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So far AdminM has created 1978 entries.

Has the Gardasil HPV Vaccine Really Eliminated Cervical Cancer in Australia? Statistics Show Increase of Cancer Rates After Vaccine Introduced

In our September 18th debate for Spectrum TV, Kaiser’s Chief of Pediatrics, Dr. Robert Riewerts, parroted Pharma’s popular canard that the Gardasil vaccine has eliminated cervical cancer in Australia—the first country to mandate the jab. This is false. Gardasil actually increases the risk of cervical cancer by a terrifying 44.6% among women who were exposed to HPV infection prior to vaccination. If anyone ever bullies you to take Gardasil, look up “Gardasil Vaccine Insert” on your cell phone to see all of the adverse events and show them this table.

Why Are UK Experts Recommending the HPV Vaccine for Seniors Over 60 Years Old?

On September 28, 2019, The Daily Mail published an article titled "Now give every ADULT the cancer-fighting HPV vaccination and save 'thousands of lives', experts demand as evidence shows the jab can slash the cancer risk for grown-ups too." The article states that leading HPV expert and president of the International Papillomavirus Society, Professor Margaret Stanley, OBE, told reporters that there was a spike in the incidence of HPV cancers when people entered their 60s because their immune systems became weaker over time.  She stated: "HPV breaks the usual rules of vaccination. Vaccinating older, infected people will make it less likely that cancers will develop." However, Health Impact News found no evidence to support her claim. In fact, according to our information, if a person is already infected with the HPV virus, getting vaccinated could, in fact, increase, not decrease their chances of getting cancer. In 2018, we reported that according to the research of French oncologist Dr. Gérard Delépine, the HPV vaccine Gardasil was actually associated with an increased rate of cervical cancer among patients. If Dr. Delépine’s research is correct, then if everyone in Britain were to be vaccinated with the HPV vaccine, there is an extremely high possibility that the rates for cervical cancer in Britain could increase.

How Did One California Doctor Become the Vaccine Czar with the Power to Force Every Other Doctor to Obey Her Wishes on Vaccine Exemptions?

SB276/714 – the bills which limited the exemption criteria for vaccine injury and put every physicians writing more than 4 a year under the scrutiny of the California Public Health Department - did not appear out of nowhere this year. Dr. Charity Dean, friend of Senator Pan, planned a multi-year campaign to propel herself up the ranks of the Public Health Department which culminated in her current position where she will oversee the review and revocation of all vaccine medical exemptions under SB276/SB714, leaving hundreds of well-intentioned, legitimate physicians throughout California wrongly discredited in her wake. A Voice for Choice Advocacy urges the Governor, our California State Senators and Assembly Members and the mainstream media to investigate and take action to stop the witch hunt and allow physicians to practice medicine without fear of unwarranted investigation, and specifically to remove Dr. Charity Dean from her post until the investigation is complete.

Beware of Medicine Marching in Lockstep With Government – Personal Reflections From a Holocaust Survivor

As a child survivor of the Holocaust I learned indelible lessons about the nature of evil. I was 31/2 years old when my family was uprooted & chased out of our home in Romania. We were herded into a concentration camp, where my father died. My experience as a child has sensitized me to the threat posed by government dictates that sever parents’ right to protect their children. Not only is protecting one’s child a parental human right; it is a primal instinct. What makes the Holocaust unique is that at every step of the murderous process medical doctors & medical institutions endorsed and lent the veneer of legitimacy to mass murder of millions of civilians. By the mid-1950s, the pharmaceutical industry was a global business whose singular objective was profits without regard for the harm caused by a defective drug or vaccine. So why is the pharmaceutical industry so powerful? The answer is collusion by the medical establishment, by government, and Big Pharma. This unholy alliance works in tandem to promote widespread uptake of new drugs and vaccines – disregarding the harm caused in pursuit of profits.

Polio Making a Comeback Due to Oral Polio Vaccine

Recent news reports confirm the worst fears: the oral polio vaccine has caused crippling paralysis because live strains of the oral polio virus in the vaccine have mutated and have become virulent. The vaccine-derived type 2 poliovirus is spreading throughout Africa: Ghana, Angola, Cameroon, Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, and Somalia. Type 1 vaccine-derived poliovirus cases have been reported in the Philippines, Myanmar, Indonesia, New Guinea. In January 2019, the WHO did not call the world’s attention to the critical threat of polio paralysis for children in countries that had followed the vaccination recommendation of the WHO. Instead, officials of the WHO declared “vaccine hesitancy” as posing one of the 10 most serious threats to public health in 2019 — on par with Ebola. That “fake public health threat” announced by the WHO was widely disseminated by the media, and used as ammunition by the vaccine lobby which is using its enormous financial clout to exert pressure on government officials around the globe to enact mandatory childhood vaccination laws – thereby stripping parents of their parental authority to protect their child from medical interventions that they have reason to believe, will put their child in harm’s way. Protecting one’s child is not only a human right, it is a parental mammalian instinct.

Babies Born in U.S. 76% More Likely to Die Before 1st Birthday Than Infants in Other Wealthy Nations

The United States spends over $230 billion annually on children’s personal health care, representing about 8.4% of total U.S. health care spending. Spending jumped by 56% between 1996 and 2013—with some of the increase likely covering vaccine program costs that began “dramatically” escalating in the 1990s—but these substantial outlays are not translating into a rosy health picture for American children. Instead, leading child health indicators seem to be giving new meaning to the phrase “geography is destiny.” International comparisons show that the U.S. has ranked lowest among twenty developed nations for child mortality since the 1990s and currently ranks behind 55 other countries worldwide for infant mortality. The U.S. also lags behind other developed countries in terms of the rate at which infant mortality is declining—in fact, infant mortality due to prematurity or low birthweight began trending upward in the late 1980s. At present, U.S.-born children are 76% more likely to die before their first birthday than infants in other wealthy nations—with 1 out of every 270 American babies dying in their first year of life as of 2015. Thus, from infancy on, young Americans are confronted with the challenge of beating terrible odds.

