Lab Rats to Deliberately Infect with Diseases to Develop New Vaccines

An opinion article in The Sunday Guardian by Jacob Puliyel, MD, focuses on the plan to conduct unethical medical experiments in which  human beings are deliberately infected with infectious diseases in order to develop possible vaccines. These experiments are classified as “human infection model”. They are to be conducted first, in India, a population that the pharmaceutical industry very often exploits with impunity. Such experimentation on human beings crosses the line of permissible medical experiments as defined in the Nuremberg Code. Such a development should raise loud alarm bells because it signals a return to ghastly human experimentation made possible by the collusion of government with the chemical/ pharmaceutical industry.