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So far AdminM has created 1978 entries.

Finnish Citizens Conduct Own Vaccine Safety Study and Question Health Authorities Letting 12-Year-Olds Make Own Decisions About HPV Vaccine without Parental Consent

A support group comprised of vaccine-injured and their families in Finland circulated an internet-based questionnaire to find out if there could be an association between vaccinations and healthy children or adolescents/adults falling ill.  Once the results were compiled and analyzed, it was impossible for them to find a medical professional willing to help them get the results published in a peer-reviewed medical journal. They contacted academics from their own country and abroad. All of those contacts agreed that the study has been conducted well and that it deserved to be published, but none of them were willing to co-author the manuscript because of the controversial nature of the topic. In other words, they were afraid of being bullied and losing their position. "How ethical is it to give the HPV-vaccine without informed consent and to advertise it is safe and effective and leave the decision to 12 years old girls?"

Our Battle after Gardasil: 13 Year Old Girl’s Life Damaged

This story started when my daughter Chiara was 13 years old, now she is 18. She used to be a very good athlete with symptoms from Hashimoto’s thyroiditis with high levels of anti-thyroid peroxidase antibodies. These were already known much before receiving the HPV vaccine. She was really a good athlete and Hashimoto’s did not stop her from participating in the World Championship Karate in Caorle where she had the first place twice. In 2010, she took the brown belt. Apart from Karate interest, Chiara’s other hobbies included painting, singing and practicing all kind of sports. That was Chiara’s profile before Gardasil. Six years have already passed since the Gardasil treatment and the strong headache, dizziness, osteochondritis, Hashimoto’s, articular and abdominal pains are still there. Moreover, she is still under a strict diet that prevents her from taking milk derivatives and food containing gluten. This is my daughter’s story and I wrote it to bring you about the injuries that Gardasil could cause. I hope our experience could help any of you to make the best decision and deeply investigate before subject your son to any HPV vaccine. Above all, I hope Chiara and all the other survivors of new medical conditions after HPV vaccinations find treatments to help them get their normal lives back.

Time to Repeal the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act that Protects Big Pharma While Injuring and Killing Children

As the Children’s Health Defense eBook, Conflicts of Interest Undermine Children’s Health, tries to make clear, the passage of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) in 1986 was a watershed event that emboldened vaccine manufacturers and their public- and private-sector accomplices—notably the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)—to systematically hide the serious damage caused by vaccines. In addition to making a mockery of pre-licensing safety testing and post-marketing surveillance, these entities have regularly manipulated (or destroyed) data to exaggerate both the benefits and effectiveness of vaccination. Manufacturers have also used their money and power to subordinate the mainstream media, medical journals and front groups, making it possible to publish and broadcast deceptive studies that whitewash questions inconvenient to the financial bottom line. From multiple standpoints—not least of which is children’s dismal state of health—the status quo is untenable. Three of the most urgent steps to be taken include repealing the NCVIA, eliminating vaccine mandates (making both childhood and adult vaccination voluntary) and addressing conflicts of interest by establishing a fully transparent and independent vaccine safety commission.

Teen Girl Loses Memory of 3 Months of her Life and 1/3 of Her Body Weight after HPV Vaccination – Barely Escapes Medical Kidnapping

A month after I had taken ill, I was back in hospital waiting to have an MRI scan to check for a brain tumour or encephalitis. Luckily the results came back negative and through a process of elimination I was given a probable diagnosis of ME [Myalgic Encephalomyelitis] probably caused by the HPV vaccine. School started back at the beginning of September, but I was so ill and in a wheelchair by now, so I was unable to go. The next thing I remember is the Christmas decorations being up. It was on the 16th of December. I have no recollection of those 3 months. The only information I have is what my mum and dad have told me. I had to be spoon fed my food with great difficulty and after 3 months I had lost 1/3 of my body weight. I could not walk or talk. The children’s mental health services weren’t very helpful. They did not know how to help me, they did not believe or understand how ill I had been. A social worker and police officer came to speak with my mum and dad to prevent us from going on a holiday. I demonstrated that I had no problems with the stairs and initially they had no problem with us leaving. However, when they rang their manager the psychiatrist had put in a first stage referral which meant they could not allow me to leave. I was distraught as was my sister. I had been working towards this holiday for weeks. We spent several hours in discussion with the social worker, police and my doctor. As my dad and I left for the hospital my mum had to sign a form which stated that if they took me on holiday without consent from the hospital both my sister and I would be taken into care. The consequences of what my psychiatrist did were massive. I developed trust issues...

Self-Appointed Internet Police Declare MedicalKidnap.com and DOJ Vaccine Court Reports Fake News

Health Impact News was recently contacted by John Gregory, a medical reporter working for the company NewsGuard, a self-appointed Internet policing group that awards "nutrition badge" ratings for websites determining if they are "reliable" or not. Mr. Gregory accused me right up front of publishing "false" claims, and asked me to comment on a list of articles in our network that he determined were "false." Curiously, one of the articles he chose to exhibit as something published that was "false" was one of our articles on the Department of Justice quarterly reports on compensated cases for vaccine injuries and deaths in the U.S. Vaccine Court, submitted every three months to the federal government Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV) under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The article is reporting what is public information from government sources. When they gave Health Impact News a negative rating, they even gave a negative rating to Created4Health.org, which is not even a news site but a site where I publish my devotional articles based on Bible studies. They also gave a negative rating to MedicalKidnap.com. Mr Gregory accused us of simply taking unverified social media posts from parents who claimed their children were being kidnapped by the state, and asked us if we even bothered to verify their stories. There is strong evidence that NewsGuard is comprised of "old-school journalists" who represent corporate interests, and are doing everything they can to squelch free speech on the Internet, especially in social media platforms. Health Impact News provides a free service to the public that often is seldom found elsewhere, and that is especially true with our Medical Kidnapping stories, where we are one of the few places parents can come to and find a platform to tell the world what is happening to America's children who are being kidnapped by the State, and often end up being sexually trafficked. What a shame it would be if the corporate censorship forces get their way. What can you do to fight corporate censorship?