Illinois Parents Sue Doctors, Hospitals, and DCFS for Medical Kidnapping After Refusing Vitamin K Shot at Birth

In the moments after Angela Bougher gave birth last winter, she and her husband, a suburban Chicago pastor, were eager to hold their new baby girl. But as Bougher was being treated in the delivery room, the couple contends, a nurse picked up the infant to administer a vitamin K shot, a common practice in maternity wards across the country to help a baby’s blood-clotting ability in case of emergency. The Boughers said they are not “anti-vaxxers” or against any procedure they believe to be medically necessary, but they didn’t think the shot was in that category. They had agreed to sign a waiver confirming their wishes that the new baby — their fifth child — not receive vitamin K, based on their beliefs that God’s creation isn’t automatically deficient or flawed at birth. But instead of offering them a form, the Boughers allege, the nurse announced she was reporting the couple to the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services and left the room with the newborn. On Monday, the Boughers and several other parents filed a sweeping federal lawsuit accusing the agency, its current and former leaders, a number of doctors and three hospitals of violating their constitutional rights just after the births of their children.

When Doctors Become Law Enforcement: Forced Vaccines for All Children Regardless of Medical Conditions

Witnessing in their own words on the National Vaccine Information Center’s Cry for Vaccine Freedom Wall at NVIC.org, the suffering of people being abused by medical doctors enforcing one-size-fits-all vaccine policies is being revealed. Americans from all walks of life are describing the trauma of being threatened, coerced and punished by doctors violating the informed consent ethic, who have abandoned the precautionary principle of “First, do no harm” and are behaving more like prison guards than compassionate healers. When doctors and legislators are taught to consider individuals unable to get vaccinated without being harmed as expendable, and treat people defending informed consent rights like public enemy Number One, the practice of medicine and public health lawmaking has lost its way and become a prescription for prejudice, discrimination and abuse. Does the thought of going to the doctor or taking your child to a pediatrician fill you with anxiety or even fear because your doctor refuses to listen to you, makes you feel stupid and doesn’t seem to care about your child’s individual health needs? Are you concerned that your doctor will threaten or deny you or your child medical care if you decline even one of the dozens of doses of vaccines that government health officials tell your doctor to give to every patient? You are not alone. If the politically powerful Pharma-led forced vaccination lobby gets its way, all personal belief vaccine exemptions will be stripped from public health laws. Doctors employed by state health departments will be given the authority to deny vaccine vulnerable children a school education if a doctor in private practice has granted a medical exemption to vaccination for a reason that is not approved by the federal government. The goal is to force all doctors to become agents of the state without the power to depart from government policy, even if implementing government policy will increase the risk of injury or death for an individual.

Judge Protects Merck Pharmaceutical Company Instead of the Public by Allowing Merck to Hide Side Effects of FDA Approved Drugs

A Reuters investigative report reveals how Federal judges are complicit in shielding pharmaceutical giants like Merck & Co. by allowing the company to conceal the evidence of real risks of harm from widely prescribed drugs. The risks are concealed from physicians and the public. “It goes without saying that the more information a physician has, the more he can share with the patient and the more informed the decision-making process becomes.” —  Nelson Novick, MD Merck’s Corporate Rap Sheet includes court adjudicated lawsuit findings against the company which has paid multi-billion dollars in settlements for False Claims, Product Safety/Concealment of serious adverse effects, Bribery, Tax fraud, and more. Multiple Merck products caused severe harm, including deaths; these include: the arthritis drug Indocin®  (1960s); the widely prescribed drug for pregnant women, diethylstilbestrol (DES)®  drug that caused women vaginal cancer (1970s); Vioxx®, the painkiller prescribed for arthritis (1999-2004) caused, 140,000 heart attacks and an estimated30 to 60,000 deaths. Merck paid $4.85 Billion to settle Vioxx lawsuits.  Another controversial drug is Fosamax®  prescribed for osteoporosis (1990s) which causes osteonecrosis of the jaw and thighbone fractures; Januvia® , linked to pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer, and severe joint pain. A Reuters investigative reporter Dan Evine, reveals how Judge Brian Cogan – who sat in judgment over 900 Propecia®  lawsuits in New York federal court – enabled Merck to conceal the documents that proved the company’s culpability.

Dr. Meryl Nass: Why are Legislatures Imposing Vaccine Mandates Now?

I am a veteran of the vaccine war in the US, and today I feel compelled to speak about what I saw in that war.  Legislators were forced to change their votes to revoke vaccine exemptions and rescind the historic right to consent to medical procedures. The vaccine war is a dirty war, in which platitudes about protecting the most vulnerable are invoked by the same pharmaceutical companies that paid $2.7 billion in criminal penalties in the US between 2012 and 2015. The vaccine industry generates enormous profits (estimated 10-40%), benefits from a government-guaranteed market, and receives almost total liability protection.  No other industry can rival these benefits. Let me add context to this discussion by noting that in 2014, the NY Times said it cost $2200 to fully vaccinate one child. At that price, it cost $163 billion dollars to fully vaccinate every US child. Vaccine mandates guarantee a vaccine market, now and in the future. Mandates put in place today will enforce the uptake of vaccines on the currently required list, plus other vaccines yet to be added.