Google is Now a Pharmaceutical Company

Google’s burgeoning ties to Big Pharma have been exposed with the disclosure of its new pharmaceutical division, which just happens to be led by the former head of GlaxoSmithKline’s global vaccine business. As cautioned by Progressive Radio Network journalists Gary Null, PhD and Richard Gale, “Google today is not only a weapon for promoting the pharmaceutical agenda but now also a drug company itself.” It has been obvious for some time now that Google’s algorithms have been adjusted to make it more difficult to find information, including information about vaccines, that doesn’t align with the messages about health and medical care that are approved by government and the pharmaceutical industry. In some cases, no matter how specific a search question is, or how it is worded and re-worded, the search results stubbornly return the same tired but mainstream medical authority-approved results.

Barbara Loe Fisher of The National Vaccine Information Center Named “Game Changer of the Year”

Each year during the anniversary week of Mercola.com, we recognize a Game Changer, someone whose work stands as a great service to humanity by making a significant contribution to improving people's health. This year, we present the Game Changer Award to Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), a nonprofit charity that provides information on vaccine safety and efficacy on the internet. NVIC was founded in 1982 by parents of vaccine injured children — Fisher being one of them. Fisher’s oldest son suffered a vaccine injury in 1980 following his fourth DPT shot, leaving him with mild brain damage resulting in learning disabilities and attention deficit disorder. NVIC’s goal is to “[prevent] vaccine injuries and deaths through public education and safety reforms,” Fisher told The New York Times in 2001. Fisher’s two other children received all recommended vaccines with the exception of the whole-cell pertussis that injured her oldest son. “The vaccine-safety and informed-consent movement has never been about telling parents not to vaccinate. We're pro-education and pro-informed consent, not antivaccine. There is a difference. It is immoral to write off an unknown number of children as expendable in the name of the greater good to justify public health policy,” Barbara told The New York Times. This is a stance Fisher and NVIC have maintained ever since its inception, even though critics choose to portray the organization as a source of dangerous antivaccine propaganda.

Will California Governor Newsom Follow Colorado Governor Polis’ Example and Reject Vaccine Mandates That Eliminate Medical Exemptions?

While proponents of Senate Bill (SB) 276 act as if vaccine-inflicted injuries and deaths don’t exist, the big question is whether their fellow lawmakers and Governor will ignore the federal law of the land and growing chorus of informed Democrat voices coming out against the assault on exemptions from mandatory vaccinations that cannot be made safe for all our sons and daughters. Democrat Gov. Jared Polis made national headlines when he took a strong stand for medical freedom and torpedoed legislation in Colorado that mirrors the bills that have been introduced in states like New York, Oregon and California. When asked about vaccination mandates? “You can’t do that at the point of a gun,” Polis told Hill.TV’s Krystal Ball and Buck Sexton during an interview on “Rising.” “When the government tries to force parents to do this, it creates distrust in both vaccinations and distrust in government,” added Polis, whose state has one of the lowest vaccination rates in the country.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Publishes Censored Response to Kennedy Family’s Criticisms on Vaccine Safety Which Exposes Industry Corruption

In early May 2019, Politico Magazine published an article written by three of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s relatives, criticizing his advocacy for safe vaccines. After numerous requests, Politico magazine has refused to publish his response. So he has published it himself: Three of my Kennedy relatives recently published an article criticizing my advocacy for safe vaccines. I love my family and sympathize with their anxieties when I call out government officials for corruption. The Kennedys have a long, close, and continuing relationship with public health agencies so it is understandably difficult for us to believe that powerful regulators would lie about vaccines. “All issues are simple,” the saw goes, “until you study them.” I’ve arrived at my skepticism after 15 years spent researching and litigating this issue. I have watched financial conflicts and institutional self-interest transform key sectors of our public health bureaucracies into appendages of the very pharmaceutical companies that Congress charged them to regulate. My uncle and my father argued that in a free and open society, the response to difficult questions should never be to shut down debate. What we need is science, not censorship. I am not anti-vax. I am pro-safety and pro-science. I want robust, transparent safety studies and independent regulators. These do not seem like the kind of radical demands that should divide our party or our families. As Americans and Kennedys, we ought to be able to have a civil, science-based debate about these legitimate concerns.

What Happened to the California Medical Board’s Concerns About SB 276 and Restricting Doctors Who Write Exemptions for Vaccines? Who Changed Their Minds?

During their quarterly meeting on August 8, 2019, The California Medical Board (CMB) surprisingly, or maybe not so surprisingly, voted to support SB276, Senator Richard Pan’s medical exemption bill that places narrow restrictions on doctors’ abilities to write vaccine exemptions for school aged children. SB276 is not about vaccines, it is a bill regarding the exemption process required to fulfill California’s school vaccine mandate. The bill, in an unprecedented way, hands over the jurisdiction of reviewing and revoking the medical opinions of physicians from the CMB to the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and California Department of Health and Human Services (CHHS). In May, when the Board previously voted to “Support SB276 in Concept” - the concept being that physicians writing fraudulent medical exemptions should be investigated - CMB Members raised a number of concerns on the bill. These concerns were not addressed by the most recent amendments to SB276, nor were they brought up for discussion at yesterday’s board meeting. So it is surprising that the CMB changed their position to Support SB276. What (or who) made them change their positions?